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Forecast Monitor

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

In a planning scenario, there are basic steps required in IDL Forecast to create an initial basis for planning or to update a scenario, for example. In general, identical steps will be repeated for each company or business unit. In order to optimize the Forecast Sequences for multiple companies or business units, basic steps can be summarized as planning steps in a Forecast Sequences (PA) and configured using Forecast Sequence Parameters (PAPAR). These Forecast Sequences can be processed for several companies and business units as a whole via the Forecast Monitor (PM). The Forecast Monitor displays the status of the steps performed for a selected scenario for each company or business unit.

2 Forecast Monitor

The Forecast Monitor can be called up directly either via the start menu / Planning / "Forecast Monitor" or with the acronym "PM." It is also possible to call up the Forecast Monitor as a subsequent application of IDL FORECAST (PLAN). This is done via the working window / scenarios of a selected scenario using the context menu / "Forecast Monitor ..." Conversely, IDL FORECAST can also be called up from the Forecast Monitor. The call up is done for the scenario selected to the left and the marked company using context menu / "IDL FORECAST".

2.1 Display scenario

The scenario to be displayed is selected on the left side of the Forecast Monitor via a listbox. Information (data areas, reports, and account plans) on the scenario chosen will be displayed beneath this listbox. The current scenario status for steps already performed will then be displayed in the main window. The display takes place line by line for each company and, if necessary, business unit. The last saving status of a scenario is always analyzed for the status indicator in the Forecast Monitor. Companies or business units of a scenario that have not yet been saved will not be displayed to start with.

If all companies of a sub-group / group are to be displayed, one sub-group / group must be selected on the left side and the display in the Forecast Monitor will have to be changed to "display all possible companies / business units". This is done using the "plus" on the right side in the integrated toolbar of the Forecast Monitor. Which companies belong to the selected sub-group / group will depend on the defined group companies according to the group monitor (KTKGES). Which group monitor will be used for display purposes is to be determined as follows. The period of the year "Y" for the ACTUAL area of the scenario is to be used. If no "Y" period exists then the last period of the ACTUAL area is to be used. The ex fact entered in the ACTUAL fact for the scenario is to be used as the fact. If no ex fact is entered in the user's startup data (VOR) then the ex fact from the ACTUAL fact is to be used. If no sub-group / group is selected, all companies will be displayed according the application companies (GES)!

2.2 Status display

The status of a scenario will be displayed in the Forecast Monitor column by column for each company or business unit. The individual columns and icons / colors used have the following meanings:

symbols / colors

  1. stop sign / red = faulty
  2. warning triangle / yellow = warning (plausibility not met)
  3. checkmark / green = error-free
  4. hand with a green checkmark = manual release is error-free
  5. bar / empty = no data or validation
  6. question mark = there is not enough information to evaluate the status

Via the table header, you can determine which status and which information you would like to have displayed in the Forecast Monitor with a right mouse click table column. Table columns without checkmarks will not be displayed and columns with checkmarks will appear in the Forecast Monitor. The selected table columns will remain in the display of the Forecast Monitor until the next change.


  • To FORECAST: if the scenario uses a data area FORECAST, the last ACTUAL balance level must be reconciled to FORECAST as the opening stock.
  • To PLAN: If the scenario uses a data area PLAN, the last ACTUAL or FORECAST balance has to be reconciled to PLAN as the opening stock.
  1. stop sign / red = the step "reconcile ..." has not been performed or is not up to date.
  2. checkmark / green = The step "reconcile ..." has been performed and is up to date.
  3. bar / empty = There is no saving status that can be evaluated. With a stored scenario, the working step is not necessary. Like "reconcile ACTUAL to FORECAST," for example, when the scenario doesn't include the data area FORECAST.


  • Balances exist: checks and indicates whether P/L balances for FORECAST and / or PLAN are available for further processing in the scenario. Neither account balances nor statistical quantities or ACTUAL data are considered.
  1. warning triangle / yellow = No P/L balances are available in the data area FORECAST and / or PLAN. The step "update balances ..." has not been taken, for example.
  2. checkmark / green = P/L balances are available in the data area FORECAST and / or PLAN
  3. bar / blank = There is no saving status that can be analyzed.
  • Applied Rules: checks and indicates whether a rule template was applied in the scenario and whether the associated plausibility check is OK.
  1. stop sign / red = There are no rule templates available as applied templates. The step "apply rule templates ..." was not taken.
  2. warning triangle / yellow = There are rule templates available as applied templates, however the validation check contains inconsistencies / errors. The validation check needs to be checked directly in the scenario content and possible errors need to be corrected.
  3. checkmark / green = There are rule templates available as applied templates and the validation check does not contain any inconsistencies / errors.
  4. hand with a green checkmark = A warning triangle status can be manually approved as error-free if there are no real errors in the plausibility check of the scenario after the review. The status can be changed with the context menu entry "Manual release / applied rules" and remains in effect until the scenario of the company / business unit is stored again.
  5. bar / blank = There is no saving status that can be analyzed.
  • IC Counter-Planning: Checks and displays whether IC counter-planning was applied for all target companies and whether it is current.
  1. Stop Sign / red = There are still differences in the IC counter-planning or mandatory data regarding currency translation is missing. The work step "Accept IC counter-planning" has not been carried out or not been repeated.
  2. Warning triangle / yellow = There are IC balances in planning that are neither the source nor the destination of IC counter-planning. The account assignment of IC counter-planning and the assigned IC profile of the scenario need to be examined.
  3. A hand with a green checkmark = A warning triangle status can be manually released as error-free once you have made certain that no account assignments have been forgotten for the IC counter- planning after checking again.
  4. Checkmark / green = The IC counter-planning has been accepted and shows no differences.

matching block

  • Total: The result of each scenario matching block will be analyzed for each period and data area, however the status will be displayed as a sum in the column "total." If the balance sheet and P/L results do not match for at least one period, this will be shown here.
  • Areas: The result of each scenario matching block will be analyzed for each period and data area and the status will be displayed for each data area. If the balance sheet and P/L results do not match for at least one period, this will be shown here. This status will be displayed in the Forecast Monitor if the table column "matching block areas" is added by selecting the table header.
  1. stop sign / red = The balance sheet and P/L results do not match for at least one period of the scenario. The scenario needs to be checked for this company or business unit.
  2. checkmark / green = The balance sheet and P/L results match for all periods of the scenario.
  3. bar / blank = There is no saving status available that can be analyzed.

Matching balances for ACTUAL / FORECAST / PLAN

  • Target: For each data area, the system will check separately whether there are balance deviations between the balances of the scenario and the IDL Konsis account balances (KTOSAL). The defined target facts of the scenario are the criteria used for matching. The balances + account balances KTO, intercompany balances IC and controlling balances CNT + will each be checked individually if they have been used in the scenario.
  • Source: A check will be performed for the data areas FORECAST and PLAN as to whether there are balance deviations between the balances of the scenario and the IDL Konsis account balances (KTOSAL). The defined source facts that are stored in the facts configuration (menu / scenario / "configure facts") are the criteria for matching. The balances + account balances KTO, intercompany balances IC and controlling balances CNT + will each be checked individually, assuming they have been used in the scenario. This status will be displayed in the Forecast Monitor if the table column "matching balances source" is added by selecting the table header.
  • Please note: In order to check the matching of the respective balances, a checksum calculation must be activated for the facts (FAC)!
  1. stop sign / red = The balances of the scenario do not match the IDL Konsis account balances (KTOSAL) of the target fact. The step "Export balances ..." has not been performed or updated.
  2. checkmark / green = The balances of the scenario match the IDL Konsis account balances (KTOSAL) of the target fact and are up to date.
  3. hand with a green checkmark = A stop status can be approved manually as free of error. This makes sense in the following situation: a comparison with the source fact can only be performed without making an error at the beginning of the scenario if no other actions are being performed in the scenario. The status can be changed with the context menu entry "Manual release / consistency balances source or target" and remains in effect until the scenario of the company / business unit is stored again.
  4. bar / empty = There is no saving status available that can be analyzed. With a saved scenario, this step is not necessary for the scenario because no data area FORECAST is processed in the scenario, for example.
  5. question mark = There are no checksums to check for a match.

S / locked

  • This status will be displayed in the Forecast Monitor if the table column "S / locked" is added by selecting the table header. An open lock indicates that the scenario of the company or the business unit isn't locked and can be edited. If the lock is closed, however, the scenario is locked.

Saved last

  • Indicates which user last saved a company or business unit of a scenario. This saving status will be analyzed for the status indicator in the Forecast Monitor. The planning monitor can be updated if the saving status of the scenario has changed for one or more companies or business units. This is done using the "double arrow" on the right side in the integrated toolbar of the Forecast Monitor.

2.3 Planning steps

In addition to the status display of a scenario described above, certain steps / Forecast Sequences can be executed directly via the Forecast Monitor for one or more companies or business units. These steps / Forecast Sequences can be executed either individually from the context menu of the Forecast Monitor or by means of a user-defined Forecast Sequences which already integrates and executes several steps / Forecast Sequences one after the other.

The steps that can be executed as planning steps via the context menu are listed below.

Update balances

  • To perform this step, an additional Forecast Sequence Parameters (PAPAR) has to be selected in the column "parameter." If no parameter is selectable, a Forecast Sequences parameter (PAPAR) will have to be set up first, see chapter 4. In the Forecast Sequence Parameters, it will be determined which balances are to be updated during this step / Forecast Sequence.
  • This step can be used in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Lead Over

  • This entry contains three steps that can be run individually: "Lead over ACTUAL to FORECAST" or "Lead over ACTUAL to PLAN" or "Lead over FORECAST to PLAN."
  • These steps can be taken individually in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Apply rule templates

  • To perform this step, an additional Forecast Sequence Parameters (PAPAR) has to be selected in the column "parameters." If no parameter can be selected, a planning process parameter (PAPAR) has to be created first, see chapter 4. In the Forecast Sequence Parameters, you specify which rule template folder should be used for the scenario when executing a step / Forecast Sequences. In this case, all of the rules from the rule template folder chosen will always be applied.
  • This entry contains three steps that can be executed individually: "Apply rule templates All," "Apply rule templates FORECAST" or "Apply rule templates PLAN." "Apply rule templates All" includes the steps "Apply rule templates FORECAST" and "Apply rule templates PLAN."
  • These steps can be used individually in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Delete business cases

  • If this step is executed, all of the business cases of applied rule templates will be deleted from the scenario. This will not delete all of the balances, but only the balances that have arisen from the rules applied.
  • This step can be used in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Export balances

  • This entry contains three steps that can be executed individually: "Export balances All," "Export balances FORECAST" or "Export balances PLAN." "Export balances All" includes the steps "Export balances FORECAST" and "Export balances PLAN."
  • With the respective step, all types of balances (account, intercompany and controlling balances) and all accounts (balance sheet, P/L and statistical quantities) will be written in IDL Konsis. The target facts that have already been defined while creating the scenario will be used.
  • This step can be used in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Delete business cases and balances

  • If this step is executed, all FORECAST and / or PLAN balances and all business cases of applied rule templates will be deleted from the scenario.
  • This step cannot be selected in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Delete ICGP takeover

  • If this operation is performed, all of the IC balances acquired from the IC counter-planning will be deleted for the target company.
  • This step can be used in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Lock / unlock

  • A scenario lock can either be locked or unlocked by taking this step.
  • This step cannot be selected in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Execute Forecast Sequences

  • A Forecast Sequences includes several steps as executable planning steps that are defined individually.
  • In order to execute a user-defined Forecast Sequences, a Forecast Sequences (PA) and a Forecast Sequence Parameters (PAPAR) must be selected in the columns "Sequence" and "Parameter" If no sequence can be selected, a Forecast Sequences (PA) needs to be defined in advance, see chapter 3 . If no parameter can be selected, a Forecast Sequence Parameters (PAPAR) needs to be defined in advance, see chapter 4.
  • Please note: The individual steps of the user-defined Forecast Sequences should be executed for one company / business unit directly in the scenario (PLAN) before a Forecast Sequences is performed for a number of companies / business units. In this way, additional plausibilities can be checked that have not yet been processed in the Forecast Monitor. These plausibility checks include the check for missing or changed parameters and the validation check of an activated plan accounts consolidation.

In addition to the previous steps of the Forecast Monitor, the following steps can be used in a Forecast Sequence:

Copy/distribute balances

  • If a user-defined planning process is carried out, a defined profile can be selected to copy and/or distribute certain balances in the planning form in an automated manner.
  • This step cannot be performed via the Forecast Monitor.

Save scenario

  • If a user-defined Forecast Sequence is executed, "save scenario" must be defined as last step in the Forecast Sequence. The steps of the Forecast Sequence that are performed are thus saved and the updated status can be displayed in the Forecast Monitor.
  • This step cannot be performed via the Forecast Monitor.

2.4 Edit Forecast Monitor

Additional functions for the Forecast Monitor can be processed via the context menu. These do not correspond to any operation or usable Forecast Sequences.

Manual release rules

  • A warning triangle status can be manually marked as error-free for the "applied rules" if there are no real errors in the plausibility check of the scenario after the review. The manually changed status (hand with a green checkmark) will remain in effect until the scenario of the company / business unit is re-stored.

Copy and paste parameter / process

  • Selected settings in the columns "Parameter" and "Sequence" can be transferred by copying and pasting them from one company / business unit to other companies / business units by the means of "copy parameter / sequence" and "paste parameter / sequence." Before this is done the cells to be copied must be marked and then the cells that the copied content is to be inserted into.

2.5 Subsequent applications

Via the context menu you can branch off from the Forecast Monitor into three applications:


  • IDLFORECAST is opened in a new tab together with the scenario and the previously selected company or business unit of the Forecast Monitor.

Forecast Sequence Parameters (PAPAR)

  • The application is opened in a new tab without startup data.

Forecast Sequences (PA)

  • The application is opened in a new tab without startup data.

Forecast Logs (PLANLOG)

  • In a new tab, the planning logs will be loaded from the scenario currently selected.

3 Forecast Sequences

The Forecast Sequences can be called up either via the start menu / planning / "Forecast Sequences" or directly with the acronym "PA". It is also possible to call up the Forecast Sequences as a subsequent application of the Forecast Sequences in the planning monitor (PM). This is done in the Forecast Monitor via the context menu / "Forecast Sequences."

User-defined Forecast Sequences can be selected in the Forecast Monitor (PM) in the column "Sequence." However, these must be created and defined in this application first. Forecast Sequences contain at least one step as an executable planning step. Usually several basic planning steps are combined into one meaningful Forecast Sequences to perform this holistically for one or more companies or business units of a scenario in the Forecast Monitor. The selection of a Forecast Sequence in the Forecast Monitor takes place for each scenario and each company or business unit. If Forecast Sequences are to be performed by the Forecast Monitor, a "Sequence" needs to be specified in advance. The companies or business units of a scenario can use either all the same or different Forecast Sequences. The potentially different settings remain saved in the Forecast Monitor of each scenario. Setting/s can be changed at any time.

3.1 Create and edit Forecast Sequences

A new Forecast Sequence is created either via the context menu entry "new sequence" or via the "star" at the right side in the integrated toolbar. A "stop" in the first data field indicates that a name has to be assigned to the Forecast Sequence. The name can be chosen freely. The Forecast Sequence in the Forecast Monitor is also selected using this name. If the name of the Forecast Sequence is changed subsequently, this also updates the selection in the Forecast Monitor.

All steps that can be used as executable "planning steps" in a Forecast Sequence (repeatedly if necessary) are displayed on the right side of the application. These planning steps include:

  1. Update balances
  2. Lead over ACTUAL to FORECAST
  3. Lead over ACTUAL to PLAN
  4. Lead over FORECAST to PLAN
  5. Copy/distribute balances
  6. Apply rule templates (All)
  7. Apply rule templates (FORECAST)
  8. Apply rule templates (PLAN)
  9. Save scenario
  10. Export balances
  11. Delete business cases
  12. Accept IC counter-planning
  13. Delete acceptance of IC counter-planning

A Forecast Sequence is defined in which these planning steps are assigned to the newly created Forecast Sequence per drag & drop. The individual planning steps are processed in sequence from top to bottom when executing the Forecast Sequence. If a planning step is in the wrong place, it can also be removed per drag & drop. If a planning step is highlighted, it can be deleted with "delete" from the Forecast Sequence via a right mouse click. If, however, a Forecast Sequence is highlighted and deleted by right mouse click, all planning steps will be deleted as well as the Forecast Sequence itself, but only if the Forecast Sequence is not applied to a scenario in the Planning Monitor. Additional planning parameters for individual steps can be selected to the right of the planning steps. This only makes sense for the planning steps "Copy/distribute balances," "Update balances" and "write balance," however, because planning parameters can only be defined for these planning steps.

A possible Forecast Sequence could be, for example, defined as follows:

  1. Delete business cases
  2. Update balances
  3. Lead over ACTUAL to FORECAST
  4. Apply rule templates (All)
  5. Lead over FORECAST to PLAN
  6. Save scenario

Please note: If a user-defined Forecast Sequence is executed, "save scenario" should be defined as the last planning step in the Forecast Sequence. Thus, the steps of the planning process that have been performed will be saved and the changed status of the scenario can be displayed in the Forecast Monitor. A Forecast Sequence without the final step "save scenario" will mean that the planning steps to be followed are ineffective and the previous status of the scenario remains unchanged. An appropriate notice will indicate if a planning cycle is to be performed without "store scenario" or "write balances." For testing a planning cycle you might want to execute this without storing it, however.

Different Forecast Sequences can be defined and applied. An existing Forecast Sequence can be duplicated and processed to facilitate the processing of a new Forecast Sequence. To duplicate a Forecast Sequence, this is marked and inserted as the new planning process (copy) using the context menu entry "duplicate process." The name of the copied Forecast Sequence can be changed by double clicking.

3.2 Execute Forecast Sequences

A Forecast Sequence is executed via the Forecast Monitor for the selected companies and business units using the context menu entry "execute Forecast Sequence." The planning process entered for the scenario in the Forecast Monitor column "sequence" will be executed.

Please note: The individual steps of the user-defined Forecast Sequence should be executed for one company / business unit directly in the scenario (PLAN) before the implementation of a Forecast Sequence for a number of companies / business units. In this way, additional plausibilities can be checked that have not yet been processed in the Forecast Monitor. These plausibility checks include checks for missing or changed parameters and the validation check of an activated plan accounts consolidation.

Please note: A Forecast Sequence cannot be executed if a scenario is already opened in IDLFORECAST (PLAN).

Once a Forecast Sequence has been started, a new window "Forecast Sequence will open. This window displays the progress of the planning steps already performed and their result with the status for each company and business unit. Every company or business unit for which the Forecast Sequence is to be executed is processed sequentially. The status of the Forecast Sequence is constantly displayed at the end of the window, but also whether the Forecast Sequence is still underway or has been completed. It also shows how many companies have not yet been edited. If the Forecast Sequence has ended, the processing status will display how many companies and business units were processed and whether there are faulty companies or business units.

Please note: No other Forecast Sequences can be opened during execution of a Forecast Sequence! But an executing Forecast Sequence can be terminated, if necessary, via "cancel sequence." The processing status then displays the terminated Forecast Sequence and how many companies and business units have not been edited.

If, for example, an error occurs with one company, the Forecast Sequence will only be terminated for this company. All of the other companies will continue to be processed. An error occurs when a planning step in the scenario cannot be executed. A "stop sign" will be displayed in the Forecast Sequences window in the status column for the planning step that is causing the error and the reason will be displayed in the result column. If there is more information available on the error, it can be displayed by double clicking on the faulty planning step.

Information on possible problems in the scenario do not result + in contrast to an error + to a termination of the Forecast Sequence. Information will be displayed in the status column of the Forecast Sequence window with a warning triangle for each planning step. The reason will be pointed out in the result column. If there is more information available, this can be displayed by double clicking on the relevant planning step.

If a planning step is executed without an error, a green checkmark will be displayed in the status column of the Forecast Sequence window.

A filter line can be shown in the "Forecast Sequence" window to the upper left of the "funnel" to display only faulty planning steps. For this purpose, the filter in the "status" column can be set to show stop signs. In addition, it is possible to print out the executed and possibly filtered planning steps displayed in the window, either directly via the top left "printer" or indirectly via the "print preview."

Please note: The result of a planning cycle (this equates to the window "Planning Cycle") can be recalled without performing a planning cycle again afterwards by using the planning logs (PLANLOG). This is done with the help of the entry that bears the same name in the context menu of the planning monitor.

4 Forecast Sequence Parameters

The Forecast Sequence Parameters can be accessed either via the start menu / planning / "Forecast Sequence Parameters" or directly with the acronym "PAPAR." It is also possible to call up the Forecast Sequence Parameters as a subsequent application of the Forecast Monitor (PM). This is done in the Forecast Monitor via the context menu / "Forecast Sequence Parameters."

Forecast Sequence Parameters are to be selected in the column "parameter" in the planning monitor (PM). These were previously created and defined in this application. Planning process parameters contain additional information for the steps "update balances" and "apply rule templates." The selection of a Forecast Sequence Parameters in the Forecast Monitor takes place for each scenario and each company or business unit. The companies or business units of a scenario can either use all the same or different Forecast Sequence Parameters. The potentially different settings remain saved in the Forecast Monitor for each scenario. Changing of setting/s is possible at any time.

4.1 Create and edit Forecast Sequence Parameters

A new Forecast Sequence Parameters is created either via the context menu entry "new parameter" or via the "star" on the right side in the integrated toolbar. It is indicated with a "stop" in the first data field that a name must be assigned to the planning process parameter. The name can be chosen freely. This name is also used to select the Forecast Sequence Parameters in the Forecast Monitor. If the name of the planning process parameter is changed later on, the selection will also be updated in the Forecast Monitor.

If a Forecast Sequence Parameters is marked, it can be removed again with a right mouse click via "delete" + but only if the Forecast Sequence Parameters is not already being used for a scenario in the Forecast Monitor.

As in the scenario itself, you must properly select and specify which rule templates folders are to be applied and which balances are to be updated when the respective step is executed automatically. For this purpose, there are Forecast Sequence Parameters with the following setting possibilities:

Rule template folder

A double-click on the empty cell in the column "rule templates folder" opens up a new window with the existing folders which are set up as a rule template folder in the working window "rule templates" in IDLFORECAST. The rule template folders that are to be applied when a step / Forecast Sequences is executed using this planning process parameters are selected by placing a checkmark. The selection is confirmed with either "OK" or finished with "cancel." If one or more rule template folders are selected, they will be displayed in the previously empty cell.

Please note: If there are also subfolders in a rule template folder that has been selected, they will also be executed even if they have no checkmark!

Balance copying profile

If certain balances in the planning form need to be copied and/or distributed and a profile has been created for this step, this balance copying profile can be selected here in a list box. The balance copying profile you have selected will be taken into account accordingly when the planning step "Copy/distribute balances" is performed.

Update balances

The settings for the step "update balances" are preassigned with the usual standard for a new Forecast Sequence Parameters:

  • account balances: activated
  • intercompany balances: activated
  • controlling balances: activated
  • data area ACTUAL: activated
  • data area FORECAST: activated
  • data area PLAN: activated
  • profit and loss accounts: activated
  • balance sheet accounts: not activated
  • statistical accounts: activated
  • man. lock ignore: not activated
  • blank KTOSAL ignore: not activated

If this standard is to be changed, settings can be de-/activated by removing the respective checkmark. Settings can also be reactivated in the reverse manner. If a step / planning process is executed using this Forecast Sequence Parameters, only the balances with activated settings will be updated.

Save Balances

Parallel to the step "Update balances," there is also the step “Save Balances” that has the same settings. Here, too, all balances, data areas and accounts are initially activated by default.

  • account balances: activated
  • intercompany balances: activated
  • controlling balances: activated
  • data area ACTUAL: activated
  • data area FORECAST: activated
  • data area PLAN: activated
  • profit and loss accounts: activated
  • balance accounts: not activated
  • statistical accounts: activated

4.2 Apply Forecast Sequence Parameters

The Forecast Sequence Parameters selected for the scenario in the Forecast Monitor column "parameter" will be used for Forecast Sequences and steps that are executed individually via the Forecast Monitor.

Please note: If no parameter has been set in the Forecast Monitor, it will be impossible to execute the following steps / planning steps of a Forecast Sequence:

  • Update balances
  • Apply rule templates


Forecast Monitor

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

In a planning scenario, there are basic steps required in IDL Forecast to create an initial basis for planning or to update a scenario, for example. In general, identical steps will be repeated for each company or business unit. In order to optimize the Forecast Sequences for multiple companies or business units, basic steps can be summarized as planning steps in a Forecast Sequences (PA) and configured using Forecast Sequence Parameters (PAPAR). These Forecast Sequences can be processed for several companies and business units as a whole via the Forecast Monitor (PM). The Forecast Monitor displays the status of the steps performed for a selected scenario for each company or business unit.

2 Forecast Monitor

The Forecast Monitor can be called up directly either via the start menu / Planning / "Forecast Monitor" or with the acronym "PM." It is also possible to call up the Forecast Monitor as a subsequent application of IDL FORECAST (PLAN). This is done via the working window / scenarios of a selected scenario using the context menu / "Forecast Monitor ..." Conversely, IDL FORECAST can also be called up from the Forecast Monitor. The call up is done for the scenario selected to the left and the marked company using context menu / "IDL FORECAST".

2.1 Display scenario

The scenario to be displayed is selected on the left side of the Forecast Monitor via a listbox. Information (data areas, reports, and account plans) on the scenario chosen will be displayed beneath this listbox. The current scenario status for steps already performed will then be displayed in the main window. The display takes place line by line for each company and, if necessary, business unit. The last saving status of a scenario is always analyzed for the status indicator in the Forecast Monitor. Companies or business units of a scenario that have not yet been saved will not be displayed to start with.

If all companies of a sub-group / group are to be displayed, one sub-group / group must be selected on the left side and the display in the Forecast Monitor will have to be changed to "display all possible companies / business units". This is done using the "plus" on the right side in the integrated toolbar of the Forecast Monitor. Which companies belong to the selected sub-group / group will depend on the defined group companies according to the group monitor (KTKGES). Which group monitor will be used for display purposes is to be determined as follows. The period of the year "Y" for the ACTUAL area of the scenario is to be used. If no "Y" period exists then the last period of the ACTUAL area is to be used. The ex fact entered in the ACTUAL fact for the scenario is to be used as the fact. If no ex fact is entered in the user's startup data (VOR) then the ex fact from the ACTUAL fact is to be used. If no sub-group / group is selected, all companies will be displayed according the application companies (GES)!

2.2 Status display

The status of a scenario will be displayed in the Forecast Monitor column by column for each company or business unit. The individual columns and icons / colors used have the following meanings:

symbols / colors

  1. stop sign / red = faulty
  2. warning triangle / yellow = warning (plausibility not met)
  3. checkmark / green = error-free
  4. hand with a green checkmark = manual release is error-free
  5. bar / empty = no data or validation
  6. question mark = there is not enough information to evaluate the status

Via the table header, you can determine which status and which information you would like to have displayed in the Forecast Monitor with a right mouse click table column. Table columns without checkmarks will not be displayed and columns with checkmarks will appear in the Forecast Monitor. The selected table columns will remain in the display of the Forecast Monitor until the next change.


  • To FORECAST: if the scenario uses a data area FORECAST, the last ACTUAL balance level must be reconciled to FORECAST as the opening stock.
  • To PLAN: If the scenario uses a data area PLAN, the last ACTUAL or FORECAST balance has to be reconciled to PLAN as the opening stock.
  1. stop sign / red = the step "reconcile ..." has not been performed or is not up to date.
  2. checkmark / green = The step "reconcile ..." has been performed and is up to date.
  3. bar / empty = There is no saving status that can be evaluated. With a stored scenario, the working step is not necessary. Like "reconcile ACTUAL to FORECAST," for example, when the scenario doesn't include the data area FORECAST.


  • Balances exist: checks and indicates whether P/L balances for FORECAST and / or PLAN are available for further processing in the scenario. Neither account balances nor statistical quantities or ACTUAL data are considered.
  1. warning triangle / yellow = No P/L balances are available in the data area FORECAST and / or PLAN. The step "update balances ..." has not been taken, for example.
  2. checkmark / green = P/L balances are available in the data area FORECAST and / or PLAN
  3. bar / blank = There is no saving status that can be analyzed.
  • Applied Rules: checks and indicates whether a rule template was applied in the scenario and whether the associated plausibility check is OK.
  1. stop sign / red = There are no rule templates available as applied templates. The step "apply rule templates ..." was not taken.
  2. warning triangle / yellow = There are rule templates available as applied templates, however the validation check contains inconsistencies / errors. The validation check needs to be checked directly in the scenario content and possible errors need to be corrected.
  3. checkmark / green = There are rule templates available as applied templates and the validation check does not contain any inconsistencies / errors.
  4. hand with a green checkmark = A warning triangle status can be manually approved as error-free if there are no real errors in the plausibility check of the scenario after the review. The status can be changed with the context menu entry "Manual release / applied rules" and remains in effect until the scenario of the company / business unit is stored again.
  5. bar / blank = There is no saving status that can be analyzed.
  • IC Counter-Planning: Checks and displays whether IC counter-planning was applied for all target companies and whether it is current.
  1. Stop Sign / red = There are still differences in the IC counter-planning or mandatory data regarding currency translation is missing. The work step "Accept IC counter-planning" has not been carried out or not been repeated.
  2. Warning triangle / yellow = There are IC balances in planning that are neither the source nor the destination of IC counter-planning. The account assignment of IC counter-planning and the assigned IC profile of the scenario need to be examined.
  3. A hand with a green checkmark = A warning triangle status can be manually released as error-free once you have made certain that no account assignments have been forgotten for the IC counter- planning after checking again.
  4. Checkmark / green = The IC counter-planning has been accepted and shows no differences.

matching block

  • Total: The result of each scenario matching block will be analyzed for each period and data area, however the status will be displayed as a sum in the column "total." If the balance sheet and P/L results do not match for at least one period, this will be shown here.
  • Areas: The result of each scenario matching block will be analyzed for each period and data area and the status will be displayed for each data area. If the balance sheet and P/L results do not match for at least one period, this will be shown here. This status will be displayed in the Forecast Monitor if the table column "matching block areas" is added by selecting the table header.
  1. stop sign / red = The balance sheet and P/L results do not match for at least one period of the scenario. The scenario needs to be checked for this company or business unit.
  2. checkmark / green = The balance sheet and P/L results match for all periods of the scenario.
  3. bar / blank = There is no saving status available that can be analyzed.

Matching balances for ACTUAL / FORECAST / PLAN

  • Target: For each data area, the system will check separately whether there are balance deviations between the balances of the scenario and the IDL Konsis account balances (KTOSAL). The defined target facts of the scenario are the criteria used for matching. The balances + account balances KTO, intercompany balances IC and controlling balances CNT + will each be checked individually if they have been used in the scenario.
  • Source: A check will be performed for the data areas FORECAST and PLAN as to whether there are balance deviations between the balances of the scenario and the IDL Konsis account balances (KTOSAL). The defined source facts that are stored in the facts configuration (menu / scenario / "configure facts") are the criteria for matching. The balances + account balances KTO, intercompany balances IC and controlling balances CNT + will each be checked individually, assuming they have been used in the scenario. This status will be displayed in the Forecast Monitor if the table column "matching balances source" is added by selecting the table header.
  • Please note: In order to check the matching of the respective balances, a checksum calculation must be activated for the facts (FAC)!
  1. stop sign / red = The balances of the scenario do not match the IDL Konsis account balances (KTOSAL) of the target fact. The step "Export balances ..." has not been performed or updated.
  2. checkmark / green = The balances of the scenario match the IDL Konsis account balances (KTOSAL) of the target fact and are up to date.
  3. hand with a green checkmark = A stop status can be approved manually as free of error. This makes sense in the following situation: a comparison with the source fact can only be performed without making an error at the beginning of the scenario if no other actions are being performed in the scenario. The status can be changed with the context menu entry "Manual release / consistency balances source or target" and remains in effect until the scenario of the company / business unit is stored again.
  4. bar / empty = There is no saving status available that can be analyzed. With a saved scenario, this step is not necessary for the scenario because no data area FORECAST is processed in the scenario, for example.
  5. question mark = There are no checksums to check for a match.

S / locked

  • This status will be displayed in the Forecast Monitor if the table column "S / locked" is added by selecting the table header. An open lock indicates that the scenario of the company or the business unit isn't locked and can be edited. If the lock is closed, however, the scenario is locked.

Saved last

  • Indicates which user last saved a company or business unit of a scenario. This saving status will be analyzed for the status indicator in the Forecast Monitor. The planning monitor can be updated if the saving status of the scenario has changed for one or more companies or business units. This is done using the "double arrow" on the right side in the integrated toolbar of the Forecast Monitor.

2.3 Planning steps

In addition to the status display of a scenario described above, certain steps / Forecast Sequences can be executed directly via the Forecast Monitor for one or more companies or business units. These steps / Forecast Sequences can be executed either individually from the context menu of the Forecast Monitor or by means of a user-defined Forecast Sequences which already integrates and executes several steps / Forecast Sequences one after the other.

The steps that can be executed as planning steps via the context menu are listed below.

Update balances

  • To perform this step, an additional Forecast Sequence Parameters (PAPAR) has to be selected in the column "parameter." If no parameter is selectable, a Forecast Sequences parameter (PAPAR) will have to be set up first, see chapter 4. In the Forecast Sequence Parameters, it will be determined which balances are to be updated during this step / Forecast Sequence.
  • This step can be used in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Lead Over

  • This entry contains three steps that can be run individually: "Lead over ACTUAL to FORECAST" or "Lead over ACTUAL to PLAN" or "Lead over FORECAST to PLAN."
  • These steps can be taken individually in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Apply rule templates

  • To perform this step, an additional Forecast Sequence Parameters (PAPAR) has to be selected in the column "parameters." If no parameter can be selected, a planning process parameter (PAPAR) has to be created first, see chapter 4. In the Forecast Sequence Parameters, you specify which rule template folder should be used for the scenario when executing a step / Forecast Sequences. In this case, all of the rules from the rule template folder chosen will always be applied.
  • This entry contains three steps that can be executed individually: "Apply rule templates All," "Apply rule templates FORECAST" or "Apply rule templates PLAN." "Apply rule templates All" includes the steps "Apply rule templates FORECAST" and "Apply rule templates PLAN."
  • These steps can be used individually in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Delete business cases

  • If this step is executed, all of the business cases of applied rule templates will be deleted from the scenario. This will not delete all of the balances, but only the balances that have arisen from the rules applied.
  • This step can be used in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Export balances

  • This entry contains three steps that can be executed individually: "Export balances All," "Export balances FORECAST" or "Export balances PLAN." "Export balances All" includes the steps "Export balances FORECAST" and "Export balances PLAN."
  • With the respective step, all types of balances (account, intercompany and controlling balances) and all accounts (balance sheet, P/L and statistical quantities) will be written in IDL Konsis. The target facts that have already been defined while creating the scenario will be used.
  • This step can be used in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Delete business cases and balances

  • If this step is executed, all FORECAST and / or PLAN balances and all business cases of applied rule templates will be deleted from the scenario.
  • This step cannot be selected in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Delete ICGP takeover

  • If this operation is performed, all of the IC balances acquired from the IC counter-planning will be deleted for the target company.
  • This step can be used in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Lock / unlock

  • A scenario lock can either be locked or unlocked by taking this step.
  • This step cannot be selected in a user-defined Forecast Sequence.

Execute Forecast Sequences

  • A Forecast Sequences includes several steps as executable planning steps that are defined individually.
  • In order to execute a user-defined Forecast Sequences, a Forecast Sequences (PA) and a Forecast Sequence Parameters (PAPAR) must be selected in the columns "Sequence" and "Parameter" If no sequence can be selected, a Forecast Sequences (PA) needs to be defined in advance, see chapter 3 . If no parameter can be selected, a Forecast Sequence Parameters (PAPAR) needs to be defined in advance, see chapter 4.
  • Please note: The individual steps of the user-defined Forecast Sequences should be executed for one company / business unit directly in the scenario (PLAN) before a Forecast Sequences is performed for a number of companies / business units. In this way, additional plausibilities can be checked that have not yet been processed in the Forecast Monitor. These plausibility checks include the check for missing or changed parameters and the validation check of an activated plan accounts consolidation.

In addition to the previous steps of the Forecast Monitor, the following steps can be used in a Forecast Sequence:

Copy/distribute balances

  • If a user-defined planning process is carried out, a defined profile can be selected to copy and/or distribute certain balances in the planning form in an automated manner.
  • This step cannot be performed via the Forecast Monitor.

Save scenario

  • If a user-defined Forecast Sequence is executed, "save scenario" must be defined as last step in the Forecast Sequence. The steps of the Forecast Sequence that are performed are thus saved and the updated status can be displayed in the Forecast Monitor.
  • This step cannot be performed via the Forecast Monitor.

2.4 Edit Forecast Monitor

Additional functions for the Forecast Monitor can be processed via the context menu. These do not correspond to any operation or usable Forecast Sequences.

Manual release rules

  • A warning triangle status can be manually marked as error-free for the "applied rules" if there are no real errors in the plausibility check of the scenario after the review. The manually changed status (hand with a green checkmark) will remain in effect until the scenario of the company / business unit is re-stored.

Copy and paste parameter / process

  • Selected settings in the columns "Parameter" and "Sequence" can be transferred by copying and pasting them from one company / business unit to other companies / business units by the means of "copy parameter / sequence" and "paste parameter / sequence." Before this is done the cells to be copied must be marked and then the cells that the copied content is to be inserted into.

2.5 Subsequent applications

Via the context menu you can branch off from the Forecast Monitor into three applications:


  • IDLFORECAST is opened in a new tab together with the scenario and the previously selected company or business unit of the Forecast Monitor.

Forecast Sequence Parameters (PAPAR)

  • The application is opened in a new tab without startup data.

Forecast Sequences (PA)

  • The application is opened in a new tab without startup data.

Forecast Logs (PLANLOG)

  • In a new tab, the planning logs will be loaded from the scenario currently selected.

3 Forecast Sequences

The Forecast Sequences can be called up either via the start menu / planning / "Forecast Sequences" or directly with the acronym "PA". It is also possible to call up the Forecast Sequences as a subsequent application of the Forecast Sequences in the planning monitor (PM). This is done in the Forecast Monitor via the context menu / "Forecast Sequences."

User-defined Forecast Sequences can be selected in the Forecast Monitor (PM) in the column "Sequence." However, these must be created and defined in this application first. Forecast Sequences contain at least one step as an executable planning step. Usually several basic planning steps are combined into one meaningful Forecast Sequences to perform this holistically for one or more companies or business units of a scenario in the Forecast Monitor. The selection of a Forecast Sequence in the Forecast Monitor takes place for each scenario and each company or business unit. If Forecast Sequences are to be performed by the Forecast Monitor, a "Sequence" needs to be specified in advance. The companies or business units of a scenario can use either all the same or different Forecast Sequences. The potentially different settings remain saved in the Forecast Monitor of each scenario. Setting/s can be changed at any time.

3.1 Create and edit Forecast Sequences

A new Forecast Sequence is created either via the context menu entry "new sequence" or via the "star" at the right side in the integrated toolbar. A "stop" in the first data field indicates that a name has to be assigned to the Forecast Sequence. The name can be chosen freely. The Forecast Sequence in the Forecast Monitor is also selected using this name. If the name of the Forecast Sequence is changed subsequently, this also updates the selection in the Forecast Monitor.

All steps that can be used as executable "planning steps" in a Forecast Sequence (repeatedly if necessary) are displayed on the right side of the application. These planning steps include:

  1. Update balances
  2. Lead over ACTUAL to FORECAST
  3. Lead over ACTUAL to PLAN
  4. Lead over FORECAST to PLAN
  5. Copy/distribute balances
  6. Apply rule templates (All)
  7. Apply rule templates (FORECAST)
  8. Apply rule templates (PLAN)
  9. Save scenario
  10. Export balances
  11. Delete business cases
  12. Accept IC counter-planning
  13. Delete acceptance of IC counter-planning

A Forecast Sequence is defined in which these planning steps are assigned to the newly created Forecast Sequence per drag & drop. The individual planning steps are processed in sequence from top to bottom when executing the Forecast Sequence. If a planning step is in the wrong place, it can also be removed per drag & drop. If a planning step is highlighted, it can be deleted with "delete" from the Forecast Sequence via a right mouse click. If, however, a Forecast Sequence is highlighted and deleted by right mouse click, all planning steps will be deleted as well as the Forecast Sequence itself, but only if the Forecast Sequence is not applied to a scenario in the Planning Monitor. Additional planning parameters for individual steps can be selected to the right of the planning steps. This only makes sense for the planning steps "Copy/distribute balances," "Update balances" and "write balance," however, because planning parameters can only be defined for these planning steps.

A possible Forecast Sequence could be, for example, defined as follows:

  1. Delete business cases
  2. Update balances
  3. Lead over ACTUAL to FORECAST
  4. Apply rule templates (All)
  5. Lead over FORECAST to PLAN
  6. Save scenario

Please note: If a user-defined Forecast Sequence is executed, "save scenario" should be defined as the last planning step in the Forecast Sequence. Thus, the steps of the planning process that have been performed will be saved and the changed status of the scenario can be displayed in the Forecast Monitor. A Forecast Sequence without the final step "save scenario" will mean that the planning steps to be followed are ineffective and the previous status of the scenario remains unchanged. An appropriate notice will indicate if a planning cycle is to be performed without "store scenario" or "write balances." For testing a planning cycle you might want to execute this without storing it, however.

Different Forecast Sequences can be defined and applied. An existing Forecast Sequence can be duplicated and processed to facilitate the processing of a new Forecast Sequence. To duplicate a Forecast Sequence, this is marked and inserted as the new planning process (copy) using the context menu entry "duplicate process." The name of the copied Forecast Sequence can be changed by double clicking.

3.2 Execute Forecast Sequences

A Forecast Sequence is executed via the Forecast Monitor for the selected companies and business units using the context menu entry "execute Forecast Sequence." The planning process entered for the scenario in the Forecast Monitor column "sequence" will be executed.

Please note: The individual steps of the user-defined Forecast Sequence should be executed for one company / business unit directly in the scenario (PLAN) before the implementation of a Forecast Sequence for a number of companies / business units. In this way, additional plausibilities can be checked that have not yet been processed in the Forecast Monitor. These plausibility checks include checks for missing or changed parameters and the validation check of an activated plan accounts consolidation.

Please note: A Forecast Sequence cannot be executed if a scenario is already opened in IDLFORECAST (PLAN).

Once a Forecast Sequence has been started, a new window "Forecast Sequence will open. This window displays the progress of the planning steps already performed and their result with the status for each company and business unit. Every company or business unit for which the Forecast Sequence is to be executed is processed sequentially. The status of the Forecast Sequence is constantly displayed at the end of the window, but also whether the Forecast Sequence is still underway or has been completed. It also shows how many companies have not yet been edited. If the Forecast Sequence has ended, the processing status will display how many companies and business units were processed and whether there are faulty companies or business units.

Please note: No other Forecast Sequences can be opened during execution of a Forecast Sequence! But an executing Forecast Sequence can be terminated, if necessary, via "cancel sequence." The processing status then displays the terminated Forecast Sequence and how many companies and business units have not been edited.

If, for example, an error occurs with one company, the Forecast Sequence will only be terminated for this company. All of the other companies will continue to be processed. An error occurs when a planning step in the scenario cannot be executed. A "stop sign" will be displayed in the Forecast Sequences window in the status column for the planning step that is causing the error and the reason will be displayed in the result column. If there is more information available on the error, it can be displayed by double clicking on the faulty planning step.

Information on possible problems in the scenario do not result + in contrast to an error + to a termination of the Forecast Sequence. Information will be displayed in the status column of the Forecast Sequence window with a warning triangle for each planning step. The reason will be pointed out in the result column. If there is more information available, this can be displayed by double clicking on the relevant planning step.

If a planning step is executed without an error, a green checkmark will be displayed in the status column of the Forecast Sequence window.

A filter line can be shown in the "Forecast Sequence" window to the upper left of the "funnel" to display only faulty planning steps. For this purpose, the filter in the "status" column can be set to show stop signs. In addition, it is possible to print out the executed and possibly filtered planning steps displayed in the window, either directly via the top left "printer" or indirectly via the "print preview."

Please note: The result of a planning cycle (this equates to the window "Planning Cycle") can be recalled without performing a planning cycle again afterwards by using the planning logs (PLANLOG). This is done with the help of the entry that bears the same name in the context menu of the planning monitor.

4 Forecast Sequence Parameters

The Forecast Sequence Parameters can be accessed either via the start menu / planning / "Forecast Sequence Parameters" or directly with the acronym "PAPAR." It is also possible to call up the Forecast Sequence Parameters as a subsequent application of the Forecast Monitor (PM). This is done in the Forecast Monitor via the context menu / "Forecast Sequence Parameters."

Forecast Sequence Parameters are to be selected in the column "parameter" in the planning monitor (PM). These were previously created and defined in this application. Planning process parameters contain additional information for the steps "update balances" and "apply rule templates." The selection of a Forecast Sequence Parameters in the Forecast Monitor takes place for each scenario and each company or business unit. The companies or business units of a scenario can either use all the same or different Forecast Sequence Parameters. The potentially different settings remain saved in the Forecast Monitor for each scenario. Changing of setting/s is possible at any time.

4.1 Create and edit Forecast Sequence Parameters

A new Forecast Sequence Parameters is created either via the context menu entry "new parameter" or via the "star" on the right side in the integrated toolbar. It is indicated with a "stop" in the first data field that a name must be assigned to the planning process parameter. The name can be chosen freely. This name is also used to select the Forecast Sequence Parameters in the Forecast Monitor. If the name of the planning process parameter is changed later on, the selection will also be updated in the Forecast Monitor.

If a Forecast Sequence Parameters is marked, it can be removed again with a right mouse click via "delete" + but only if the Forecast Sequence Parameters is not already being used for a scenario in the Forecast Monitor.

As in the scenario itself, you must properly select and specify which rule templates folders are to be applied and which balances are to be updated when the respective step is executed automatically. For this purpose, there are Forecast Sequence Parameters with the following setting possibilities:

Rule template folder

A double-click on the empty cell in the column "rule templates folder" opens up a new window with the existing folders which are set up as a rule template folder in the working window "rule templates" in IDLFORECAST. The rule template folders that are to be applied when a step / Forecast Sequences is executed using this planning process parameters are selected by placing a checkmark. The selection is confirmed with either "OK" or finished with "cancel." If one or more rule template folders are selected, they will be displayed in the previously empty cell.

Please note: If there are also subfolders in a rule template folder that has been selected, they will also be executed even if they have no checkmark!

Balance copying profile

If certain balances in the planning form need to be copied and/or distributed and a profile has been created for this step, this balance copying profile can be selected here in a list box. The balance copying profile you have selected will be taken into account accordingly when the planning step "Copy/distribute balances" is performed.

Update balances

The settings for the step "update balances" are preassigned with the usual standard for a new Forecast Sequence Parameters:

  • account balances: activated
  • intercompany balances: activated
  • controlling balances: activated
  • data area ACTUAL: activated
  • data area FORECAST: activated
  • data area PLAN: activated
  • profit and loss accounts: activated
  • balance sheet accounts: not activated
  • statistical accounts: activated
  • man. lock ignore: not activated
  • blank KTOSAL ignore: not activated

If this standard is to be changed, settings can be de-/activated by removing the respective checkmark. Settings can also be reactivated in the reverse manner. If a step / planning process is executed using this Forecast Sequence Parameters, only the balances with activated settings will be updated.

Save Balances

Parallel to the step "Update balances," there is also the step “Save Balances” that has the same settings. Here, too, all balances, data areas and accounts are initially activated by default.

  • account balances: activated
  • intercompany balances: activated
  • controlling balances: activated
  • data area ACTUAL: activated
  • data area FORECAST: activated
  • data area PLAN: activated
  • profit and loss accounts: activated
  • balance accounts: not activated
  • statistical accounts: activated

4.2 Apply Forecast Sequence Parameters

The Forecast Sequence Parameters selected for the scenario in the Forecast Monitor column "parameter" will be used for Forecast Sequences and steps that are executed individually via the Forecast Monitor.

Please note: If no parameter has been set in the Forecast Monitor, it will be impossible to execute the following steps / planning steps of a Forecast Sequence:

  • Update balances
  • Apply rule templates

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