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Controlling Definition

Table of Contents

1 Foreword

In addition to maintaining accounts and positions, it is possible to detail the report data with up to 10 controlling dimensions. All necessary master data are maintained in the controlling definition (CTLDEF) application. In order to be able to enter data for controlling, IDL Konsis requires a fee-based additional component for the controlling module.

2 Structure of the Application

The first time you open the application, an empty overview opens. The top section contains the leading tables with the tabs 'Controlling Dimension', 'Chart of Controlling Objects' and 'Controlling Flag'. For each controlling dimension, charts of controlling objects with associated controlling objects must be defined.

Controlling Dimension:
Up to 10 controlling dimensions can be created, which then have to be activated individually for each account in the applications 'Data types' (FAC), 'Companies' (GES), and 'Account master' (KTO).
Chart of Controlling Objects:
For each controlling dimension, charts of controlling objects with associated controlling objects must be defined. Both the charts of controlling objects for the corporate level and for the corporate level are created. By double-clicking on an already created con-trolling plan, other pending tables open in which the controlling objects attached to the con-trolling plan (elementary object), aggregates (compaction objects) and schemas (top node) can be created or changed.
Controlling Flag:
Controlling flags can be defined in the controlling flag tab. On the one hand, they are used to implement differentiated control of balances on different positions in the "account-position-assignment" application (POSKTO); on the other hand, data per controlling flag is shown in separate columns in UKV reports (report type C). Due to the allocation of license plate numbers to the crevasses of the environmental and climate insurance report and the limited number of report result columns, the number of permissible controlling flags in the environmental and climate insurance policy report is limited to 23. If more than 23 license plates are defined, they can no longer be displayed in a differentiated manner in the UKV report. The following then applies: from column 23, all other items are consolidated.

Capturing or changing within a table: Content is created or modified by each table using a wizard (wizard). This opens and you can record data using the star icon in the upper right-hand toolbar. You can change this either by clicking on the 'Pen' symbol in the toolbar in the context menu (right mouse button) or alternatively you can change data by using the 'Edit in table' function in the context menu (right mouse button). The 'Editing in the table' also applies to the dependent tables 'Controlling object', 'Aggregate', and 'Schema' in the 'chart of controlling objects' table.

The export of the individual areas is done with the export button in the menu bar. The export section is determined using the Export dialog. On the right side of the export dialog you must select the desired area. A selection is considered in the tables. If rows are only selected in a table, only these rows are exported. Tables without selection are only exported (completely) if there is no selection. The hierarchy table only takes into account selections from the top node rows.

Figure: Connection of applications for controlling

3 Controlling Dimension, Chart of Controlling Objects and Controlling Flag

3.1 Controlling Dimension

Up to 10 controlling dimensions (key '1' to '10') can be created in the table 'controlling dimension'. The activation of a controlling dimension provides corresponding entry options in the master data for companies (GES), data types (FAC) and accounts (KTO), as well as various report data. One or more charts of controlling objects can be assigned to a controlling dimension. In practice, only the first dimension is often created with the description "cost center’. If no other dimensions are defined, the other applications do not contain the corresponding input options.

The individual attributes of the wizard are explained below:

1. Page 'Controlling Dimension':

  • Controlling Dimension: Selection from 'DropDown' box
  • Description: Mandatory information with max. 70 characters
  • Column header: Mandatory information with max. 70 characters
  • Short text: Mandatory information with max. 10 characters

2. Page 'Multilingual Description':

  • Appropriate descriptions can be recorded for the activated languages ​​(according to the license).

3.2 Chart of Controlling Objects

For each controlling dimension, charts of controlling objects with associated controlling objects must be defined. Both the charts of controlling objects for the corporate level and the corporate level are set up in the table 'chart of controlling objects'.

The individual attributes of the wizard are explained below:

1.Page 'Chart of Controlling Objects':

  • Chart of controlling objects: Code field, max. 6 digits
  • Validity from/to: The valid from period is a must field, the valid until period is an optional attribute. Both attributes define the period from or to which the chart of controlling objects is valid. The user-specific startup data (VOR) can be used to control the charts of controlling objects with limited validity (any indication of a valid until period) are no longer displayed.
  • Description: Mandatory information with max. 70 characters
  • Short text: Optional entry with max. 10 characters

2. Page 'Properties':

  • Chart of controlling objects type: The expressions 'C'= only chart of controlling objects or 'M'= controlling and chart of accounts are available. A change to chart of controlling objects type from 'M' to 'C' is only permitted if the key has not yet been entered as a chart of accounts in the data type (FAC) or company master (GES) data. The chart of controlling objects type 'M' (key is used as both chart of controlling objects and chart of accounts) is only allowed for first controlling dimension charts of controlling objects. The charts of controlling objects of the other controlling dimensions must be of the chart of controlling objects type 'C'.
  • Chart of controlling objects number plate: Determining whether the chart of controlling objects is a corporate controlling plan (G) or a group controlling plan (K)
  • Number of posts CoObj.f. data transfer: The length of the controlling objects to be managed in IDL Konsis can be controlled using this field. Entries from 01 to 14 are permitted here. The following functions are associated with the entry for length: When maintaining controlling objects in the controlling objects area, the length of the controlling objects is checked according to this entry. In the case of automatic transfer of controlling objects, the used controlling object number is reduced to the length shown here. The reduction is made from a right-justified count, i.e. a corresponding number of leading zeros is cut.
  • Zugeord. chart of controlling objects no.: The chart of controlling objects to be used in the transition from a fact at the company chart of accounts level to a fact at the group chart of accounts level is saved with the field "Assigned controlling plan".
  • Controlling Dimension: A controlling dimension must be assigned to each chart of controlling objects.

3. Page 'Multilingual Description':

  • Appropriate descriptions can be recorded for the activated languages ​​(according to the license).

3.3 Controlling Flag 1

Controlling flags can be defined in the table 'controlling flag 1'. On the one hand, these are used to implement differentiated balance management for different positions in the account-position allocation (POSKTO) application. On the other hand, data per controlling flag 1 is shown in UKV reports (report type C) in separate columns.

Due to the assignment of license plate numbers to UKV report columns and the limited number of report results columns, the number of recommended controlling flags1 is limited to 23. If more than 23 license plates are defined, they can no longer be displayed in a differentiated manner in the UKV report.

The individual attributes of the wizard are explained below:

1. Page 'Controlling flag1':

  • Controlling flag1: Selection from DropDown Box
  • Valid From/To: The valid from period is a must field, the valid until period is an optional attribute. Both attributes define the period from or to which controlling flag1 is valid. (NOTE: The limit of 23 permissible license plates applies, however, irrespective of the limitation of validity)
  • Description: Mandatory information with max. 70 characters
  • Short text: Optional entry with max. 10 characters

2. Page 'Multilingual Description':

  • Appropriate descriptions can be recorded for the activated languages ​​(according to the license).

4 Controlling Objects, Aggregates, and Schemes

In the lower part of the overview, the pending tables are opened after double-clicking on a chart of controlling objects. These consist of the controlling objects, aggregates and schemas. These tables are directly related to the respective chart of controlling objects. Changes in individual tables are checked for plausibility depending on the other tables. If changes in a table do not match definitions in other tables, this is visualized under the 'Open Tasks' (see description in Chapter 4.3).

4.1 Controlling Objects

The individual attributes of the wizard are explained below:

1. Page Controlling object:

  • Controlling object: Key field, max. 14 digits
  • Validity from/to: The ValidOff period is a must field, the valid until period is an optional attribute. Both attributes define the period from or to which the controlling object is valid. The user-specific startup data (VOR) allows controlling objects with limited validity (any indication of a valid until period) to no longer be displayed.
  • Description: Mandatory information and may not exceed 70 characters long
  • Short text: Optional entry, max. 10 characters

2. Properties page:

  • Controlling Flag 1: Select a controlling flag defined in the CK1 application.
  • Controlling Flag 2: An additional subdivision of the controlling objects exists by assigning an object from controlling flag 2. For this purpose, the controlling object classes C (cost centers), T (cost units), X (profit centers), P (products) and R (regions) were set up. This label is currently only informational and is not used in any report.
  • Assigned Company: Entering a company assigns the controlling object to this company.
  • Assigned business unit: Entering a business unit assigns the controlling object to this business unit. This is particularly effective when data is to be transferred from a fact without a business unit to a fact with business units. Then the balances are split onto the business units according to this assignment.
  • Summarization Controlling Object: By entering a summarization controlling object, the balances of several controlling objects of the chart of controlling objects can be compressed to one controlling object. The compaction controlling object can also reference itself to make this data easier to select. Entering a summarization controlling object excludes the assignment of an associated group controlling object.
  • Zugeord. Konz Controlling Object: A group controlling object can be directly assigned to the shareholder controlling object here. Allocated group controlling objects are only available here if a group chart of controlling objects has been assigned to the shareholder chart of controlling objects in the "chart of controlling objects" area. Entering a group controlling object precludes entering a compaction controlling object.
  • Default Consolidation Object: If an 'X' is assigned to this field, this means that this controlling object is used in the consolidation area whenever an account with associated dimensions is addressed by an automatic processing (e.g. TO or ZA). The advantage of this is that it eliminates the need to manually maintain the controlling objects in the consolidation postings. For each dimension, one controlling object should be marked with this number plate.

3. Page 'Multilingual Description':

  • Appropriate descriptions can be recorded for the activated languages ​​(according to the license).

4.2 Aggregate and Schema Tab

Next to the tab "controlling objects" there is the tab "Aggregate". Here you can define 'summarizations' separately from the controlling objects. These are used to define a hierarchy within the controlling objects and thus to present a summarization/summary of controlling objects. The aggregates are created in the same way as described above for the controlling objects. When the first aggregate is created, another tab 'Schema' opens. To assign different controlling objects to an aggregate, a scheme must first be defined in this tab (using the star symbol in the upper right toolbar). Aggregates and/or controlling objects can then be assigned to this scheme. If certain controlling objects have been assigned to an aggregate, the same assignment is automatically stored in another schema.

You can create a schema using 'Drag & Drop', either from the right-hand table to the left-hand table or within the left-hand table. The 'drop' takes place on the node to which the 'drag' objects are to be subordinated. Plausibility checks are carried out 'on the fly' and prevent the definition of inconsistent statements. Thus, the top node must not be subordinated to any other node. Nothing must be subordinated to a basic object (controlling object). Compaction objects (aggregates) may occur only once within a schema.

4.3 'Open Tasks' and 'Show Hierarchy'

If changes occur within the charts of controlling objects, controlling objects, aggregates and assignment of controlling objects or aggregates, which are only made in one of the 4 sub-areas, but these changes have an impact on the other sub-areas, another "Open tasks’ area opens at the bottom of the application. Only when the task is complete does this area close.

Such a case occurs, for example, if a chart of controlling objects receives a 'valid to' input and the 'valid to' period of the associated controlling objects does not match. The pending data does not automatically receive this restriction. The appeal is made about the 'open tasks'. By double-clicking on the cog before each "open task", the objection is automatically canceled and the "valid until" period of the chart of controlling objects is taken over.

It is also possible that controlling objects within a schema are mapped multiple times. Again, this is brought to your attention through an 'open task'. Double clicking on the 'open task' automatically marks the double assignment in the 'Schema' area and an easy identification of the inconsistent data is possible and can be changed.

4.4 Delete of Data Within Application

Delete of charts of controlling objects: When a chart of controlling objects with PlanType 'M' is deleted, all associated controlling objects are deleted. At the same time, the plan type is set to 'K' (pure chart of accounts) so that the property as a chart of accounts is not affected.

Delete of controlling objects: Controlling objects can only be deleted if they are not associated with a schema and if no dependent data exists. If there is an existing assignment within a schema or dependent data, a message appears and the delete is aborted. The 'Show hierarchy level' function (context menu) displays all assignments in the schemas.

Delete of aggregates: An aggregate can be removed from the schema, including all associated controlling objects. The special thing about this is that the controlling objects are still assigned to the aggregate. So you just want the aggregate within the 'hang around' scheme, the assignment is deleted and the aggregate is reallocated via Drag & Drop. The delete of an aggregate in the 'aggregate' area is only possible if there is no pending data. The 'Show hierarchy level' function (context menu) displays all assignments in the schemas.

Delete of schemes: Delete of a schema is only possible when pending data is no longer present.


Controlling Definition

Table of Contents

1 Foreword

In addition to maintaining accounts and positions, it is possible to detail the report data with up to 10 controlling dimensions. All necessary master data are maintained in the controlling definition (CTLDEF) application. In order to be able to enter data for controlling, IDL Konsis requires a fee-based additional component for the controlling module.

2 Structure of the Application

The first time you open the application, an empty overview opens. The top section contains the leading tables with the tabs 'Controlling Dimension', 'Chart of Controlling Objects' and 'Controlling Flag'. For each controlling dimension, charts of controlling objects with associated controlling objects must be defined.

Controlling Dimension:
Up to 10 controlling dimensions can be created, which then have to be activated individually for each account in the applications 'Data types' (FAC), 'Companies' (GES), and 'Account master' (KTO).
Chart of Controlling Objects:
For each controlling dimension, charts of controlling objects with associated controlling objects must be defined. Both the charts of controlling objects for the corporate level and for the corporate level are created. By double-clicking on an already created con-trolling plan, other pending tables open in which the controlling objects attached to the con-trolling plan (elementary object), aggregates (compaction objects) and schemas (top node) can be created or changed.
Controlling Flag:
Controlling flags can be defined in the controlling flag tab. On the one hand, they are used to implement differentiated control of balances on different positions in the "account-position-assignment" application (POSKTO); on the other hand, data per controlling flag is shown in separate columns in UKV reports (report type C). Due to the allocation of license plate numbers to the crevasses of the environmental and climate insurance report and the limited number of report result columns, the number of permissible controlling flags in the environmental and climate insurance policy report is limited to 23. If more than 23 license plates are defined, they can no longer be displayed in a differentiated manner in the UKV report. The following then applies: from column 23, all other items are consolidated.

Capturing or changing within a table: Content is created or modified by each table using a wizard (wizard). This opens and you can record data using the star icon in the upper right-hand toolbar. You can change this either by clicking on the 'Pen' symbol in the toolbar in the context menu (right mouse button) or alternatively you can change data by using the 'Edit in table' function in the context menu (right mouse button). The 'Editing in the table' also applies to the dependent tables 'Controlling object', 'Aggregate', and 'Schema' in the 'chart of controlling objects' table.

The export of the individual areas is done with the export button in the menu bar. The export section is determined using the Export dialog. On the right side of the export dialog you must select the desired area. A selection is considered in the tables. If rows are only selected in a table, only these rows are exported. Tables without selection are only exported (completely) if there is no selection. The hierarchy table only takes into account selections from the top node rows.

Figure: Connection of applications for controlling

3 Controlling Dimension, Chart of Controlling Objects and Controlling Flag

3.1 Controlling Dimension

Up to 10 controlling dimensions (key '1' to '10') can be created in the table 'controlling dimension'. The activation of a controlling dimension provides corresponding entry options in the master data for companies (GES), data types (FAC) and accounts (KTO), as well as various report data. One or more charts of controlling objects can be assigned to a controlling dimension. In practice, only the first dimension is often created with the description "cost center’. If no other dimensions are defined, the other applications do not contain the corresponding input options.

The individual attributes of the wizard are explained below:

1. Page 'Controlling Dimension':

  • Controlling Dimension: Selection from 'DropDown' box
  • Description: Mandatory information with max. 70 characters
  • Column header: Mandatory information with max. 70 characters
  • Short text: Mandatory information with max. 10 characters

2. Page 'Multilingual Description':

  • Appropriate descriptions can be recorded for the activated languages ​​(according to the license).

3.2 Chart of Controlling Objects

For each controlling dimension, charts of controlling objects with associated controlling objects must be defined. Both the charts of controlling objects for the corporate level and the corporate level are set up in the table 'chart of controlling objects'.

The individual attributes of the wizard are explained below:

1.Page 'Chart of Controlling Objects':

  • Chart of controlling objects: Code field, max. 6 digits
  • Validity from/to: The valid from period is a must field, the valid until period is an optional attribute. Both attributes define the period from or to which the chart of controlling objects is valid. The user-specific startup data (VOR) can be used to control the charts of controlling objects with limited validity (any indication of a valid until period) are no longer displayed.
  • Description: Mandatory information with max. 70 characters
  • Short text: Optional entry with max. 10 characters

2. Page 'Properties':

  • Chart of controlling objects type: The expressions 'C'= only chart of controlling objects or 'M'= controlling and chart of accounts are available. A change to chart of controlling objects type from 'M' to 'C' is only permitted if the key has not yet been entered as a chart of accounts in the data type (FAC) or company master (GES) data. The chart of controlling objects type 'M' (key is used as both chart of controlling objects and chart of accounts) is only allowed for first controlling dimension charts of controlling objects. The charts of controlling objects of the other controlling dimensions must be of the chart of controlling objects type 'C'.
  • Chart of controlling objects number plate: Determining whether the chart of controlling objects is a corporate controlling plan (G) or a group controlling plan (K)
  • Number of posts CoObj.f. data transfer: The length of the controlling objects to be managed in IDL Konsis can be controlled using this field. Entries from 01 to 14 are permitted here. The following functions are associated with the entry for length: When maintaining controlling objects in the controlling objects area, the length of the controlling objects is checked according to this entry. In the case of automatic transfer of controlling objects, the used controlling object number is reduced to the length shown here. The reduction is made from a right-justified count, i.e. a corresponding number of leading zeros is cut.
  • Zugeord. chart of controlling objects no.: The chart of controlling objects to be used in the transition from a fact at the company chart of accounts level to a fact at the group chart of accounts level is saved with the field "Assigned controlling plan".
  • Controlling Dimension: A controlling dimension must be assigned to each chart of controlling objects.

3. Page 'Multilingual Description':

  • Appropriate descriptions can be recorded for the activated languages ​​(according to the license).

3.3 Controlling Flag 1

Controlling flags can be defined in the table 'controlling flag 1'. On the one hand, these are used to implement differentiated balance management for different positions in the account-position allocation (POSKTO) application. On the other hand, data per controlling flag 1 is shown in UKV reports (report type C) in separate columns.

Due to the assignment of license plate numbers to UKV report columns and the limited number of report results columns, the number of recommended controlling flags1 is limited to 23. If more than 23 license plates are defined, they can no longer be displayed in a differentiated manner in the UKV report.

The individual attributes of the wizard are explained below:

1. Page 'Controlling flag1':

  • Controlling flag1: Selection from DropDown Box
  • Valid From/To: The valid from period is a must field, the valid until period is an optional attribute. Both attributes define the period from or to which controlling flag1 is valid. (NOTE: The limit of 23 permissible license plates applies, however, irrespective of the limitation of validity)
  • Description: Mandatory information with max. 70 characters
  • Short text: Optional entry with max. 10 characters

2. Page 'Multilingual Description':

  • Appropriate descriptions can be recorded for the activated languages ​​(according to the license).

4 Controlling Objects, Aggregates, and Schemes

In the lower part of the overview, the pending tables are opened after double-clicking on a chart of controlling objects. These consist of the controlling objects, aggregates and schemas. These tables are directly related to the respective chart of controlling objects. Changes in individual tables are checked for plausibility depending on the other tables. If changes in a table do not match definitions in other tables, this is visualized under the 'Open Tasks' (see description in Chapter 4.3).

4.1 Controlling Objects

The individual attributes of the wizard are explained below:

1. Page Controlling object:

  • Controlling object: Key field, max. 14 digits
  • Validity from/to: The ValidOff period is a must field, the valid until period is an optional attribute. Both attributes define the period from or to which the controlling object is valid. The user-specific startup data (VOR) allows controlling objects with limited validity (any indication of a valid until period) to no longer be displayed.
  • Description: Mandatory information and may not exceed 70 characters long
  • Short text: Optional entry, max. 10 characters

2. Properties page:

  • Controlling Flag 1: Select a controlling flag defined in the CK1 application.
  • Controlling Flag 2: An additional subdivision of the controlling objects exists by assigning an object from controlling flag 2. For this purpose, the controlling object classes C (cost centers), T (cost units), X (profit centers), P (products) and R (regions) were set up. This label is currently only informational and is not used in any report.
  • Assigned Company: Entering a company assigns the controlling object to this company.
  • Assigned business unit: Entering a business unit assigns the controlling object to this business unit. This is particularly effective when data is to be transferred from a fact without a business unit to a fact with business units. Then the balances are split onto the business units according to this assignment.
  • Summarization Controlling Object: By entering a summarization controlling object, the balances of several controlling objects of the chart of controlling objects can be compressed to one controlling object. The compaction controlling object can also reference itself to make this data easier to select. Entering a summarization controlling object excludes the assignment of an associated group controlling object.
  • Zugeord. Konz Controlling Object: A group controlling object can be directly assigned to the shareholder controlling object here. Allocated group controlling objects are only available here if a group chart of controlling objects has been assigned to the shareholder chart of controlling objects in the "chart of controlling objects" area. Entering a group controlling object precludes entering a compaction controlling object.
  • Default Consolidation Object: If an 'X' is assigned to this field, this means that this controlling object is used in the consolidation area whenever an account with associated dimensions is addressed by an automatic processing (e.g. TO or ZA). The advantage of this is that it eliminates the need to manually maintain the controlling objects in the consolidation postings. For each dimension, one controlling object should be marked with this number plate.

3. Page 'Multilingual Description':

  • Appropriate descriptions can be recorded for the activated languages ​​(according to the license).

4.2 Aggregate and Schema Tab

Next to the tab "controlling objects" there is the tab "Aggregate". Here you can define 'summarizations' separately from the controlling objects. These are used to define a hierarchy within the controlling objects and thus to present a summarization/summary of controlling objects. The aggregates are created in the same way as described above for the controlling objects. When the first aggregate is created, another tab 'Schema' opens. To assign different controlling objects to an aggregate, a scheme must first be defined in this tab (using the star symbol in the upper right toolbar). Aggregates and/or controlling objects can then be assigned to this scheme. If certain controlling objects have been assigned to an aggregate, the same assignment is automatically stored in another schema.

You can create a schema using 'Drag & Drop', either from the right-hand table to the left-hand table or within the left-hand table. The 'drop' takes place on the node to which the 'drag' objects are to be subordinated. Plausibility checks are carried out 'on the fly' and prevent the definition of inconsistent statements. Thus, the top node must not be subordinated to any other node. Nothing must be subordinated to a basic object (controlling object). Compaction objects (aggregates) may occur only once within a schema.

4.3 'Open Tasks' and 'Show Hierarchy'

If changes occur within the charts of controlling objects, controlling objects, aggregates and assignment of controlling objects or aggregates, which are only made in one of the 4 sub-areas, but these changes have an impact on the other sub-areas, another "Open tasks’ area opens at the bottom of the application. Only when the task is complete does this area close.

Such a case occurs, for example, if a chart of controlling objects receives a 'valid to' input and the 'valid to' period of the associated controlling objects does not match. The pending data does not automatically receive this restriction. The appeal is made about the 'open tasks'. By double-clicking on the cog before each "open task", the objection is automatically canceled and the "valid until" period of the chart of controlling objects is taken over.

It is also possible that controlling objects within a schema are mapped multiple times. Again, this is brought to your attention through an 'open task'. Double clicking on the 'open task' automatically marks the double assignment in the 'Schema' area and an easy identification of the inconsistent data is possible and can be changed.

4.4 Delete of Data Within Application

Delete of charts of controlling objects: When a chart of controlling objects with PlanType 'M' is deleted, all associated controlling objects are deleted. At the same time, the plan type is set to 'K' (pure chart of accounts) so that the property as a chart of accounts is not affected.

Delete of controlling objects: Controlling objects can only be deleted if they are not associated with a schema and if no dependent data exists. If there is an existing assignment within a schema or dependent data, a message appears and the delete is aborted. The 'Show hierarchy level' function (context menu) displays all assignments in the schemas.

Delete of aggregates: An aggregate can be removed from the schema, including all associated controlling objects. The special thing about this is that the controlling objects are still assigned to the aggregate. So you just want the aggregate within the 'hang around' scheme, the assignment is deleted and the aggregate is reallocated via Drag & Drop. The delete of an aggregate in the 'aggregate' area is only possible if there is no pending data. The 'Show hierarchy level' function (context menu) displays all assignments in the schemas.

Delete of schemes: Delete of a schema is only possible when pending data is no longer present.

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