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Lock Functions

1 General

If a database is fully processed and no further changes are to be made (e.g. following release by the auditor or following successful internal coordination), there are functions available to protect (block) these data portfolios against further changes, irrespective of the authorization protection.

The release / lock is triggered by calling corresponding actions in the CFSMNR, GRPMNR monitor applications and the COREP and GRPREP report overviews. In the company financial statements + monitor, the release is documented by a green cell or closed lock in the corresponding column. The same visualization in the report overviews is performed per report header record. Similarly, the group financial statement monitor displays the lock or green group on the line of the sub-group (visible only in the tree view).

Lifting the release / lock is also possible with another action. If the release/lock has already been removed once, this is documented in the monitor applications and report overviews by a yellow cell or an open lock. The cancelation of the group financial statement release does not, however, include the company financial statement release of the companies in the group companies. This may have to be done separately in the company financial statements + monitor.

Authorization to set or cancel releases is provided in the standard for the IDLADMIN and IDLKON menu authorization groups. The IDLEA, IDLEE and IDLKON1 human rights groups can block data, but cannot lift the block.

1.1 Company Financial Statement

The release / lock in the company financial statement can be carried out separately for all data stocks, i.e. for account balances, IC balances and all development transactions:

  • Company financial statement release / lock: The release of a company financial statement affects all data of the company, i.e. account balances, their details and vouchers/ postings at the "Period / fact / company" level
  • Account balances release/lock: The exclusive release of the account balances (also at the "Period / fact / company" level) is particularly useful if testing has been performed by the auditor.
  • IC balances release/lock: The exclusive release of IC balances (also at the "Period / fact / company" level) is particularly useful in the case of advanced IC balance reconciliation.
  • Vouchers release/locks: The release / lock of CFSMNR vouchers is carried out in the overview VCH. The release of vouchers falls under the topic of "cross-check principle". This means that only a user other than the person who generated the voucher can release the voucher. The basic requirement of this function is the additional license for the change log and the activation of the CHGPSTLOG, which is subject to payment.
  • Other development transactions, IC inventory, IC fixed asset transactions release/lock: Individual data sets can be blocked.

The locks or unlocks are set in the monitor using the "Lock data" and "Unlock data" submenus, or in the respective overviews (e.g. DEVTRN) or in the form entries via the toolbar at the top right. The prerequisite for this is the clear specification of the company and also of the Transaction development in the case of development transactions. The lock of development transactions by the actions in the company financial statements + monitor, on the other hand, always works on all Transaction developments of the respective type simultaneously.

If a database is blocked, this is indicated in the company financial statements + monitor in an additional column next to the state of the respective data inventory by the lock symbol or by a colored field (green). When a lock is unlocked, the icon of an open lock or a colored field (yellow) is displayed.

If the current fact is part of a data type sequence, the lock is also effective ("inherited") for all data types upstream of the sequence.

The information about the block is filed in additional data records (checkpoints) of the Processing control (CMPCNT). The naming convention of these checkpoints is "CFSMNR"+application abbreviation for fixed data (e.g. "EAKTO" for account balances) and/or "CFSMNR-"+mirror key for development transactions (e.g. CFSMNR-A for fixed asset transactions). The corresponding entries also show who and when last set or removed a release.

The locks of the individual data sets are checked in all programs that change this data (carries forward, redirection, generation and deletion functions, etc.) and evaluated as the lock of the entire company financial statement. The currency conversion is excluded from the test, as only the values in group and parallel currency are changed here.

All entry options are prevented in the form entries for blocked data portfolios. The values are therefore displayed in gray. In the overviews, a message in the footer indicates that the data inventory is locked.

However, the status display for a data inventory can change despite the set lock, as this also visualizes the consistency with other data sets.

1.2 Group Financial Statement

Group financial statement release (GRPMNR): The release of a group financial statement works for consolidation postings, group companies, consolidation parameters, and the IC Clearing Map. It also includes the release of the subsidiary sub-groups according to the "BuchTk" information, as well as the company financial statement release for the companies contained in the group companies.

The release of the group financial statement is saved in the table KTK-Processing control (application GRPCNT, checkpoint 'KTKAB'). The corresponding entries also show who and when last set or removed a release.

1.3 Reports

The report lock is carried out in the overviews COREP Society reports and GRPREP group reports for each report header record via the menu bar of the context menu. In the overviews, the release is documented in a column by a green cell or closed lock.


Lock Functions

1 General

If a database is fully processed and no further changes are to be made (e.g. following release by the auditor or following successful internal coordination), there are functions available to protect (block) these data portfolios against further changes, irrespective of the authorization protection.

The release / lock is triggered by calling corresponding actions in the CFSMNR, GRPMNR monitor applications and the COREP and GRPREP report overviews. In the company financial statements + monitor, the release is documented by a green cell or closed lock in the corresponding column. The same visualization in the report overviews is performed per report header record. Similarly, the group financial statement monitor displays the lock or green group on the line of the sub-group (visible only in the tree view).

Lifting the release / lock is also possible with another action. If the release/lock has already been removed once, this is documented in the monitor applications and report overviews by a yellow cell or an open lock. The cancelation of the group financial statement release does not, however, include the company financial statement release of the companies in the group companies. This may have to be done separately in the company financial statements + monitor.

Authorization to set or cancel releases is provided in the standard for the IDLADMIN and IDLKON menu authorization groups. The IDLEA, IDLEE and IDLKON1 human rights groups can block data, but cannot lift the block.

1.1 Company Financial Statement

The release / lock in the company financial statement can be carried out separately for all data stocks, i.e. for account balances, IC balances and all development transactions:

  • Company financial statement release / lock: The release of a company financial statement affects all data of the company, i.e. account balances, their details and vouchers/ postings at the "Period / fact / company" level
  • Account balances release/lock: The exclusive release of the account balances (also at the "Period / fact / company" level) is particularly useful if testing has been performed by the auditor.
  • IC balances release/lock: The exclusive release of IC balances (also at the "Period / fact / company" level) is particularly useful in the case of advanced IC balance reconciliation.
  • Vouchers release/locks: The release / lock of CFSMNR vouchers is carried out in the overview VCH. The release of vouchers falls under the topic of "cross-check principle". This means that only a user other than the person who generated the voucher can release the voucher. The basic requirement of this function is the additional license for the change log and the activation of the CHGPSTLOG, which is subject to payment.
  • Other development transactions, IC inventory, IC fixed asset transactions release/lock: Individual data sets can be blocked.

The locks or unlocks are set in the monitor using the "Lock data" and "Unlock data" submenus, or in the respective overviews (e.g. DEVTRN) or in the form entries via the toolbar at the top right. The prerequisite for this is the clear specification of the company and also of the Transaction development in the case of development transactions. The lock of development transactions by the actions in the company financial statements + monitor, on the other hand, always works on all Transaction developments of the respective type simultaneously.

If a database is blocked, this is indicated in the company financial statements + monitor in an additional column next to the state of the respective data inventory by the lock symbol or by a colored field (green). When a lock is unlocked, the icon of an open lock or a colored field (yellow) is displayed.

If the current fact is part of a data type sequence, the lock is also effective ("inherited") for all data types upstream of the sequence.

The information about the block is filed in additional data records (checkpoints) of the Processing control (CMPCNT). The naming convention of these checkpoints is "CFSMNR"+application abbreviation for fixed data (e.g. "EAKTO" for account balances) and/or "CFSMNR-"+mirror key for development transactions (e.g. CFSMNR-A for fixed asset transactions). The corresponding entries also show who and when last set or removed a release.

The locks of the individual data sets are checked in all programs that change this data (carries forward, redirection, generation and deletion functions, etc.) and evaluated as the lock of the entire company financial statement. The currency conversion is excluded from the test, as only the values in group and parallel currency are changed here.

All entry options are prevented in the form entries for blocked data portfolios. The values are therefore displayed in gray. In the overviews, a message in the footer indicates that the data inventory is locked.

However, the status display for a data inventory can change despite the set lock, as this also visualizes the consistency with other data sets.

1.2 Group Financial Statement

Group financial statement release (GRPMNR): The release of a group financial statement works for consolidation postings, group companies, consolidation parameters, and the IC Clearing Map. It also includes the release of the subsidiary sub-groups according to the "BuchTk" information, as well as the company financial statement release for the companies contained in the group companies.

The release of the group financial statement is saved in the table KTK-Processing control (application GRPCNT, checkpoint 'KTKAB'). The corresponding entries also show who and when last set or removed a release.

1.3 Reports

The report lock is carried out in the overviews COREP Society reports and GRPREP group reports for each report header record via the menu bar of the context menu. In the overviews, the release is documented in a column by a green cell or closed lock.

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