Deferred Taxes Company
Table of contents
- 1 General
- 2 Conditions
- 3 Possibilities for Calculating Deferred Tax
- 3.1 IFRS or HGB Financial Statements are Available Without Deferred Tax (e.g. Fact I1) and Tax Balance Sheet are Available (e.g. Fact S1)
- 3.2 Deferred Tax is to Be Calculated on Manual Vouchers Affecting Net Income or Capital
- 3.3 Deferred Tax Calculation for Loss Carry Forward
- 4 Management of Deferred Tax Posting to a Defined Voucher
- 5 Carry Forward into the Following Period
1 General
It is now possible to calculate deferred taxes at the company chart of accounts level.
2 Conditions
The condition for the automatic calculation of deferred tax is that the supply of goods and services is maintained at the company chart of accounts level. You can call up the Tax rates application using the TXRT short term. You can also access the application from the context menu in the individual closing monitor.
Figure: Sustainability Responsibility Unit
3 Possibilities for Calculating Deferred Tax
3.1 IFRS or HGB Financial Statements are Available Without Deferred Tax (e.g. Fact I1) and Tax Balance Sheet are Available (e.g. Fact S1)
Then you can have the difference between these two facts calculated automatically and calculate deferred tax on the difference postings.
Account balances to fact I1:
ACBAL to DA I1 without DPN
Account Balances on Fact S1:
ACBAL on DA S1 with DPN
The Tax rates application must be called and the corresponding company marked. The Selection area must include facts (here I1) and facts for taxes (here S1):
Tax rates Application
The following posting is generated:
Difference Posting
The differences in the balance sheet are posted, and the retained earnings is used as the counter account. The differences are initially set permanently using the LT indicator "P" =. Deferred taxes are not calculated with this setting. (see above) The license plate number must be changed by the user if necessary, e.g. to "N":
Difference Posting 2
The deferred tax calculation is then started from the Tax rates application. For this purpose, the corresponding latent tax header rate of the company must be highlighted. The target fact must also be recorded in the Selection area:
Deferred Tax Calculation
The deferred tax voucher receives target fact I2:
Vouchers Overview
The system creates the following posting:
Deferred Tax Posting
The following LT indicators can be set in an individual closing posting:
- *blank No deferred tax calculated
- E Previous period errors: The indicator can only be set for balance sheet accounts, but the deferred tax is not calculated
- N Temporary, not affecting net income: The indicator can only be set for balance sheet accounts, deferred tax is calculated
- P Permanent: Deferred tax not calculated
- W Affecting net result temporarily: The indicator can only be set for balance sheet accounts, deferred tax is calculated
- X Lat.St. on P+L postings: The indicator can only be set for P+L accounts (BILGUV Kz 3 and 4), deferred tax is calculated
3.2 Deferred Tax is to Be Calculated on Manual Vouchers Affecting Net Income or Capital
The labeling of a voucher for calculating deferred taxes can also be carried out without the voucher being recognized as income or capital. In particular, a voucher can be marked as such when it is entered. Newly entered postings on P&L or capital accounts are then automatically assigned this indicator if necessary. The same applies to automatically generated postings (e.g. amortization current year). If this automatic award is exceptionally undesirable, it must then be revised manually.
The voucher (BELE) in the company financial statement must be correspondingly marked:
Set indicator number in voucher
The affecting net result posting lines are marked automatically:
Indicator number in the posting
The deferred tax calculation can be started from the Company financial statements + monitoror the Tax ratesapplication. The following posting is set:
3.3 Deferred Tax Calculation for Loss Carry Forward
It is possible to have deferred taxes calculated on loss carry-forwards. You can access the application from the Tax rates application:
Branch using LTVV
The prerequisite is that a supply chain transparency record has already been created in the Tax rates application. It must contain at least one tax rate or one reference company. A corresponding amount can be recorded in the LTVVE application:
Processing LTVVE
( Only entries in the selected field will result in a posting; in all other fields you can record "statistical amounts".)
The following posting is generated:
Posting LTVV
4 Management of Deferred Tax Posting to a Defined Voucher
It is possible to control the posting of deferred tax in a separate individual voucher. The corresponding voucher number must first be entered in the source voucher header:
Separate posting document
There is also the option of controlling the posting of deferred tax in the source voucher.
5 Carry Forward into the Following Period
If vouchers that were already marked with an LT indicator in the previous year are affecting net result again in the current year, the LT indicator will be adjusted by the carry forward in the current period.
Source vouchers, previous period
Vouchers are carried forward to the following period as follows:
Vouchers in subsequent periods
After the deferred tax calculation has been completed, the amounts are posted:
Receivable in subsequent period after tax calculation