Companies in 'Financial Statements' Monitor
Table of Contents
1 Companies financial statements+monitor (EA)
1.1 Symbol explanation
The Companies financial statements+monitor is the central control panel with which you can access all of the relevant applications for financial statements and in which you can be informed of their current status.
The Companies financial statements+monitor includes a tool bar, which can be activated by selecting one or several lines. The following symbols are available (from left to right):
- green and red arrows: check & refresh status information
- Book: display comment
- Book with pencil: edit comment
- Padlock with green tick: lock company financial statement
- open padlock with yellow triangle: unlock company financial statement
- Cone: shows / hides filter
- gray arrows: display
- Graph: is not relevant for the Companies financial statements+monitor, therefore not activated
- white lozenge: undocks the table from the main frame
- white square with a vertical line: moves the table to the side panel
If the information for a merger have been entered in 'GES', they will be indicated in two additional columns in the Companies financial statements+monitor (merged into / at).
By using the triangles (in each field on the right under the header line) the lines can be sorted alphanumerically up and down.
1.2 Display and selection options
The Companies financial statements+monitor has the following selection options:
Selection field | Explanation |
Group/subgroup | In conjunction with the fact or the fact group-structure this filed is used to restrict the data to be displayed. If a group is entered, only those companies are displayed which are maintained in the KTKGES for this group with this fact or fact group-structure, respectively. The fact group-structure also needs to be indicated for the balance reconciliation. |
The number of status columns in the development transaction varies according to the number of defined (according to the application SPIDEF) and activated (according to the applications ABRSPI and FACSPI) development transactions. The column texts include column names and development transaction definitions. (SPIDEF)
1.3 Status display
The statuses displayed in the Companies financial statements+monitor are based on the processing control records, the so-called 'checkpoints', which are written in order to ensure that any further processing is possible with checked data. If the data is incorrect, a corresponding notification no. is written in the checkpoint records, which locks it for further processing, e.g. for currency conversion or balance transfer.
The checkpoints correspond to the balance and transaction applications as displayed in the Companies financial statements+monitor. Due to the unlimited number of development transactions, the processing control records for development transactions are not allocated permanent checkpoint IDs. They are generically made up of a fixed prefix ("SPI-" for the total development transaction, "VOR-" for the carry-forward check totals) and the development transaction key.
In the column "Creator" it can be seen which application has produced the current status.
Comments can be added to the data records for processing control, e.g. in order to explain a status. The actions “Edit comment” and “Display comment” are available in the processing controls list for this purpose. Like with the report data, it is not possible for these texts to be parallel in different languages.
The locking of a financial statement can therefore be explained with a comment by the record for the checkpoint "EALOCK". If a financial statement has already been locked, a help-text can only be recorded or amended though with special authorisation "2".
The existence of a comment is shown as in other overviews by a column ("C"/"Status of the help-text") by symbols (ticks) or coloured areas (green), provided the option "Display help-text info" has been activated in the "View" menu item.
When using individual authorisation groups without reference to the IDL standard authorisation groups it should be noted that the amendment of comments requires amendment authorisation for the respective individual record application VERARBE.
The processing control records are written automatically when the respective application is called up and can therefore not be recorded or amended by the user. It is only possible to delete processing control records, e.g. in order to cleanse the database, with special authorisation.
From the application VERARB you can go from any written record to the respective application via the action menu 'Display list'.
The notification types in the VERARB records result in the following statuses being displayed in the Companies financial statements+monitor:
- No VERARB record or no header available: 'white'
- (at least one) notification type 'E': 'red'
- (at least one) notification type 'W': 'yellow'
- (at least one record) without notifications: 'green'
- only records with notification type 'I': 'white with line'
For each of the relevant applications in the financial statement there is a column in the table in which the current processing status is displayed by company. The statuses are updated automatically when the application is called up. The update can also be started directly via the action menu with “Check and refresh status information“. Statuses are only displayed for breakdown data for which the corresponding controls are set in FAC and ABR. The UBR must always be clear, i.e. an entry is essential.
The status in the Companies financial statements+monitor is displayed based on the notifications which are entered in the processing controls (VERARB list). The difference between red and yellow is based on the notification type of the notification number entered ("E"=red, "W"=yellow, "I"=white with line). The colours used for the statuses have the following meanings:
red / stop sign = incorrect, e.g.
- because no data is available, although data should be present
- in the column 'Account balances': annual profit in the balance sheet and income statement is not the same
- in the columns for the development transactions: breakdown does not agree with account balances
- in the column 'Currency conversion': currency conversion header available, but currency conversion is missing or incorrect
- in the column 'Posting': debit/credit difference in the postings
- in the column 'Check rule results': at least one check rule has not been met
- in the column 'Check carry-forward new period ': the data carried forward is not consistent with the previous period’s data
- in the column ' Status IC-b/s p/l reconciliation': differences in IC clearing
yellow / warning triangle = warning (plausibility checks not met)
- in the column ' Fixed assets transactions': difference in the depreciation actual period between fixed asset transactions (posting key 05) and account balances (only if at least one account has account code “D” in the accounts chart)
- in the column ' Provision transactions': difference in reversal of / allocations to provisions between provision transactions (posting keys 03 and 04) and account balances (only if at least one account has account code “Y” or “Z” in the accounts chart)
- in the column 'Transfer': total transactions in the column “Transfer” does not equal zero
- in the column 'Posting': There are vouchers without postings or the values agree in local currency, but they differ in group and parallel currency; at the same time the status of the column 'Currency conversion' is set to 'red' (incorrect) as the difference can only be corrected by a new currency conversion.
- in the column 'Check rule results': the current check rule results are no longer current because the database has changed
- in the column 'Check carry-forward new period / carry-forward account balances: the last check is no longer current as the database has changed in the original or target period or fact.
- in the column Lock company financial statement': the company’s financial statement has been locked, but the lock has been lifted.
green / green tick = correct
- in the column 'Account balances': account balances available, annual profit the same in the balance sheet and the income statement; or breakdowns available and agree with account balances; or no breakdown data, but also no corresponding balances available
- in the column 'Currency conversion': currency conversion correct
- in the column Lock company financial statement ': the company’s financial statement is locked for further processing
white = no data or no validation
- no sign: The data has not yet been validated; if necessary call up the action "Check and refresh status information" or the breakdown will not be done in accordance with the control for the fact (FAC, FACSPI) or period (ABR, ABRSPI) and therefore also not validated
- with "-": No data is available, which though may be correct (e.g. breakdowns without corresponding account balances, postings, balances for equity companies)
- with"-" in the column 'Currency conversion: No currency conversion header is available, but the currency conversion is optional according to the control "with WUM" in the fact (FAC).
blue / blue ball = no data or no validation
- in the column 'Account balances': IC account balances are available, but according to the control in FAC, the FAC is without account balances. The IC data cannot be compared to other data.
In accordance with the EA status, the colouring of the account codes in the account balances shows the consistency of the associated breakdowns. 'Yellow' is used if the associated status in the Companies financial statements+monitor is 'yellow', particularly if the values are consistent in local currency but are different in group or parallel currency, with only a currency conversion being able to provide correct data.
2 Follow-on applications
Follow-on applications can be reached as follows:
- either by double clicking on the appropriate column, e.g. a double click on “Account balances” takes you to the application 'KTOSAL', a double click on "IC Account balances" takes you to the application 'ICKTOSAL' etc.
- or via the menu bar under "Action"
- or with the help of the right mouse button.
Via the menu item "Action" or the tool bar you can reach the following applications:
- [Check refresh status information]:
- the set statuses are updated, respectively new set.
- [Display comment]:
- display a comment, if one is available. The existence of a comment is shown by the book symbol in the column with the heading 'C'.
- [Edit comment]:
- an explanatory text (comment) for the “financial statements” application can be recorded directly in the application Companies financial statements+monitor (EA). For this purpose it is not necessary that the financial statement was locked beforehand. The help-text can only be created or changed with special authorisation if the financial statement has already been locked.
- [Lock...]:
- lock company financial statement
- unlock company financial statement
- If a financial statement should be locked against transactions for a period, this can be done the action "Lock company financial statement" in the "Lock …" menu. Depending on the setting the status is shown with the following symbols: green tick or closed padlock with a green tick. If the lock is lifted, the status is “yellow” or has an open padlock with a yellow triangle. By locking a group financial statement in KTKGES all of the financial statements of the companies in the group are automatically locked. The locking of a financial statement is no longer linked to the updating of a status, so a financial statement can be approved without stating the business unit. A lock on a financial statement cannot be lifted if the higher-level group is locked.
Via the menu item "Action" or the right mouse button you can reach the following applications:
- [Lists]
- Account balances
- Controlling balances
- IC-account balance
- Shareholding/participations
- Fixed assets transactions
- Capital transactions
- Provision transactions
- Additional development transactions
- Inventories IC-Stocks
- Intercompany fixed assets transactions
- Vouchers
- Postings
- Fixed assets objects
- Intercompany fixed assets objects
- Company reports
- Adhoc and Web reporting
- [Company financial statements + monitor for entry]
- in this menu item you can open the application 'Company financial statements + monitor for entry. Then via the menu item 'Action' or the right mouse button and the menu item 'Entry company financial statements' you can reach the following applications:
- Forms account balances
- Forms Controlling balances
- Forms IC-account balances
- Forms fixed assets
- Forms capital transactions
- Forms Provision transactions
- Forms development transactions
- Forms postings
- [Import]
- With this application you can import Data from your financial accounting or from external sources (e.g., IDL Xlslink) into the IDL Konsis system.
- [Delete functions...]
- Delete account balances
- Delete CCenter Balances
- Delete IC-balances
- Delete balances, IC- + CCenter bal.
- Delete balances origin lists
- Delete development transactions
- Deletion list company financial statement
- The deletion of data already recorded for one or more companies can be time-consuming if you have to go to each individual application. Therefore in the Companies financial statements+monitor there are also a few delete functions which can be run simultaneously for several companies and which combine several applications. For example, account balances, IC and controlling balances can be deleted at the same time as assets, capital, provisions and development transactions. When deleting account balances the existing proof of origin is also deleted as the proof of origin is no longer of significance without the result. When the transactions are deleted the carry-forward transactions are not deleted and would where applicable also have to be deleted manually.
- [Carry forward into new period]
- Perform carry-forward into new period
- Select carry-forward into new period: display a line for each development transaction. Firstly to display the status and secondly to initiate a carry-forward for this development transaction as a line action. The lines for the development transactions are calculated dynamically by the development transactions defined in the application 'SPIDEF'. Schedules without a carry-forward are disabled in PERGES.
- Check carry-forward into new period: When this application is called up the application 'PERGES' is run for simulation purposes. The target data is not written though, the new transactions are compared with the transactions which have already taken place in this period and any differences are displayed. In the process only those data records are validated which according to the control setting are in the period (previous and current period) and data set.
- [Transition to new fact]
- Perform transition to new fact
- Delete and perform transition to new fact
- Select transition to new fact display a line for each development transaction. Firstly to display the status and secondly to initiate a transition for this development transaction as a line action.
- Check transition to new fact This application simulates the fact carry-forward but does not re-write the target data. The new transactions are compared with the transactions which have already taken place in this period and any differences are shown in a protocol. The application creates a record for the result of your check in the processing control (VERARB) with the checkpoint 'SIMVOR'. The notification entered here determines the associated status displayed in the Companies financial statements+monitor. If no data at all is available for the comparison fact, [-] is displayed in the status for the check.
- [Currency conversion]
- Calculate group and parallel currency Currency conversion
- Calculate parallel currency Currency conversion
- Currency conversion parameter
- Exchange rates
- [IC reconciliation]
- B/s reconciliation
- I&E reconciliation
- Lock intercompany account balances
- Unlock intercompany account balances
- With the Companies financial statements+monitor a simulation of the debt (b/s) and cost/income consolidation (p/l) can be created without generating consolidation postings. This makes it easier to check IC balances easier as this check can be made before the actual consolidation starts. With the field ‘Fact group-structure‘ (set in the application 'FAC' or in the application ‘VOR‘), which should include the consolidation fact, the consolidation group and the b/s+p/l parameters are determined. An implicit currency conversion also takes place, with all of the IC balances converted uniformly at the exchange rate on the reporting date. Users who would like to use the check to correctly forecast the effect on results should set and run the currency conversion for the lower fact. The IC balance reconciliation is also possible for the consolidation fact, provided the corresponding consolidation (debt consolidation (b/s) or cost/income consolidation (p/l)) has not yet taken place. This condition concerns not only the company (companies) selected, but also the other (IC) companies of the consolidated group. In the Financial Statement Monitor only the status of an IC-b/s and IC-p/l reconciliation is displayed, not though the status of a genuine consolidation. The balance reconciliation does not generate any consolidation postings; this also means that the IC balances here have not yet been “stamped” with the data relevant for the residual value analysis such as the voucher no. and group/subgroup. Only an IC-clearing list is created, based on the differences which are recognisable. The IC balance reconciliation includes the postings (at the same level) to inter-company accounts. This also includes the currency conversion, provided the values of the postings are only in local currency. Please note that this control always takes place and cannot be switched off. The IC clearing list displays the contributions of the postings to the overall difference in their own columns and allows you to branch off to the posting list (BUCH).
- Via the action menu item "Lock intercompany account balances" you can also selectively lock the IC balances, for example if the IC balances have already been reconciled and are to be protected against further transactions, or lift existing locks if they are to be subsequently changed. The status display functions the same as the locking of the financial statement.
- Due to the inclusion of postings in the IC balance reconciliation, the locking of the IC balances (action "Lock intercompany account balances") also effects the changes to postings to IC accounts, including the deletion of vouchers which include such postings.
- [Deferred taxes]
- Calculate deferred taxes company fin. stmt.
- tax rate
- [More functions...]
- Calculation of check rule result
- Merger: Company financial statements
- Create company fixed assets objectsper account no.
- Create account balances out of controlling balances