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Forms Development Transactions

1 General

This application enables a form-based recording of transaction developments, which can be done in rows or columns. You can call it up in the following ways:

  • In the left-side resource list, navigate to Entry company financial statements > Forms development transactions.
  • Enter the short word F-DEVTRN.
  • In the 'Company financial statements monitor for entry' either double-click in the column of the individual transaction development of a companyy or navigate to the context menu Entry company financial statements > Forms development transactions.

For each account all existing transaction developments, if any, are displayed. In addition, an entry line for each account number is provided for recording the next balance, in case the transaction developments are recorded line by line (Column option <LE>).

2 Selection

Figure: Selection options in F-DEVTRN

NOTE on column option:

  • The column option is automatically preset as soon as an entry for "Form entry column" is set in the relevant booking key.
  • The respective column heading corresponds to the short text-name of the booking key.
  • Existing transactions for posting keys that are not permitted for form entry (e.g. posting key for automatic carryforwards) are shown in the column 'Total transactions without LC - balance relevant'. These are then compared with the other entries against the account balance. As long as the account balance does not match with the total transactions, the total line in the column-by-column entry is shown in red.

NOTE on Report ID:

  • If the <F> option is selected in 'Sort', a report schema must be entered for the respective development transaction. In the master table for report IDs (RID), a "Default report for entry" indicator can be set for transaction reports. If there is a report ID marked, it is than automatically placed in the Selection area.

3 Usage and Additional data

3.1 Usage

The <TBL> and <ENTER> keys move the cursor to the next cell that is ready for input. After the last input cell of a line, a new input line for the same account is automatically inserted into the table at <ENTER>. Switching to the entry line of another account is possible with <TBL> or with the mouse.

Save data: Only when the <Save> action is clicked a virtual text file is generated and transferred to the import application for storage. There the data is checked and written into the database. Errors are reported back and displayed in the entry mask by output in the additional columns error field and error message. After the function has been carried out, the display remains at the previous position, so that the acquisition can be continued from the previously processed position.

Deleting a line that has already been saved: A line that has already been saved can only be deleted in the single record application 'SPIBEWE'. In form entry, you can only overwrite a value entered with 0,00, which then remains as a single record with zero value.

Authorization: Since the application can also be used for an overview independent of the entry, 'Form entry mirror movements' can also be called up for users who only have display authorization. If there is no authorization to change / insert data, no value can be entered in the entry lines and the data already entered is shown with a gray background.

Locked cells: an input cell is grayed out if the account is not permitted to input, but has a value. There are different reasons why a cell is locked for input, e.g. missing authorization, locked individual financial statements, validity of an account, display of netted values. If the "Show/hide internal columns" checkbox is activated in the "View" menu, an additional column is output that shows a key for the cause of the lock. Different causes are possible depending on the application. The following values can be displayed:

  • BER: No object authorization
  • BLO: voucher locked
  • BSG: Conflict within group of posting key
  • CFSMNR: company is locked
  • FCT: transaction type is not set in this fact
  • HER: Origin of data (e.g. internal record)
  • KGR: Account group not suitable
  • KKZ: Account flag not suitable
  • COADFN: Account is invalid
  • PER: account usage not allowed in this period
  • RES: This posting key is reserved
  • SAL: Multiple data records - values accumulated

Figure: Show/hide internal columns

3.2 Additional data

Additional data such as posting date, remark, IC company, IC business unit, value and currency code as well as conversion instructions in group and parallel value can be entered using the 'Additional data' function (can be called up from the action menu). If additional information exists for a column, this is shown in the LE column option by a flag (small red triangle) in the cell. If the mouse pointer rests on one of these cells, any additional attributes that are already present or have been recorded are displayed in the tooltip. Double-clicking on one of these cells opens a dialog box in which the respective additional attributes can be entered or changed. Alternatively, the cursor stops at <Tab> on this cell. With the column option FS, the additional dialog is opened with the right mouse button.

Figure: Additional data with column option <LE>


Forms Development Transactions

1 General

This application enables a form-based recording of transaction developments, which can be done in rows or columns. You can call it up in the following ways:

  • In the left-side resource list, navigate to Entry company financial statements > Forms development transactions.
  • Enter the short word F-DEVTRN.
  • In the 'Company financial statements monitor for entry' either double-click in the column of the individual transaction development of a companyy or navigate to the context menu Entry company financial statements > Forms development transactions.

For each account all existing transaction developments, if any, are displayed. In addition, an entry line for each account number is provided for recording the next balance, in case the transaction developments are recorded line by line (Column option <LE>).

2 Selection

Figure: Selection options in F-DEVTRN

NOTE on column option:

  • The column option is automatically preset as soon as an entry for "Form entry column" is set in the relevant booking key.
  • The respective column heading corresponds to the short text-name of the booking key.
  • Existing transactions for posting keys that are not permitted for form entry (e.g. posting key for automatic carryforwards) are shown in the column 'Total transactions without LC - balance relevant'. These are then compared with the other entries against the account balance. As long as the account balance does not match with the total transactions, the total line in the column-by-column entry is shown in red.

NOTE on Report ID:

  • If the <F> option is selected in 'Sort', a report schema must be entered for the respective development transaction. In the master table for report IDs (RID), a "Default report for entry" indicator can be set for transaction reports. If there is a report ID marked, it is than automatically placed in the Selection area.

3 Usage and Additional data

3.1 Usage

The <TBL> and <ENTER> keys move the cursor to the next cell that is ready for input. After the last input cell of a line, a new input line for the same account is automatically inserted into the table at <ENTER>. Switching to the entry line of another account is possible with <TBL> or with the mouse.

Save data: Only when the <Save> action is clicked a virtual text file is generated and transferred to the import application for storage. There the data is checked and written into the database. Errors are reported back and displayed in the entry mask by output in the additional columns error field and error message. After the function has been carried out, the display remains at the previous position, so that the acquisition can be continued from the previously processed position.

Deleting a line that has already been saved: A line that has already been saved can only be deleted in the single record application 'SPIBEWE'. In form entry, you can only overwrite a value entered with 0,00, which then remains as a single record with zero value.

Authorization: Since the application can also be used for an overview independent of the entry, 'Form entry mirror movements' can also be called up for users who only have display authorization. If there is no authorization to change / insert data, no value can be entered in the entry lines and the data already entered is shown with a gray background.

Locked cells: an input cell is grayed out if the account is not permitted to input, but has a value. There are different reasons why a cell is locked for input, e.g. missing authorization, locked individual financial statements, validity of an account, display of netted values. If the "Show/hide internal columns" checkbox is activated in the "View" menu, an additional column is output that shows a key for the cause of the lock. Different causes are possible depending on the application. The following values can be displayed:

  • BER: No object authorization
  • BLO: voucher locked
  • BSG: Conflict within group of posting key
  • CFSMNR: company is locked
  • FCT: transaction type is not set in this fact
  • HER: Origin of data (e.g. internal record)
  • KGR: Account group not suitable
  • KKZ: Account flag not suitable
  • COADFN: Account is invalid
  • PER: account usage not allowed in this period
  • RES: This posting key is reserved
  • SAL: Multiple data records - values accumulated

Figure: Show/hide internal columns

3.2 Additional data

Additional data such as posting date, remark, IC company, IC business unit, value and currency code as well as conversion instructions in group and parallel value can be entered using the 'Additional data' function (can be called up from the action menu). If additional information exists for a column, this is shown in the LE column option by a flag (small red triangle) in the cell. If the mouse pointer rests on one of these cells, any additional attributes that are already present or have been recorded are displayed in the tooltip. Double-clicking on one of these cells opens a dialog box in which the respective additional attributes can be entered or changed. Alternatively, the cursor stops at <Tab> on this cell. With the column option FS, the additional dialog is opened with the right mouse button.

Figure: Additional data with column option <LE>

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