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Consolidation Vouchers/Postings and Form Entry Consolidation Postings

Table of Contents

1 Consolidation Vouchers (CONBEL)

The 'KONBEL' application provides access to the consolidation postings on group and/or Sub-group level. The startup data (VOR or VORADMIN) can ensure that only postings for

  • the respective group/sub-group
  • the respective billing period and
  • the respective facts

can be made or displayed.

Generally, posting records are produced in two stages:

  1. Start via the 'CONBEL' application with all information for the document header.
  2. You can access the posting overview for the selected voucher directly from the 'CONBOOK' follow-up processing (consolidation postings).
Control Account
If an error entry is detected in at least one of the selected vouchers (column message no. and short text), the corresponding information is obtained in the footer. Error messages are set, for example, if no posting lines or posting lines without debit/credit totals have been entered for a voucher, or if posting keys are missing.

1.1 CONBEL Overview

Selection and sort options are available in the overview of the 'CONBEL' application. Certain selections are easier to display through the filter function, but there are some sort and selection options that are only possible through the overview.

Explanation of individual attributes:

Group/sub-group, Period, Fact The entries of the fields are automatically taken from the 'VORADMIN' when they are opened, but can be changed at will. The selection function for entry fields for companies is limited to the companies that are also included in the stated group companies.

Consolidation function state To be able to select vouchers of different processing operations together, there are two input fields for the selected consolidation functions.

Sorting There are 2 sort options available for selection, which differ in that sort option 'KE' is sorted by group (relevant if field 'with TK' is activated) and in sort option 'VE' by consolidation function (KVA), in which a total row is drawn for each KVA for the affecting net result postings (this cannot be illustrated with the filter function).

Incl. Sub-group By setting an 'X' in this field, all subgroup documents are also displayed for a parent group. If this field remains blank, the display of vouchers is limited to the group entered in the group/sub-group field.

Processing indicator The field is pre-populated with 'B' by default, so that only the active vouchers are displayed without changing this specification. To see the inactive vouchers, this startup data must be changed to 'I' (not to be processed, to info). If the selection is removed, all vouchers are displayed. The total values displayed then also contain the values from inactive vouchers.

Voucher number 7 entry fields are available for selection:

  • two input fields for the two company numbers contained in the voucher number, whereby the 2nd. Field can also be left empty
  • four fields for the parts of the KVA key (basic KVA, coordination group, deferred tax indicator or carry forward)
  • a field for a two-digit continuation number to differentiate between other similar situations (e.g. multiple batches purchased at Capital consolidation)

The last four fields are either blank or assigned as the case may be. The selection for these parts therefore also allows the input '*' to be used to display the data in which this part is empty (e.g. exclusion from carry forward documents).

Voucher number company The postings are filtered by entering the company in the voucher number. All vouchers of the company are selected, regardless of whether the company number is first or second.

Affecting net result posting It is possible to select different scores. (- Not affecting net income and net equity, K affecting net equity, X affecting net result)

1.2 Actions

In principle, the black-displayed actions are permitted for execution. The actions displayed in light gray are only activated when the document is unambiguously selected (previous voucher marking). The following actions are possible:

- via the toolbar at the top right of the table:

Create data (Star symbol) Start single record processing 'KONBELE'

- via the toolbar of the right mouse button:

Edit data (pen symbol) An existing consolidation voucher can be edited (previous marking of voucher header required)

Delete The delete of a consolidation document always results in all assigned posting lines from the 'CONFIGURATION' being automatically deleted as well. Only ADMIN rights can be used to delete carry-forward documents. Note: Vouchers from the SK/AE consolidation can only be deleted via the IC Clearing Overview (KGESGES) or via the consolidation parameters (KTKPAR). When delete a consolidation document (KK, FK) generated by the Capital consolidation, the other simultaneously created vouchers of this process (e.g. all 'KK 03' and 'FK 03' vouchers of this company) are automatically deleted and the entries of these document numbers in the shareholding transactions are removed, otherwise this consolidation is not repeated correctly.

Mass copy All previously selected consolidation vouchers are mass copy to other keys, e.g. other group/ton, period and/or fact. Note: The mass copy in the 'KONBEL' is always made without the associated postings. Therefore, the KON0376W message for missing postings is first set in the message column. The consolidation postings must be processed in the 2nd step via mass copy in the follow-up application 'KONBUCH', whereby the above message is then deleted from the document heads again after the correct copy process. With the mass copy it must be ensured that no corresponding consolidation documents are saved under the target keys group/Tk, Period, fact and BelNr. In the event of an error, a message is sent and the entire copy process is not executed. To confirm a successful copy process, the data is displayed under the new destination keys.

Copy rules in connection with UBR - Corporate area:

  • If balances exist without UBR, they may only be copied/pasted WITHOUT UBR.
  • If balances with UBR are available, only WITH UBR may be copied/pasted.
  • If balances are available with and without UBR, only WITH UBR may be copied/pasted.

Mass update mass update of all selected consolidation documents. To delete entries, a '*' must be entered here.

Lock voucher (closed lock icon) The highlighted voucher can be locked with this. See cross-check principle

Unlock voucher lock (open lock icon) The highlighted voucher can be unlocked. See cross-check principle

- via the action menu

Consolidation postings Branched into the consolidation postings overview (CONBOOK) by default with the key data of the selected voucher.

Form entry consolidation postings Branch in consolidation posting form entry (I-CONBUCH).

Update auto consolidation postings This process regenerates the auto consolidation postings, e.g. JÜ line, AFA calculation and the neutralization accounts. The function can be used, among other things, to generate neutralization postings for the first time if neutralization postings are to be inserted retroactively in a period with already existing data, e.g. for the carry-forward vouchers

Messages If the highlighted voucher has a message entry, messages are branched directly into the overview.

1.3 Single Sentence "CONBELS"

This application is used to record, modify or delete individual consolidation documents.

Explanation of individual attributes:

Group/Tk, AktPeriod, fact acc. selection list

Voucher no. The voucher number consists of:

  • Company no. 1 : the company involved (colored field)
  • Company no. 2 : the 'other' company (white field) The field can be left blank if the facts to be posted refer to only one company if applicable.
  • Consolidation function: acc. Selection list that maps the voucher to a consolidation function.
  • Sequential number in voucher number: two-digit continuation number (only for certain basic KVAs)

It should be noted that only companies included in voucher no. are posted in the consolidation posting.

PostingType The posting type is the basis for the carry forward of vouchers. The selected transaction type has the following effects:

  • E One-off entry 'E' is no longer available for new consolidation vouchers.
  • EP one-off posting only in this period with this type of posting can be assigned to consolidation vouchers that are to be carried forward from an interim financial statement (month, quarter) to the following period but not carried forward to the carry forward.
  • ET One-off posting (only in sub-group) with this type of posting can be used to identify consolidation vouchers for a sub-group that are not included in the report of the parent group. The carry forward of an ET voucher corresponds to that of an EU voucher.
  • EU one-off posting with reposting with this type of posting can be marked for consolidation vouchers that are not supposed to be carried forward. In order to do justice to the mirror information, consolidation postings on accounts assigned to a Transaction development with carry forward (posting key with usage tag 'V' is defined) and affecting net result postings are always carried out, however, an additional posting is generated which eliminates the carry forward, however not with the carry forward posting key, but with a posting key for ongoing changes.
  • WT Recurring (only in sub-group) with this type of posting, consolidation vouchers for a sub-group can be marked, which are not included in the report of the parent group. The carry forward of a WT voucher corresponds to that of a WU voucher.
  • WU Recurring reposting with this type of posting can be used to identify consolidation vouchers whose carry forward is 1:1, but all P+L accounts are replaced with the profit carried forward account from the 'KTKPAR'. When entering a new consolidation voucher, the posting type is pre-assigned with WU.
  • WV Consolidation vouchers that are to be carried forward can be marked recurrently and variably with this type of posting, but without values, and can only be used as templates. The consolidation voucher is set to the next period with no values on carry forward. At the same time, a corresponding identical presentation voucher with booking type EU is set up to correctly depict the carry forward.
  • P&L expense account with this type of posting can be assigned to manual consolidation vouchers (MB) whose carry-forward logic is supposed to be equal to SC vouchers, so that the P/L statement posting is re-posted to the profit/loss carry-forward account and the offsetting entry is made on the original P+L account.

The processing indicator for this license plate gives the option to carry this voucher only as information (no further processing) or to set it to "process" by "B".

Voucher date and text freely selectable voucher date and freely selectable text

2 Consolidation Postings (CONFIGURATION)

The KONBUCH application displays the current overview of all consolidation postings of a group for the selected fact and current period when it is called directly. All postings are made in group currency on the standard accounts of the group chart of accounts.

Consolidation postings with posting keys assigned to a transaction development area that is not relevant to the balance are shown below the totals per posting record in the overview, as they do not contribute to these totals. These postings cannot be marked to calculate deferred taxes or minority interests.


Numerous selections can be made via the selection area in the "consolidation postings" overview (KONBUCH). Including:

Show postings 'X' means "show all postings", empty means "suppress automatic postings". The button only affects the automatically generated result postings and neutralization postings. Consolidation postings to statistical accounts and posting keys from untested transaction development areas are always displayed regardless of this field. All these ineffective postings are highlighted in different colors and are output after the respective posting record total row if they are sorted by voucher and transaction record number (in other words, for the "KE" and "KT" categories).

Affecting net result posting It can be filtered according to K capital-forming, X affecting net result or - non-profit and capital-forming postings.

Processing status of the posting line You can select it based on the processing status of the posting line, e.g. by creating automatic posting lines (1) or manually creating/modifying by entering (5)

Cross-segment It can be filtered according to cross-segment postings when working with business units.

Voucher number company Similar to the corresponding entry in the overview 'CONBEL', postings are filtered according to this company in the voucher number. In contrast to the selection after 'company', the vouchers are then displayed completely, also if the company is on 2. position.

Posting record No. It can be filtered by transaction record number. For example, in the case of a manual posting, not make a posting on the standard letterset number 01, an explicit record number must be entered in this field (02-99)

Transaction development area When you enter a Transaction development (selection field above it), you can use this to narrow down a transaction development area.

Chart of positions / schema + position In conjunction with a chart of positions, the postings can be queried on a position.

Upstream merger company It can be selected according to the postings of a merged company.

Currency This field is used to select amounts that have been entered into local currency with an amount, generally speaking. Business values in local currency

2.2 Actions

The following actions are available:

- via the toolbar at the top right of the table:

Create data (star symbol) Branch in the single record 'CONBOOK' for creating a new posting line.

- via the toolbar of the right mouse button:

Edit data (Pen icon) Branch into the single record CONFIGURATION for editing a previously marked posting row

Delete deletes all previously marked posting lines

Mass copy copies all previously selected transaction lines. When copying quantities, it must be ensured that no corresponding postings are saved under the target keys 'GroupTk', 'ActPeriod', 'fact' and 'Voucher no'. In the event of an error, a message is sent and the entire copy process is not continued. To confirm a successful copy process, the data is displayed under the new destination keys. Consolidation postings generated by 'Copy quantities' always receive the posting status '5' (manually entered) and can then be changed to any extent, even if the source postings were generated automatically and therefore could not be changed. Origin marks are also not copied.

Mass update changes all previously marked consolidation postings. To delete mass update content, a '*' must be entered. For errors, immediately branch into the single record processing CONBOOK.

Show/edit/delete a comment Additional information related to the posting or the posting line can be displayed or edited or deleted.

- via the action menu

Form entry consolidation postings (half globe) when this action is triggered, the system will branch into the 'I-CONBUCH' application and only show the consolidation posting that was previously marked in the 'CONBOOK' overview.

Consolidation vouchers branch back into the KONBEL application.

Fixed asset objects Calling the fixed asset objects overview (ANLOBJ) with keys from the selected posting that contains a fixed asset object.

Refreshing automatic depreciation amortization current year are automatically recalculated and posted when changes are made to the underlying consolidation postings. However, if the depreciation parameters in the asset object master data are changed, this has no effect on the amortization current year already posted. The 'Update automatic depreciation' action triggers the amortization current year recalculation. To do this, the posting row must be marked with the changed fixed asset object. If lines are marked without an asset account/object and the AfA calculation is started, no calculation is made.

Update Auto consolidation postings This feature updates all automatically generated postings if changes have been made to settings after the respective consolidation function has been performed. This function can be used, among other things, to generate neutralization postings for the first time if neutralization postings are to be inserted retroactively in a period with already existing data, e.g. for the carry-forward postings.

2.3 Single Sentence "ACCOUNT"

This application can be used to capture, modify, or delete individual consolidation postings. If no entry record number is entered, the posting lines are always posted under entry record number 01. The entries are made per line in the account under the keys KonzTk, account no. and Gesno., which can also occur several times within a posting record.

If postings are entered under a different transaction record number, they must be entered in the selection area in 'Advanced mode' and then branched into the individual record only using the 'Edit data' action.

After editing a consolidation posting, the voucher is tested. This involves identifying the consistency and impact on earnings and placing them in the voucher header. S / H postings that do not balance in a posting record are shown with difference in the KONBUCH overview. If "mixed accounts" (postings on balance sheet and P/L accounts) are recorded within a posting, the P/L statement accounts are totaled and the value is subsequently displayed in the "affecting net income" column of the STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS.

If all posting lines in a voucher are deleted, a corresponding message number is written in the CONBEL document header.

Explanation of the individual attributes in the individual sentence:

Company/ Business unit/ Group account valid company and group account acc. to acc. Selection list and business unit if necessary

GC debit/credit entry of the posting amount in the debit or credit field. Please note that only a debit or credit amount is accepted on each line of the transaction. It is possible to record consolidation postings with zero values. Vouchers with such postings can be used as copy templates, for example. In the case of mechanically created postings, the change is only possible with special authorization. If the GC amount is changed, the value of the parallel currency is set to zero. A new currency conversion must be carried out.

Residual balance Is the difference between debit and credit amounts. The residual balance is calculated for the currently edited transaction record number of the voucher and displayed accordingly under the input field for 'credit' or 'debit'. This balance can be used to check the voucher when it is being recorded. The limitation here is that the balance will not be updated until the user switches to a next record.

Posting amount debit/credit parallel currency If the amount is not to be calculated automatically using the 'WUM' application, the PC value can also be entered manually here.

Conversion rule for manually entered PC values must be a conversion rule acc. to . Selection of the selection list.

Exchange rate/reference date Exchange rate If the conversion rule 'UK' (specified rate) has been selected in the 'conversion rule' field, a rate and date must be entered here.

Posting text, individual entry

Posting key A valid posting key must be entered for all mirror accounts. The drop-down list shows the permitted posting keys.

Fixed asset object For asset accounts, a valid fixed asset object must be entered. The drop-down list shows the permitted fixed asset objects.

LT License Plate Here a license plate set by the key in the KTKPAR application consolidation parameters can be manually reset or a posting can also be marked for calculating the deferred tax.

FF flag Here a license plate set by the key in the KTKPAR application consolidation parameters can be manually reset or a posting can also be marked for calculating the minority interests.

Controlling Plan/Controlling Object The chart of controlling objects is set in the 'FAC' application. There are up to max. 10 controlling dimensions possible. The controlling object may only be entered for accounts that have received a corresponding entry in the account master data. If the add-on module 'Controlling module' is not being used, this field is not displayed.

2.4 Consolidation Postings in the Results Account for "Impact on Results"

For affecting net result consolidation vouchers, additional consolidation postings in the amount of the earnings effectiveness are automatically generated on the results account (with account indicator 'E'). One consolidation posting is generated per posting record, per company and, if necessary, per business unit. The account indicator 'G' (consolidated profit and loss) is used to distinguish the individual financial statement results from the group financial statement. If an account with account indicator 'G' is defined, the result of an affecting net result voucher is posted to this account. Only if no account with account indicator 'G' is defined is the posting made on the account with account indicator 'E'.

These automatically generated consolidation postings are not included in the calculation of the target/credit equality and the result effectiveness. They are also not included in the calculation of the control value of the consolidation document.

If the result account is assigned to a capital statement, the new consolidation postings are assigned the posting key with the usage tag 'YU'. If the account is assigned to a different Transaction development, the posting key is used for changes in the current period (usage tag 'L' or 'N').

These additional consolidation postings are generated each time the consolidation vouchers are tested, i.e. when the consolidation postings are displayed and every time there is a change. However, these consolidation postings are not created for locked periods, locked group financial statements, and locked consolidation documents.

When importing consolidation postings (e.g. after exporting from another IDLKONSIS installation), consolidation postings in the result account are ignored without being reported. However, these consolidation postings are re-generated by the subsequent testing.

2.5 Consolidation Postings on Neutralization Accounts

If a clearing account is specified in a consolidation parameters (KTKPAR), then additional postings are automatically generated on that clearing account in the associated consolidation documents. These postings neutralize shifts in balance sheet/income statement result between the two companies mentioned in the voucher. By considering this account in the Group Report, it is possible to ensure that the breakdown of the result is exactly in line with the results of the individual financial statements.

A button in the consolidation postings overview allows you to suppress the display of postings that are not included in this calculation.

Automatically generated neutralization postings may be changed. This may be necessary, for example, if the neutralization amount is to be divided between different accounts or between different posting keys. Then only the difference between these postings and the total neutralization amount is calculated and posted automatically. The posting changes its state from '1' (generated by machine) to '5' (created manually), so that it will not be changed again in the case of a later generation of neutralization postings. Consolidation postings to neutralization accounts can also be entered manually.

The consolidation parameters 'KK' and 'EK' for the Capital consolidation contain two neutralization accounts. The first is used for postings with the subsidiary (first company in the document number), the second for postings with the parent company (second company in the document number).

The neutralization accounts generally apply to a group of vouchers with different consolidation functions. For example, a clearing account in the 'MB' consolidation parameters will act on vouchers with the consolidation functions 'MB' (manual vouchers), 'MB_V' (carry forward of manual vouchers) and 'PM' (merger reposting of manual vouchers). All development repostings ('SU', 'AU', 'KU', 'FU', 'QU') are excluded from the generation of postings on neutralization accounts, as no postponements are posted in the balance sheet or P+L result for a development reposting.

The consolidation postings overview (KONBUCH) also provides a feature called "Update Auto consolidation postings". This function deletes all manually entered postings to neutralization accounts for the posting records of the marked postings and creates new neutralization postings according to the consolidation parameters' standard. This function can be used, among other things, to generate neutralization postings for the first time if neutralization postings are to be inserted retroactively in a period with already existing data, e.g. for the carry forward documents.

Consolidation postings on neutralization accounts are not included in the calculation of the debit and credit totals and the income effectiveness of vouchers and posting records and are carried out like consolidation postings on other accounts. Neutralization postings from vouchers with the posting type 'WX' (e.g. from the consolidation of debits and credits) are carried out with a carry forward posting key and eliminated again with a posting key for ongoing changes if the clearing account is assigned to a Transaction development with a carry forward.

3 Form Entry Consolidation Postings (I-KONBUCH)

This application allows for the form-based entry of consolidation postings.

Since the application can be used for mapping regardless of the entry, this application is also approved for users who have only display authorization. However, if you do not have permission to modify or insert data, you cannot enter it.

The form entry for consolidation postings in the resource tree can be called from the 'Consolidation' menu in the 'Overviews' submenu or from the 'I-CONBUCH' or 'Action'-'form entry CONBOOK' submenu in the KONBUCH application.

3.1 Selection

In the pre-selection process, the keys group, period and fact must be clearly specified, and these are generally adopted from the startup data (VOR or VORADMIN). Simultaneous entry of data for several of these keys is not possible. Entering a language can be used to control that accounts are named in a language other than the user language. When processing the voucher number, there are two different approaches:

  • No or an existing voucher number is specified: Consolidation postings can then be entered for all defined and selected document heads. The document heads must have been created beforehand. For each voucher, you will see the existing change consolidation postings and an entry line for each record number for entry the next consolidation posting.
  • A voucher number is specified but no voucher header has yet been set up for this: It automatically opens an input box in which the mandatory attributes associated with the document header can be entered. The entry type WU, processing indicator B and entry date are pre-filled but can be changed here as the voucher date. Entering a voucher text is mandatory. After input and confirmation with <OK>, the document header is inserted in the database. There is only one input line for this for the first consolidation posting of the newly created voucher.

3.2 Data Entry

The consolidation posting form contains the fields company, if applicable business unit, account no. and the debit or credit value. In the case of mirror accounts, one posting key must also be entered. Next data can be entered in the additional dialog (see below).

The <TAB> and <ENTER> keys move the cursor to the next input cell. After the last input cell of a row, a new input row for the same voucher is automatically inserted into the table at <ENTER>. You can switch to another voucher’s input line by pressing <TAB> or using your mouse.

3.3 Monitoring the Target/Credit Equality of Postings

The totals lines for each voucher and transaction record number automatically form the totals of the recorded debit and credit values so that the debit/credit equality of the postings can be equally controlled. If there is a difference after the save, the difference is shown with a red flag in the entry line and a warning is displayed either in the status line. The user only has to add account no. and company in the difference line, and possibly add business unit, posting key and additional dialog. There is no sampling while entering the data, only at save.

3.4 Additional Data/Additional Dialog

The Additional dialog field allows you to enter additional information such as the posting text, fixed asset object, LT number plate, FF number plate and one controlling object per dimension.

If you add a posting to the list, it is shown by a small red triangle in the cell. As the entry text is always filled with the document text in lines for new postings, the flag in the <Additional Data> column is always set by default. If the mouse pointer remains on one of these cells, any existing or captured additional attributes will be displayed in the Tip tool. Double-clicking on one of these cells opens a dialog in which the respective additional attributes can be recorded or changed.

3.5 Save of Data

A virtual text file is only created from the captured data at the <save> button and is passed to the import application for storage. The data is then tested and written to the database. An update may also be made for existing data. Errors are reported back and displayed in the entry mask by output in the additional Error Field and Error Message columns.

3.6 Display of the Cause of Blocked Cells

Input cells may be locked in the form capture applications for various reasons, such as a lack of permission, company financial statement lock, account validity, display of balanced values. When you activate the 'Show internal info columns' checkbox in the 'View' menu, an additional column is displayed which displays a key for the cause of the lock. Depending on the application, different causes are possible. The following values can be displayed:

  • BER Permission according to BENABR (period lock) or BENOBJ (object authorization) is missing
  • BLO A document block is set
  • BSG The posting key does not belong to the posting key group (BSG)
  • EA The company financial statement of the company/period/fact is blocked
  • FAC The FAC switch is invalid
  • HER An automatically generated data set is blocked due to its origin
  • IHK IC general account are per cent. FAC not approved
  • KGR There is a conflict between the account’s balance sheet/income statement indicator and the account group of the shareholder/business unit allocations (GESUBR)
  • KTO Code A change is made according to the account number (e.g. 'N') not possible
  • KTO Account is not valid in current period
  • PER The account is not allowed for entry for the current period type
  • RES The posting key is reserved
  • SAL The displayed value has been netted from several individual records and therefore cannot be changed

3.7 Input Line

The input line is the entry line for new consolidation postings. It consists of the output field for the document number and visible input fields for the transaction record number, company, account number, posting key, debit value and credit value in the group currency and the additional dialog. The field for the entry record number is pre-filled at the entry line with the last entry record number or '01' if there are no postings for this voucher yet. It is therefore only necessary to enter postings for a new record number.

3.8 Total Lines

Sub-totals are displayed for each voucher number and record number. In addition, the exit of the table displays a total sum for the displayed vouchers, similar to the KONBUCH overview. These totals are dynamically updated according to the entered data, so that the recorded document values can be checked at any time.

3.9 Actions

The following actions are available:

- via the toolbar at the top right of the table:

Save (Disk icon) The action 'save' creates a virtual text file from the captured data and passes it to the import application for storage. The data is then tested and written to the database. An update may also be made for existing data.

- via the action menu

Consolidation postings The 'consolidation postings' command can be used to switch to the overview of the CONBOOK consolidation postings; depending on the current selection, only the postings of the currently edited voucher or the total of the selected consolidation postings are displayed.

Consolidation vouchers With this call, 'consolidation vouchers' can be changed to the overview (CONBEL). Here too, depending on the current selection, only the postings of the currently edited voucher or the total selected consolidation vouchers are displayed.

Fixed asset objects You can switch from the posting in a fixed asset account to the fixed asset objects follow-up application to display the fixed asset object used.

Additional data (additional dialog) This 'Additional data/additional dialog' opens the dialog for entering additional data.


Consolidation Vouchers/Postings and Form Entry Consolidation Postings

Table of Contents

1 Consolidation Vouchers (CONBEL)

The 'KONBEL' application provides access to the consolidation postings on group and/or Sub-group level. The startup data (VOR or VORADMIN) can ensure that only postings for

  • the respective group/sub-group
  • the respective billing period and
  • the respective facts

can be made or displayed.

Generally, posting records are produced in two stages:

  1. Start via the 'CONBEL' application with all information for the document header.
  2. You can access the posting overview for the selected voucher directly from the 'CONBOOK' follow-up processing (consolidation postings).
Control Account
If an error entry is detected in at least one of the selected vouchers (column message no. and short text), the corresponding information is obtained in the footer. Error messages are set, for example, if no posting lines or posting lines without debit/credit totals have been entered for a voucher, or if posting keys are missing.

1.1 CONBEL Overview

Selection and sort options are available in the overview of the 'CONBEL' application. Certain selections are easier to display through the filter function, but there are some sort and selection options that are only possible through the overview.

Explanation of individual attributes:

Group/sub-group, Period, Fact The entries of the fields are automatically taken from the 'VORADMIN' when they are opened, but can be changed at will. The selection function for entry fields for companies is limited to the companies that are also included in the stated group companies.

Consolidation function state To be able to select vouchers of different processing operations together, there are two input fields for the selected consolidation functions.

Sorting There are 2 sort options available for selection, which differ in that sort option 'KE' is sorted by group (relevant if field 'with TK' is activated) and in sort option 'VE' by consolidation function (KVA), in which a total row is drawn for each KVA for the affecting net result postings (this cannot be illustrated with the filter function).

Incl. Sub-group By setting an 'X' in this field, all subgroup documents are also displayed for a parent group. If this field remains blank, the display of vouchers is limited to the group entered in the group/sub-group field.

Processing indicator The field is pre-populated with 'B' by default, so that only the active vouchers are displayed without changing this specification. To see the inactive vouchers, this startup data must be changed to 'I' (not to be processed, to info). If the selection is removed, all vouchers are displayed. The total values displayed then also contain the values from inactive vouchers.

Voucher number 7 entry fields are available for selection:

  • two input fields for the two company numbers contained in the voucher number, whereby the 2nd. Field can also be left empty
  • four fields for the parts of the KVA key (basic KVA, coordination group, deferred tax indicator or carry forward)
  • a field for a two-digit continuation number to differentiate between other similar situations (e.g. multiple batches purchased at Capital consolidation)

The last four fields are either blank or assigned as the case may be. The selection for these parts therefore also allows the input '*' to be used to display the data in which this part is empty (e.g. exclusion from carry forward documents).

Voucher number company The postings are filtered by entering the company in the voucher number. All vouchers of the company are selected, regardless of whether the company number is first or second.

Affecting net result posting It is possible to select different scores. (- Not affecting net income and net equity, K affecting net equity, X affecting net result)

1.2 Actions

In principle, the black-displayed actions are permitted for execution. The actions displayed in light gray are only activated when the document is unambiguously selected (previous voucher marking). The following actions are possible:

- via the toolbar at the top right of the table:

Create data (Star symbol) Start single record processing 'KONBELE'

- via the toolbar of the right mouse button:

Edit data (pen symbol) An existing consolidation voucher can be edited (previous marking of voucher header required)

Delete The delete of a consolidation document always results in all assigned posting lines from the 'CONFIGURATION' being automatically deleted as well. Only ADMIN rights can be used to delete carry-forward documents. Note: Vouchers from the SK/AE consolidation can only be deleted via the IC Clearing Overview (KGESGES) or via the consolidation parameters (KTKPAR). When delete a consolidation document (KK, FK) generated by the Capital consolidation, the other simultaneously created vouchers of this process (e.g. all 'KK 03' and 'FK 03' vouchers of this company) are automatically deleted and the entries of these document numbers in the shareholding transactions are removed, otherwise this consolidation is not repeated correctly.

Mass copy All previously selected consolidation vouchers are mass copy to other keys, e.g. other group/ton, period and/or fact. Note: The mass copy in the 'KONBEL' is always made without the associated postings. Therefore, the KON0376W message for missing postings is first set in the message column. The consolidation postings must be processed in the 2nd step via mass copy in the follow-up application 'KONBUCH', whereby the above message is then deleted from the document heads again after the correct copy process. With the mass copy it must be ensured that no corresponding consolidation documents are saved under the target keys group/Tk, Period, fact and BelNr. In the event of an error, a message is sent and the entire copy process is not executed. To confirm a successful copy process, the data is displayed under the new destination keys.

Copy rules in connection with UBR - Corporate area:

  • If balances exist without UBR, they may only be copied/pasted WITHOUT UBR.
  • If balances with UBR are available, only WITH UBR may be copied/pasted.
  • If balances are available with and without UBR, only WITH UBR may be copied/pasted.

Mass update mass update of all selected consolidation documents. To delete entries, a '*' must be entered here.

Lock voucher (closed lock icon) The highlighted voucher can be locked with this. See cross-check principle

Unlock voucher lock (open lock icon) The highlighted voucher can be unlocked. See cross-check principle

- via the action menu

Consolidation postings Branched into the consolidation postings overview (CONBOOK) by default with the key data of the selected voucher.

Form entry consolidation postings Branch in consolidation posting form entry (I-CONBUCH).

Update auto consolidation postings This process regenerates the auto consolidation postings, e.g. JÜ line, AFA calculation and the neutralization accounts. The function can be used, among other things, to generate neutralization postings for the first time if neutralization postings are to be inserted retroactively in a period with already existing data, e.g. for the carry-forward vouchers

Messages If the highlighted voucher has a message entry, messages are branched directly into the overview.

1.3 Single Sentence "CONBELS"

This application is used to record, modify or delete individual consolidation documents.

Explanation of individual attributes:

Group/Tk, AktPeriod, fact acc. selection list

Voucher no. The voucher number consists of:

  • Company no. 1 : the company involved (colored field)
  • Company no. 2 : the 'other' company (white field) The field can be left blank if the facts to be posted refer to only one company if applicable.
  • Consolidation function: acc. Selection list that maps the voucher to a consolidation function.
  • Sequential number in voucher number: two-digit continuation number (only for certain basic KVAs)

It should be noted that only companies included in voucher no. are posted in the consolidation posting.

PostingType The posting type is the basis for the carry forward of vouchers. The selected transaction type has the following effects:

  • E One-off entry 'E' is no longer available for new consolidation vouchers.
  • EP one-off posting only in this period with this type of posting can be assigned to consolidation vouchers that are to be carried forward from an interim financial statement (month, quarter) to the following period but not carried forward to the carry forward.
  • ET One-off posting (only in sub-group) with this type of posting can be used to identify consolidation vouchers for a sub-group that are not included in the report of the parent group. The carry forward of an ET voucher corresponds to that of an EU voucher.
  • EU one-off posting with reposting with this type of posting can be marked for consolidation vouchers that are not supposed to be carried forward. In order to do justice to the mirror information, consolidation postings on accounts assigned to a Transaction development with carry forward (posting key with usage tag 'V' is defined) and affecting net result postings are always carried out, however, an additional posting is generated which eliminates the carry forward, however not with the carry forward posting key, but with a posting key for ongoing changes.
  • WT Recurring (only in sub-group) with this type of posting, consolidation vouchers for a sub-group can be marked, which are not included in the report of the parent group. The carry forward of a WT voucher corresponds to that of a WU voucher.
  • WU Recurring reposting with this type of posting can be used to identify consolidation vouchers whose carry forward is 1:1, but all P+L accounts are replaced with the profit carried forward account from the 'KTKPAR'. When entering a new consolidation voucher, the posting type is pre-assigned with WU.
  • WV Consolidation vouchers that are to be carried forward can be marked recurrently and variably with this type of posting, but without values, and can only be used as templates. The consolidation voucher is set to the next period with no values on carry forward. At the same time, a corresponding identical presentation voucher with booking type EU is set up to correctly depict the carry forward.
  • P&L expense account with this type of posting can be assigned to manual consolidation vouchers (MB) whose carry-forward logic is supposed to be equal to SC vouchers, so that the P/L statement posting is re-posted to the profit/loss carry-forward account and the offsetting entry is made on the original P+L account.

The processing indicator for this license plate gives the option to carry this voucher only as information (no further processing) or to set it to "process" by "B".

Voucher date and text freely selectable voucher date and freely selectable text

2 Consolidation Postings (CONFIGURATION)

The KONBUCH application displays the current overview of all consolidation postings of a group for the selected fact and current period when it is called directly. All postings are made in group currency on the standard accounts of the group chart of accounts.

Consolidation postings with posting keys assigned to a transaction development area that is not relevant to the balance are shown below the totals per posting record in the overview, as they do not contribute to these totals. These postings cannot be marked to calculate deferred taxes or minority interests.


Numerous selections can be made via the selection area in the "consolidation postings" overview (KONBUCH). Including:

Show postings 'X' means "show all postings", empty means "suppress automatic postings". The button only affects the automatically generated result postings and neutralization postings. Consolidation postings to statistical accounts and posting keys from untested transaction development areas are always displayed regardless of this field. All these ineffective postings are highlighted in different colors and are output after the respective posting record total row if they are sorted by voucher and transaction record number (in other words, for the "KE" and "KT" categories).

Affecting net result posting It can be filtered according to K capital-forming, X affecting net result or - non-profit and capital-forming postings.

Processing status of the posting line You can select it based on the processing status of the posting line, e.g. by creating automatic posting lines (1) or manually creating/modifying by entering (5)

Cross-segment It can be filtered according to cross-segment postings when working with business units.

Voucher number company Similar to the corresponding entry in the overview 'CONBEL', postings are filtered according to this company in the voucher number. In contrast to the selection after 'company', the vouchers are then displayed completely, also if the company is on 2. position.

Posting record No. It can be filtered by transaction record number. For example, in the case of a manual posting, not make a posting on the standard letterset number 01, an explicit record number must be entered in this field (02-99)

Transaction development area When you enter a Transaction development (selection field above it), you can use this to narrow down a transaction development area.

Chart of positions / schema + position In conjunction with a chart of positions, the postings can be queried on a position.

Upstream merger company It can be selected according to the postings of a merged company.

Currency This field is used to select amounts that have been entered into local currency with an amount, generally speaking. Business values in local currency

2.2 Actions

The following actions are available:

- via the toolbar at the top right of the table:

Create data (star symbol) Branch in the single record 'CONBOOK' for creating a new posting line.

- via the toolbar of the right mouse button:

Edit data (Pen icon) Branch into the single record CONFIGURATION for editing a previously marked posting row

Delete deletes all previously marked posting lines

Mass copy copies all previously selected transaction lines. When copying quantities, it must be ensured that no corresponding postings are saved under the target keys 'GroupTk', 'ActPeriod', 'fact' and 'Voucher no'. In the event of an error, a message is sent and the entire copy process is not continued. To confirm a successful copy process, the data is displayed under the new destination keys. Consolidation postings generated by 'Copy quantities' always receive the posting status '5' (manually entered) and can then be changed to any extent, even if the source postings were generated automatically and therefore could not be changed. Origin marks are also not copied.

Mass update changes all previously marked consolidation postings. To delete mass update content, a '*' must be entered. For errors, immediately branch into the single record processing CONBOOK.

Show/edit/delete a comment Additional information related to the posting or the posting line can be displayed or edited or deleted.

- via the action menu

Form entry consolidation postings (half globe) when this action is triggered, the system will branch into the 'I-CONBUCH' application and only show the consolidation posting that was previously marked in the 'CONBOOK' overview.

Consolidation vouchers branch back into the KONBEL application.

Fixed asset objects Calling the fixed asset objects overview (ANLOBJ) with keys from the selected posting that contains a fixed asset object.

Refreshing automatic depreciation amortization current year are automatically recalculated and posted when changes are made to the underlying consolidation postings. However, if the depreciation parameters in the asset object master data are changed, this has no effect on the amortization current year already posted. The 'Update automatic depreciation' action triggers the amortization current year recalculation. To do this, the posting row must be marked with the changed fixed asset object. If lines are marked without an asset account/object and the AfA calculation is started, no calculation is made.

Update Auto consolidation postings This feature updates all automatically generated postings if changes have been made to settings after the respective consolidation function has been performed. This function can be used, among other things, to generate neutralization postings for the first time if neutralization postings are to be inserted retroactively in a period with already existing data, e.g. for the carry-forward postings.

2.3 Single Sentence "ACCOUNT"

This application can be used to capture, modify, or delete individual consolidation postings. If no entry record number is entered, the posting lines are always posted under entry record number 01. The entries are made per line in the account under the keys KonzTk, account no. and Gesno., which can also occur several times within a posting record.

If postings are entered under a different transaction record number, they must be entered in the selection area in 'Advanced mode' and then branched into the individual record only using the 'Edit data' action.

After editing a consolidation posting, the voucher is tested. This involves identifying the consistency and impact on earnings and placing them in the voucher header. S / H postings that do not balance in a posting record are shown with difference in the KONBUCH overview. If "mixed accounts" (postings on balance sheet and P/L accounts) are recorded within a posting, the P/L statement accounts are totaled and the value is subsequently displayed in the "affecting net income" column of the STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS.

If all posting lines in a voucher are deleted, a corresponding message number is written in the CONBEL document header.

Explanation of the individual attributes in the individual sentence:

Company/ Business unit/ Group account valid company and group account acc. to acc. Selection list and business unit if necessary

GC debit/credit entry of the posting amount in the debit or credit field. Please note that only a debit or credit amount is accepted on each line of the transaction. It is possible to record consolidation postings with zero values. Vouchers with such postings can be used as copy templates, for example. In the case of mechanically created postings, the change is only possible with special authorization. If the GC amount is changed, the value of the parallel currency is set to zero. A new currency conversion must be carried out.

Residual balance Is the difference between debit and credit amounts. The residual balance is calculated for the currently edited transaction record number of the voucher and displayed accordingly under the input field for 'credit' or 'debit'. This balance can be used to check the voucher when it is being recorded. The limitation here is that the balance will not be updated until the user switches to a next record.

Posting amount debit/credit parallel currency If the amount is not to be calculated automatically using the 'WUM' application, the PC value can also be entered manually here.

Conversion rule for manually entered PC values must be a conversion rule acc. to . Selection of the selection list.

Exchange rate/reference date Exchange rate If the conversion rule 'UK' (specified rate) has been selected in the 'conversion rule' field, a rate and date must be entered here.

Posting text, individual entry

Posting key A valid posting key must be entered for all mirror accounts. The drop-down list shows the permitted posting keys.

Fixed asset object For asset accounts, a valid fixed asset object must be entered. The drop-down list shows the permitted fixed asset objects.

LT License Plate Here a license plate set by the key in the KTKPAR application consolidation parameters can be manually reset or a posting can also be marked for calculating the deferred tax.

FF flag Here a license plate set by the key in the KTKPAR application consolidation parameters can be manually reset or a posting can also be marked for calculating the minority interests.

Controlling Plan/Controlling Object The chart of controlling objects is set in the 'FAC' application. There are up to max. 10 controlling dimensions possible. The controlling object may only be entered for accounts that have received a corresponding entry in the account master data. If the add-on module 'Controlling module' is not being used, this field is not displayed.

2.4 Consolidation Postings in the Results Account for "Impact on Results"

For affecting net result consolidation vouchers, additional consolidation postings in the amount of the earnings effectiveness are automatically generated on the results account (with account indicator 'E'). One consolidation posting is generated per posting record, per company and, if necessary, per business unit. The account indicator 'G' (consolidated profit and loss) is used to distinguish the individual financial statement results from the group financial statement. If an account with account indicator 'G' is defined, the result of an affecting net result voucher is posted to this account. Only if no account with account indicator 'G' is defined is the posting made on the account with account indicator 'E'.

These automatically generated consolidation postings are not included in the calculation of the target/credit equality and the result effectiveness. They are also not included in the calculation of the control value of the consolidation document.

If the result account is assigned to a capital statement, the new consolidation postings are assigned the posting key with the usage tag 'YU'. If the account is assigned to a different Transaction development, the posting key is used for changes in the current period (usage tag 'L' or 'N').

These additional consolidation postings are generated each time the consolidation vouchers are tested, i.e. when the consolidation postings are displayed and every time there is a change. However, these consolidation postings are not created for locked periods, locked group financial statements, and locked consolidation documents.

When importing consolidation postings (e.g. after exporting from another IDLKONSIS installation), consolidation postings in the result account are ignored without being reported. However, these consolidation postings are re-generated by the subsequent testing.

2.5 Consolidation Postings on Neutralization Accounts

If a clearing account is specified in a consolidation parameters (KTKPAR), then additional postings are automatically generated on that clearing account in the associated consolidation documents. These postings neutralize shifts in balance sheet/income statement result between the two companies mentioned in the voucher. By considering this account in the Group Report, it is possible to ensure that the breakdown of the result is exactly in line with the results of the individual financial statements.

A button in the consolidation postings overview allows you to suppress the display of postings that are not included in this calculation.

Automatically generated neutralization postings may be changed. This may be necessary, for example, if the neutralization amount is to be divided between different accounts or between different posting keys. Then only the difference between these postings and the total neutralization amount is calculated and posted automatically. The posting changes its state from '1' (generated by machine) to '5' (created manually), so that it will not be changed again in the case of a later generation of neutralization postings. Consolidation postings to neutralization accounts can also be entered manually.

The consolidation parameters 'KK' and 'EK' for the Capital consolidation contain two neutralization accounts. The first is used for postings with the subsidiary (first company in the document number), the second for postings with the parent company (second company in the document number).

The neutralization accounts generally apply to a group of vouchers with different consolidation functions. For example, a clearing account in the 'MB' consolidation parameters will act on vouchers with the consolidation functions 'MB' (manual vouchers), 'MB_V' (carry forward of manual vouchers) and 'PM' (merger reposting of manual vouchers). All development repostings ('SU', 'AU', 'KU', 'FU', 'QU') are excluded from the generation of postings on neutralization accounts, as no postponements are posted in the balance sheet or P+L result for a development reposting.

The consolidation postings overview (KONBUCH) also provides a feature called "Update Auto consolidation postings". This function deletes all manually entered postings to neutralization accounts for the posting records of the marked postings and creates new neutralization postings according to the consolidation parameters' standard. This function can be used, among other things, to generate neutralization postings for the first time if neutralization postings are to be inserted retroactively in a period with already existing data, e.g. for the carry forward documents.

Consolidation postings on neutralization accounts are not included in the calculation of the debit and credit totals and the income effectiveness of vouchers and posting records and are carried out like consolidation postings on other accounts. Neutralization postings from vouchers with the posting type 'WX' (e.g. from the consolidation of debits and credits) are carried out with a carry forward posting key and eliminated again with a posting key for ongoing changes if the clearing account is assigned to a Transaction development with a carry forward.

3 Form Entry Consolidation Postings (I-KONBUCH)

This application allows for the form-based entry of consolidation postings.

Since the application can be used for mapping regardless of the entry, this application is also approved for users who have only display authorization. However, if you do not have permission to modify or insert data, you cannot enter it.

The form entry for consolidation postings in the resource tree can be called from the 'Consolidation' menu in the 'Overviews' submenu or from the 'I-CONBUCH' or 'Action'-'form entry CONBOOK' submenu in the KONBUCH application.

3.1 Selection

In the pre-selection process, the keys group, period and fact must be clearly specified, and these are generally adopted from the startup data (VOR or VORADMIN). Simultaneous entry of data for several of these keys is not possible. Entering a language can be used to control that accounts are named in a language other than the user language. When processing the voucher number, there are two different approaches:

  • No or an existing voucher number is specified: Consolidation postings can then be entered for all defined and selected document heads. The document heads must have been created beforehand. For each voucher, you will see the existing change consolidation postings and an entry line for each record number for entry the next consolidation posting.
  • A voucher number is specified but no voucher header has yet been set up for this: It automatically opens an input box in which the mandatory attributes associated with the document header can be entered. The entry type WU, processing indicator B and entry date are pre-filled but can be changed here as the voucher date. Entering a voucher text is mandatory. After input and confirmation with <OK>, the document header is inserted in the database. There is only one input line for this for the first consolidation posting of the newly created voucher.

3.2 Data Entry

The consolidation posting form contains the fields company, if applicable business unit, account no. and the debit or credit value. In the case of mirror accounts, one posting key must also be entered. Next data can be entered in the additional dialog (see below).

The <TAB> and <ENTER> keys move the cursor to the next input cell. After the last input cell of a row, a new input row for the same voucher is automatically inserted into the table at <ENTER>. You can switch to another voucher’s input line by pressing <TAB> or using your mouse.

3.3 Monitoring the Target/Credit Equality of Postings

The totals lines for each voucher and transaction record number automatically form the totals of the recorded debit and credit values so that the debit/credit equality of the postings can be equally controlled. If there is a difference after the save, the difference is shown with a red flag in the entry line and a warning is displayed either in the status line. The user only has to add account no. and company in the difference line, and possibly add business unit, posting key and additional dialog. There is no sampling while entering the data, only at save.

3.4 Additional Data/Additional Dialog

The Additional dialog field allows you to enter additional information such as the posting text, fixed asset object, LT number plate, FF number plate and one controlling object per dimension.

If you add a posting to the list, it is shown by a small red triangle in the cell. As the entry text is always filled with the document text in lines for new postings, the flag in the <Additional Data> column is always set by default. If the mouse pointer remains on one of these cells, any existing or captured additional attributes will be displayed in the Tip tool. Double-clicking on one of these cells opens a dialog in which the respective additional attributes can be recorded or changed.

3.5 Save of Data

A virtual text file is only created from the captured data at the <save> button and is passed to the import application for storage. The data is then tested and written to the database. An update may also be made for existing data. Errors are reported back and displayed in the entry mask by output in the additional Error Field and Error Message columns.

3.6 Display of the Cause of Blocked Cells

Input cells may be locked in the form capture applications for various reasons, such as a lack of permission, company financial statement lock, account validity, display of balanced values. When you activate the 'Show internal info columns' checkbox in the 'View' menu, an additional column is displayed which displays a key for the cause of the lock. Depending on the application, different causes are possible. The following values can be displayed:

  • BER Permission according to BENABR (period lock) or BENOBJ (object authorization) is missing
  • BLO A document block is set
  • BSG The posting key does not belong to the posting key group (BSG)
  • EA The company financial statement of the company/period/fact is blocked
  • FAC The FAC switch is invalid
  • HER An automatically generated data set is blocked due to its origin
  • IHK IC general account are per cent. FAC not approved
  • KGR There is a conflict between the account’s balance sheet/income statement indicator and the account group of the shareholder/business unit allocations (GESUBR)
  • KTO Code A change is made according to the account number (e.g. 'N') not possible
  • KTO Account is not valid in current period
  • PER The account is not allowed for entry for the current period type
  • RES The posting key is reserved
  • SAL The displayed value has been netted from several individual records and therefore cannot be changed

3.7 Input Line

The input line is the entry line for new consolidation postings. It consists of the output field for the document number and visible input fields for the transaction record number, company, account number, posting key, debit value and credit value in the group currency and the additional dialog. The field for the entry record number is pre-filled at the entry line with the last entry record number or '01' if there are no postings for this voucher yet. It is therefore only necessary to enter postings for a new record number.

3.8 Total Lines

Sub-totals are displayed for each voucher number and record number. In addition, the exit of the table displays a total sum for the displayed vouchers, similar to the KONBUCH overview. These totals are dynamically updated according to the entered data, so that the recorded document values can be checked at any time.

3.9 Actions

The following actions are available:

- via the toolbar at the top right of the table:

Save (Disk icon) The action 'save' creates a virtual text file from the captured data and passes it to the import application for storage. The data is then tested and written to the database. An update may also be made for existing data.

- via the action menu

Consolidation postings The 'consolidation postings' command can be used to switch to the overview of the CONBOOK consolidation postings; depending on the current selection, only the postings of the currently edited voucher or the total of the selected consolidation postings are displayed.

Consolidation vouchers With this call, 'consolidation vouchers' can be changed to the overview (CONBEL). Here too, depending on the current selection, only the postings of the currently edited voucher or the total selected consolidation vouchers are displayed.

Fixed asset objects You can switch from the posting in a fixed asset account to the fixed asset objects follow-up application to display the fixed asset object used.

Additional data (additional dialog) This 'Additional data/additional dialog' opens the dialog for entering additional data.

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