Flags in FAC and ABR
Table of Contents
- 1 Button for Drill-Down Data
- 2 Fact/Transaction Development Area (FACSBE)
- 3 Period/Transaction Development Area (ABRSBE)
- 4 Combinations of Entries in Data Types/Transaction Development Area (FACSBE) and Periods/Transaction Development Area (ABRSBE)
1 Button for Drill-Down Data
For each fact (application FAC) and settlement period (application ABR), it is possible to control which balances or balance outlines should be led to the account balances by means of switches. Switches are included for the following details:
- IC sub-account balances (ICKTOSAL)
- Controlling balances (KSTSAL)
- IC fixed asset transactions (ICANLBEW)
- IC Stocks of Stocks (ICVOR)
IDL.KONSIS assumes the management of drill-down data if the corresponding switches or hooks are set both for the period and for the facts (i.e. not equal to '-' or hooks). If the switch in FAC or ABR is not set (i.e. is equal to '-' or empty) for a data inventory, then:
- No status display in company financial statements + monitor EA
- There is no re-encryption of data to another fact with the data type transfer (GESABV)
- There is no currency conversion of the data. This may lead to, for example, account balances on capital accounts with the conversion rule 'FDK' (historical) being converted to closing rate instead,
- posting key is optional for postings and consolidation postings.
2 Fact/Transaction Development Area (FACSBE)
You can activate any number of transaction development areas per Transaction development per fact. The combinations can be very diverse. To ensure a clear presentation, the activation of transaction development areas per fact has been moved to a separate application. This application is called "Data Types/transaction development area" (FACSBE).
Depending on the sort option, the application overview can display the assignments as a matrix (column option 'M') or as a list (column option 'L').
To activate a transaction development area per Transaction development and fact, a value must be selected from the drop-down list in the respective field. Only after the input is saved (diskette symbol in the menu bar) the value is transferred to the database. The delete of an entry is not possible. However, the equivalent value '-' can be entered for this.
Transaction development area management can take the following forms:
- '-':
- Development transactions for this transaction development area are not maintained or tested on this fact (no status display in EA).
- 'A':
- The account balance is automatically calculated from the total development transactions per account. The account balances for these accounts can only be generated from the development transactions. This value cannot be set if the transaction development area is declared as automatic. If the switch is set to 'A', the switch must also not be set to '0' in any period in the Periods/transaction development area application (ABRSBE).
- 'M':
- Development transactions for this transaction development area are maintained manually. This also means that for a transaction development area declared as "automatic", there is no automatic function that generates the difference between the account balance and the total of the development transactions as a change in the current period.
- 'X':
- Development transactions for this transaction development area are maintained as defined.
If a Transaction development contains several tested transaction development areas, such as the statement of fixed assets, these transaction development areas must always be assigned the same value. If one of the tested transaction development areas changes, the other tried-and-tested transaction development areas are automatically adjusted.
3 Period/Transaction Development Area (ABRSBE)
You can activate any number of transaction development areas per Transaction development per period. The combinations can be very diverse. To ensure a clear presentation, the capitalization of transaction development areas per period has been moved to a separate application. This application is called "Periods/transaction development area" (ABRSBE).
Depending on the sort option, the application overview can display the assignments as a matrix (column option 'M') or as a list (column option 'L'). The amount of the periods can be restricted in the selection area to individual periods (plus a non-changeable comparison period) or to a period interval.
To activate a transaction development area per Transaction development and period, a value must be selected from the drop-down list in the respective field. Only after the input is saved (diskette symbol in the menu bar) the value is transferred to the database. The delete of an entry is not possible. However, the equivalent value '-' can be entered for this.
Transaction development area management can take the following forms:
- '-':
- Development transactions for this transaction development area are not maintained or tested on this fact (no status display in EA).
- '0':
- During this period, development transactions for this transaction development area are maintained only for a part of the companies or accounts. This takes into account the more common practice that investment movements should only be carried out for holding accounts. If development transactions are available, they are checked for consistency with the account balances. If there are no development transactions, no trials are carried out. The switch may only be set to '0' if the analog FACSBE switch is not set to 'A' in any fact.
- 'F':
- During this period, development transactions for this transaction development area are maintained only for foreign currency companies (local currency unequal group currency) (such as 'X'). For companies with local currency equal to group currency, no testing (such as '-') is performed. This takes into account the case, which is more common in practice, that equity is to be converted historically.
- 'M':
- Development transactions for this transaction development area are maintained manually. This also means that for a transaction development area declared as "automatic", there is no automatic function that generates the difference between the account balance and the total of the development transactions as a change in the current period.
- 'X':
- Development transactions for this transaction development area are maintained as defined.
If a Transaction development contains several tested transaction development areas, such as the statement of fixed assets, these transaction development areas must always be assigned the same value.
Existing motion data is automatically carried forward in each period regardless of this switch.
4 Combinations of Entries in Data Types/Transaction Development Area (FACSBE) and Periods/Transaction Development Area (ABRSBE)
The entries in the Data Types/transaction development area and Periods/transaction development area application may differ. The following table provides information on how the different combinations work.
ABRSPI \ FACSPI | - | A | M | X |
- | nein | nein | nein | nein |
0 (keine Bewegungen) | nein | nicht erlaubt | nicht erlaubt | nein |
0 (Daten vorhanden) | nein | nicht erlaubt | nicht erlaubt | ja |
F (Konzernwährung) | nein | nicht erlaubt | nein | nein |
F (Fremdwährung) | nein | nicht erlaubt | ohne Automatik | ja |
M | nein | nicht erlaubt | ohne Automatik | ohne Automatik |
X | nein | generierte Salden | ohne Automatik | ja |
ABRSPI \ FACSPI | - | A | M | X |
- | no | no | no | no |
0 (no transactions) | no | not allowed | not allowed | no |
0 (data available) | no | not allowed | not allowed | yes |
F (group currency) | no | not allowed | no | no |
F (foreign currency) | no | not allowed | without automatic | yes |
M | no | not allowed | without automatic | without automatic |
X | no | generated balances | without automatic | yes |
Explanatory notes:
- "Yes":
- Development transactions for this transaction development area are maintained as defined.
- "No":
- No development transactions for this transaction development area are maintained and not tested (no status display in EA).
- "generated balances":
- The account balance is automatically calculated from the total development transactions per account.
- "without automatic":
- For a transaction development area declared as "automatic", there is no automatic function that generates the difference between the account balance and the total of the development transactions as a change in the current period.
- "not allowed":
- This combination is not allowed and results in error messages.