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Report Column Definition

1 Introduction

IDL Konsis enables you to present a unique report result in different ways. Among other things, this applies to the columns displayed in the report. The report results display (REPERG) has the "Column option" parameter for this purpose.

Some common column options are included when installing IDL Konsis. These are to be recognized by a '#' as the first character of the key and must not be changed by the user. All other column options are individual and can be designed by the user himself. This is necessary in particular for reports in the mirror.

If you want to use the default definitions for Transaction developments proposed in the DeliverBatch directory, you can also use IDL Xlslink to add column options that match the mirror definitions to the database.

The definition of these column options is stored in the IDL Konsis database. These definitions are maintained in the "Report column definition' application documented here (short term: REPCLDFN).

2 Leading Column Options Table

2.1 Column Options Overview

When the REPCLDFN application is started, a table with all defined column options and their general properties (see Chapter 1.2) is displayed. Column options provided by IDL are usually displayed at the exit of the table due to the alphabetical sorting. The filter row can be used to limit the amount of displayed data.

Using the symbols for 'Create' (star symbol, global menu bar at the top or menu bar at the right) or Change (stylus icon, global menu bar at the top or right mouse button context menu) and Copy (2 sheets icon, right mouse button context menu) are displayed in the wizard for editing the global properties of a column option. With the context menu (right mouse button) it is also possible to delete a column option (Red Cross symbol).

The entire report column definition, including the definition of the individual columns, is opened and can be edited by clicking the 'Open' (eye) symbol in the context menu (right mouse button) or by 'double-clicking' on a row (see Section 3).

You can also manually remove an existing column lock from the context menu (right mouse button).

2.2 Column Option Wizard

When inserting and copying, the first page of the wizard is used to specify the column option key. This maximum 6-digit key must not start with "#" because these names are reserved by IDL for default column options.

NOTE: The charts of positions(POSDFN) and column options object groups are stored in the same table and therefore cannot have the same keys. A column option is rejected if there is already a chart of positions with the same key.

1. Descriptions page:

  • Valid from / valid until: Sets the column option's validity period.
  • Description: A custom description is to be entered (max. 70 digits).
  • Short text: A custom description can be entered (max. 10 digits).

2. Properties page:

  • Report level: By entering a G (company level) or K (group level) it can be controlled whether the created column option is respectively only intended for the identified level. If the field remains blank, the column option applies to both the corporate and corporate levels.
  • Report type: The report type determines the type of report, analogous to the report definition, and can usually only be used for reports of the same type. If report columns are already defined, the report type can generally no longer be changed.
  • Transaction development: In conjunction with the report type 'D', a Transaction development can be selected here according to the selection. Without specifying a Transaction development, the column option for cross-mirrored reports can be used.
  • Report column object type: This is the definition of the object type for mirrored report representation. If the column option is selected during report display, the corresponding objects are displayed in columns rather than rows as before.

. . . . . . For object types 'CO', 'GB', 'GE' and 'TK' the following applies:

  • Only the dimension of the respective report that is otherwise contained in the drilldown level 1 can always be specified (corresponds to the leading key with the rip-off option '1B').
  • The display is then made after the rule: The first columns show the existing breakdown keys in alphabetical order, while the last column always shows the total amount. If there are more drill-down keys than columns that can be displayed, the remaining drill-down keys are summarized in the penultimate column. This procedure can also be extended to the case that several value columns (e.g. balances and postings) are defined (a maximum of 5).
  • • Alternatively, the order of objects in the Object Sorting application can be specified. This object sort specification must then also be specified in the report display.
  • These controls are included in some of the default column options provided by IDL (starting with '#'). These column options end with 'TK' for sub-groups, 'GE' for companies, 'GB' for business units, and 'CO' for controlling objects (cost centers).

. . . . . . for object type 'WG':

  • Since the object type 'WG' is used to display several currencies in a report result, it must be specified here for each column whether the value 'GC' or 'PC' is to be displayed.
  • Group repeat columns by object type: If several columns in the report represent values of a company, they are grouped. This means that the columns are joined and displayed with the centered description of the respective object type.

3. Page 'Multilingual descriptions':

  • This allows you to enter descriptions in all activated languages.

3 Table 'Report Columns'

3.1 Report Columns Overview

When you open a column option (eye icon, double-click or right-click context menu), two additional tables are displayed: "Report columns" and "Formulas" (see Chapter 4). Report Columns displays the columns defined for a column option with their properties.

The first column shows the sequence number of the report columns. This number cannot be changed manually, but is assigned automatically by the program. Columns are automatically numbered consecutively when they are inserted or delete. The order of the columns can be changed by the Drag & Drop function. The sequence number is also automatically changed accordingly. For example, a newly inserted column (automatically positioned at the exit) can then simply be moved to the desired position.

You can edit the other properties of the report columns in the wizard (see below). The "Formula" column cannot be displayed in full in some cases. This is illustrated by "..." at the exit of the part displayed.

The Create (Star) Icons in the menu bar on the right, Edit (Pin Icon) and Copy (2 Sheets Icon) in the context menu (right mouse button) will take you to the wizard for editing the global properties of a report column. Using the context menu (right mouse button) it is also possible to delete a report column (icon sheet with red x).

[ Cross-copy ] If the main table with the overview of all column options is opened additionally, it is possible to copy one or more highlighted report columns to another column option via the drag & drop function. They are added at the exit. Caution: No plausibility checks are performed with this action and the changes are immediately saved in the database (without the save button)!

[ Mass update ] It is possible to change the column contents of several rows in a single step. To do this, the "Editable Table Cells" mode in the context menu (right mouse button) must first be activated. Select the relevant editable cells (one column, several rows) and select the Change Quantity action from the context menu. The input in the last row then affects all selected cells. The following special considerations must be taken into account:

  • The Formula column does not change the quantity by entering data in the cell, but opens a dialog with the associated page of the wizard.
  • A color selection dialog opens in the columns for foreground and background color when you change quantities.

3.2 Report Column Wizard

Individual parameters that are relevant for later use must now be stored in the report column wizard. Regardless of the number of value columns in the database, any number of columns can be defined in column options without type mapping (i.e. without showing of drill-down levels such as company, business unit, sub-group in columns). For example, a mirror report can be defined for a Transaction development with 30 column columns with 30 report columns (one for each transaction development column) and another seven column totals. Or in a multi-period report with 12 periods, 12 columns can be defined for the accumulated values and 12 more columns can be defined for the accumulated values (difference to previous period).

Caution: As in the form entry, the changes made to the report column table are not saved immediately in the database, but are only saved when you explicitly press the 'save' button (symbol: floppy, global toolbar at the top). When you exit the application and change the column options without save, a control prompt appears asking if you want to save the recorded changes first.

1. "Description" page:

  • Column number: The report column (sequence number) is only displayed here because it is always assigned automatically.
  • Valid from / valid until: The validity period of the report column is defined here. Mandatory information is the valid ex-period. This must not be before the column option is valid.
  • Description: A custom description is to be entered (max. 70 digits).
  • Column header: In the column text, the column headers are set in the report display in multiple lines if necessary. Specific placeholders can be used for this:
If an entry has been made for the column option in the "Object type for report columns" field, the "#1" stands for the respective key (CO, GB, GE, or TK). If the field was left blank or filled with 'WG', '#1' stands for the currency code's short word.
is used as placeholder for the period
If an entry has been made for the column option in the "Object type for report columns" field, the "#3" stands for the respective short term of the key (CO, GB, GE, TK, or WG). If the field is left blank, '#3' is the facts' short word.
  • Short text: A custom description can be entered (max. 10 digits).

2. "Properties" page:

  • Mandatory column for display: This field can be used to control whether the column should be displayed even if no value is available; e.g. the "AHK disposal" column in the fixed assets statement. The column is also displayed if the 'Hide empty columns' function is used and there is no AHK disposal in the current period.
  • Do not repeat for each key: When reporting with keys in columns, the splitting to keys should not be carried out for all defined report columns. One use would be to display the statement of account per company as a single column followed by a total column for consolidation postings and group financial statements. The columns that are not to be split up after details 1 must be assigned the "Do not repeat per key" indicator here.
  • Currency: This field can be used to control the display of currency per column in the report. You can choose between country (LC), group (GC) or parallel currency (PC). To do this, the column option must contain 'WG' for currency in the 'Object type for report columns'.
  • Separator left/right: For print output, it is possible to highlight columns by adding simple or double separators to the right and/or left.
  • Column Graphics Type: In the Graphics Type field, you can choose from the following:

..............'A' - Line Chart (Leading Column)

..............'AD' - Line Chart (Difference / Leading Column)

..............'B' - Bar display

..............'C' - Stacked Bar Chart (Leading Column)

..............'D' - Data column

..............'L' - Area chart (leading column)

..............'LD' - Area Chart (Difference / Leading Column)

..............'S' - Bar chart (leading column)

..............'SD' - Bar chart (Difference / Leading Column)

  • Valuation: The 'Value display' entry field can be used to control whether only the graphics (entry blank) or these together with the value are to be displayed in the column. Various variants are available (full value, without decimal places, value in 1,000 or 1,000,000 currency units).
  • Print width: The width of the column in mm in the print image can be increased by specifying in the "print width" field if the automatically calculated minimum width is not sufficient.
  • Font size / Font style / Font color / Background color: For the report results display (REPERG) and for the print display or print edition it is possible to select the font color, the background color, the font (e.g. bold, italic) and the font size for each column individually.

It is possible to display thumbnails for a set of contained values in the report. The display can be either as miniature bar chart (so-called "Sparklines") or as miniature curve (line chart). To achieve this, the following steps are required:

  • To display this dialog, select a custom column option, either redefine or expand an existing one.
  • In the column definitions of this column option, the column for the first value shown in the graph must be assigned a graphic type: 'S' or 'SD' for sparklines, 'L' or 'LD' for a line chart.
  • The following columns, whose values should also be displayed in the thumbnail image, are to be assigned the graphics type 'D' regardless of the display form.
  • The miniature graphics can be viewed by specifying this column option in the report results display and printed if necessary.

For the graphic types 'S' and 'L', the column values themselves are visualized in the graphic. For the graphic types 'SD' and 'LD', the value of the previous column is subtracted for each column, so that a graph is produced for accumulated values without the difference having to be entered as a column formula. The columns marked with a graphics type are only for display in the thumbnail image. If the corresponding values are to be displayed in the report, the columns are to be redefined in the column option without specifying a graphic type.

3. "Formula" page:

When calculating a report result, the result is written into a table that contains up to 50 value columns, depending on the specification of the report. The result display consists of these value columns, where a formula can be specified for each report column. Typical use cases are:

  • Direct display of a value column
  • Multiple Value Column Summarization
  • Difference between two value columns
  • Percentage variance
  • Conditional Output

At the bottom of the window there is a field in which one of the value columns can be selected via the corresponding combo box. The Combobox takes into account the respective report type and any other relevant properties in order to provide the value columns with an understandable description in addition to the number '01' to '50'. This is how you can find the texts of the columns or the controlling flags.

By clicking on the *I button next to this field, the selected value column is transferred to the centrally displayed formula window. Before, between and after the value columns, arithmetic operators (basic arithmetic types, parentheses) can be inserted into the formula, where a spelling mark in the formula indicates the desired position. There must always be an operator between two value columns.

In addition to value columns and operators, it is necessary in special cases to specify positions, constants, conditions or reference report columns. The corresponding combo box fields are only visible after clicking on the <+> button to the right below the formula window and can be hidden again by clicking on the button that has now become <->.

If a position (of the report) is applied to the formula, the operand is not fetched from the current row, but from the same position. To do this, select the value column and position from the combo box and then jointly apply the *I button in the "charts of positions" line to the formula. This information can be used, among other things, to issue percentage shares in a reference position (e.g. equity ratio or return on sales). This information affects all rows of the report.

Only the values specified in the Constants field Combobox are possible as constants.

Specifying a reference report column and clicking the corresponding *I button results in the formula being transferred from another column option to the current column option.

In addition to this click of the formula, it is also possible to edit the formula with the keyboard. However, the placeholders for the value columns (number and description in square brackets) must be entered exactly, so that this is only useful in exceptional cases.

If the formula generated is not syntactically correct, an error symbol is displayed above the formula window and the formula cannot be saved (<Done> button is disabled). The <Format> button provides an optimal readable display of the formula.


Direct display of a value column:

[01 balance act. Period / actual. Fact]

Multiple value column totals:

[01 balance act. Period / actual. Fact] + [02 book. act. Period / actual. Fact]

Difference between two columns:

[04 postings Period 2] - [02 postings Period 1]

Percentage deviation:

( [01 balance act. Period / actual. Fact] + [02 book. act. Period / actual. Fact] - [05 balance Cf. Period /Vgl.Datenart] - [06 Book. Cf. Period / Cf. Fact] ) * 100 / ( [05 balance Cf. Period /Vgl.Datenart] + [06 Book. Cf. Period / Cf. Fact]

Conditional issue:

  WHEN( [BED column condition from REPLNDFN] <> 2; 1; 0) ) * [01 balance act. Period / actual. Fact]
  WHEN( [BED column condition from REPLNDFN] = 2; 1; 0) ) * [01 balance act. Period / actual. Fact]

By evaluating the column condition specified in the report line definition, a value can be controlled in one or the other column, depending on the type of row.

Relative share of the value of a particular position:

[07 Change in current period] / [06 carry forward{HGBBIL.B COMMERCIAL BALANCE SHEET}]
* 100

4. "Multilingual descriptions" page:

  • This allows you to enter descriptions in all activated languages.

4 Formulas

The formulae are displayed in the second table (next to "Report Columns") after opening a column option. This view provides a tabular view of all the formulae of a column option, so that it is possible to check, for example, whether all the columns of a Transaction development are evaluated in a mirror report. It is only a display and the formulae in the table cannot be adjusted.


Report Column Definition

1 Introduction

IDL Konsis enables you to present a unique report result in different ways. Among other things, this applies to the columns displayed in the report. The report results display (REPERG) has the "Column option" parameter for this purpose.

Some common column options are included when installing IDL Konsis. These are to be recognized by a '#' as the first character of the key and must not be changed by the user. All other column options are individual and can be designed by the user himself. This is necessary in particular for reports in the mirror.

If you want to use the default definitions for Transaction developments proposed in the DeliverBatch directory, you can also use IDL Xlslink to add column options that match the mirror definitions to the database.

The definition of these column options is stored in the IDL Konsis database. These definitions are maintained in the "Report column definition' application documented here (short term: REPCLDFN).

2 Leading Column Options Table

2.1 Column Options Overview

When the REPCLDFN application is started, a table with all defined column options and their general properties (see Chapter 1.2) is displayed. Column options provided by IDL are usually displayed at the exit of the table due to the alphabetical sorting. The filter row can be used to limit the amount of displayed data.

Using the symbols for 'Create' (star symbol, global menu bar at the top or menu bar at the right) or Change (stylus icon, global menu bar at the top or right mouse button context menu) and Copy (2 sheets icon, right mouse button context menu) are displayed in the wizard for editing the global properties of a column option. With the context menu (right mouse button) it is also possible to delete a column option (Red Cross symbol).

The entire report column definition, including the definition of the individual columns, is opened and can be edited by clicking the 'Open' (eye) symbol in the context menu (right mouse button) or by 'double-clicking' on a row (see Section 3).

You can also manually remove an existing column lock from the context menu (right mouse button).

2.2 Column Option Wizard

When inserting and copying, the first page of the wizard is used to specify the column option key. This maximum 6-digit key must not start with "#" because these names are reserved by IDL for default column options.

NOTE: The charts of positions(POSDFN) and column options object groups are stored in the same table and therefore cannot have the same keys. A column option is rejected if there is already a chart of positions with the same key.

1. Descriptions page:

  • Valid from / valid until: Sets the column option's validity period.
  • Description: A custom description is to be entered (max. 70 digits).
  • Short text: A custom description can be entered (max. 10 digits).

2. Properties page:

  • Report level: By entering a G (company level) or K (group level) it can be controlled whether the created column option is respectively only intended for the identified level. If the field remains blank, the column option applies to both the corporate and corporate levels.
  • Report type: The report type determines the type of report, analogous to the report definition, and can usually only be used for reports of the same type. If report columns are already defined, the report type can generally no longer be changed.
  • Transaction development: In conjunction with the report type 'D', a Transaction development can be selected here according to the selection. Without specifying a Transaction development, the column option for cross-mirrored reports can be used.
  • Report column object type: This is the definition of the object type for mirrored report representation. If the column option is selected during report display, the corresponding objects are displayed in columns rather than rows as before.

. . . . . . For object types 'CO', 'GB', 'GE' and 'TK' the following applies:

  • Only the dimension of the respective report that is otherwise contained in the drilldown level 1 can always be specified (corresponds to the leading key with the rip-off option '1B').
  • The display is then made after the rule: The first columns show the existing breakdown keys in alphabetical order, while the last column always shows the total amount. If there are more drill-down keys than columns that can be displayed, the remaining drill-down keys are summarized in the penultimate column. This procedure can also be extended to the case that several value columns (e.g. balances and postings) are defined (a maximum of 5).
  • • Alternatively, the order of objects in the Object Sorting application can be specified. This object sort specification must then also be specified in the report display.
  • These controls are included in some of the default column options provided by IDL (starting with '#'). These column options end with 'TK' for sub-groups, 'GE' for companies, 'GB' for business units, and 'CO' for controlling objects (cost centers).

. . . . . . for object type 'WG':

  • Since the object type 'WG' is used to display several currencies in a report result, it must be specified here for each column whether the value 'GC' or 'PC' is to be displayed.
  • Group repeat columns by object type: If several columns in the report represent values of a company, they are grouped. This means that the columns are joined and displayed with the centered description of the respective object type.

3. Page 'Multilingual descriptions':

  • This allows you to enter descriptions in all activated languages.

3 Table 'Report Columns'

3.1 Report Columns Overview

When you open a column option (eye icon, double-click or right-click context menu), two additional tables are displayed: "Report columns" and "Formulas" (see Chapter 4). Report Columns displays the columns defined for a column option with their properties.

The first column shows the sequence number of the report columns. This number cannot be changed manually, but is assigned automatically by the program. Columns are automatically numbered consecutively when they are inserted or delete. The order of the columns can be changed by the Drag & Drop function. The sequence number is also automatically changed accordingly. For example, a newly inserted column (automatically positioned at the exit) can then simply be moved to the desired position.

You can edit the other properties of the report columns in the wizard (see below). The "Formula" column cannot be displayed in full in some cases. This is illustrated by "..." at the exit of the part displayed.

The Create (Star) Icons in the menu bar on the right, Edit (Pin Icon) and Copy (2 Sheets Icon) in the context menu (right mouse button) will take you to the wizard for editing the global properties of a report column. Using the context menu (right mouse button) it is also possible to delete a report column (icon sheet with red x).

[ Cross-copy ] If the main table with the overview of all column options is opened additionally, it is possible to copy one or more highlighted report columns to another column option via the drag & drop function. They are added at the exit. Caution: No plausibility checks are performed with this action and the changes are immediately saved in the database (without the save button)!

[ Mass update ] It is possible to change the column contents of several rows in a single step. To do this, the "Editable Table Cells" mode in the context menu (right mouse button) must first be activated. Select the relevant editable cells (one column, several rows) and select the Change Quantity action from the context menu. The input in the last row then affects all selected cells. The following special considerations must be taken into account:

  • The Formula column does not change the quantity by entering data in the cell, but opens a dialog with the associated page of the wizard.
  • A color selection dialog opens in the columns for foreground and background color when you change quantities.

3.2 Report Column Wizard

Individual parameters that are relevant for later use must now be stored in the report column wizard. Regardless of the number of value columns in the database, any number of columns can be defined in column options without type mapping (i.e. without showing of drill-down levels such as company, business unit, sub-group in columns). For example, a mirror report can be defined for a Transaction development with 30 column columns with 30 report columns (one for each transaction development column) and another seven column totals. Or in a multi-period report with 12 periods, 12 columns can be defined for the accumulated values and 12 more columns can be defined for the accumulated values (difference to previous period).

Caution: As in the form entry, the changes made to the report column table are not saved immediately in the database, but are only saved when you explicitly press the 'save' button (symbol: floppy, global toolbar at the top). When you exit the application and change the column options without save, a control prompt appears asking if you want to save the recorded changes first.

1. "Description" page:

  • Column number: The report column (sequence number) is only displayed here because it is always assigned automatically.
  • Valid from / valid until: The validity period of the report column is defined here. Mandatory information is the valid ex-period. This must not be before the column option is valid.
  • Description: A custom description is to be entered (max. 70 digits).
  • Column header: In the column text, the column headers are set in the report display in multiple lines if necessary. Specific placeholders can be used for this:
If an entry has been made for the column option in the "Object type for report columns" field, the "#1" stands for the respective key (CO, GB, GE, or TK). If the field was left blank or filled with 'WG', '#1' stands for the currency code's short word.
is used as placeholder for the period
If an entry has been made for the column option in the "Object type for report columns" field, the "#3" stands for the respective short term of the key (CO, GB, GE, TK, or WG). If the field is left blank, '#3' is the facts' short word.
  • Short text: A custom description can be entered (max. 10 digits).

2. "Properties" page:

  • Mandatory column for display: This field can be used to control whether the column should be displayed even if no value is available; e.g. the "AHK disposal" column in the fixed assets statement. The column is also displayed if the 'Hide empty columns' function is used and there is no AHK disposal in the current period.
  • Do not repeat for each key: When reporting with keys in columns, the splitting to keys should not be carried out for all defined report columns. One use would be to display the statement of account per company as a single column followed by a total column for consolidation postings and group financial statements. The columns that are not to be split up after details 1 must be assigned the "Do not repeat per key" indicator here.
  • Currency: This field can be used to control the display of currency per column in the report. You can choose between country (LC), group (GC) or parallel currency (PC). To do this, the column option must contain 'WG' for currency in the 'Object type for report columns'.
  • Separator left/right: For print output, it is possible to highlight columns by adding simple or double separators to the right and/or left.
  • Column Graphics Type: In the Graphics Type field, you can choose from the following:

..............'A' - Line Chart (Leading Column)

..............'AD' - Line Chart (Difference / Leading Column)

..............'B' - Bar display

..............'C' - Stacked Bar Chart (Leading Column)

..............'D' - Data column

..............'L' - Area chart (leading column)

..............'LD' - Area Chart (Difference / Leading Column)

..............'S' - Bar chart (leading column)

..............'SD' - Bar chart (Difference / Leading Column)

  • Valuation: The 'Value display' entry field can be used to control whether only the graphics (entry blank) or these together with the value are to be displayed in the column. Various variants are available (full value, without decimal places, value in 1,000 or 1,000,000 currency units).
  • Print width: The width of the column in mm in the print image can be increased by specifying in the "print width" field if the automatically calculated minimum width is not sufficient.
  • Font size / Font style / Font color / Background color: For the report results display (REPERG) and for the print display or print edition it is possible to select the font color, the background color, the font (e.g. bold, italic) and the font size for each column individually.

It is possible to display thumbnails for a set of contained values in the report. The display can be either as miniature bar chart (so-called "Sparklines") or as miniature curve (line chart). To achieve this, the following steps are required:

  • To display this dialog, select a custom column option, either redefine or expand an existing one.
  • In the column definitions of this column option, the column for the first value shown in the graph must be assigned a graphic type: 'S' or 'SD' for sparklines, 'L' or 'LD' for a line chart.
  • The following columns, whose values should also be displayed in the thumbnail image, are to be assigned the graphics type 'D' regardless of the display form.
  • The miniature graphics can be viewed by specifying this column option in the report results display and printed if necessary.

For the graphic types 'S' and 'L', the column values themselves are visualized in the graphic. For the graphic types 'SD' and 'LD', the value of the previous column is subtracted for each column, so that a graph is produced for accumulated values without the difference having to be entered as a column formula. The columns marked with a graphics type are only for display in the thumbnail image. If the corresponding values are to be displayed in the report, the columns are to be redefined in the column option without specifying a graphic type.

3. "Formula" page:

When calculating a report result, the result is written into a table that contains up to 50 value columns, depending on the specification of the report. The result display consists of these value columns, where a formula can be specified for each report column. Typical use cases are:

  • Direct display of a value column
  • Multiple Value Column Summarization
  • Difference between two value columns
  • Percentage variance
  • Conditional Output

At the bottom of the window there is a field in which one of the value columns can be selected via the corresponding combo box. The Combobox takes into account the respective report type and any other relevant properties in order to provide the value columns with an understandable description in addition to the number '01' to '50'. This is how you can find the texts of the columns or the controlling flags.

By clicking on the *I button next to this field, the selected value column is transferred to the centrally displayed formula window. Before, between and after the value columns, arithmetic operators (basic arithmetic types, parentheses) can be inserted into the formula, where a spelling mark in the formula indicates the desired position. There must always be an operator between two value columns.

In addition to value columns and operators, it is necessary in special cases to specify positions, constants, conditions or reference report columns. The corresponding combo box fields are only visible after clicking on the <+> button to the right below the formula window and can be hidden again by clicking on the button that has now become <->.

If a position (of the report) is applied to the formula, the operand is not fetched from the current row, but from the same position. To do this, select the value column and position from the combo box and then jointly apply the *I button in the "charts of positions" line to the formula. This information can be used, among other things, to issue percentage shares in a reference position (e.g. equity ratio or return on sales). This information affects all rows of the report.

Only the values specified in the Constants field Combobox are possible as constants.

Specifying a reference report column and clicking the corresponding *I button results in the formula being transferred from another column option to the current column option.

In addition to this click of the formula, it is also possible to edit the formula with the keyboard. However, the placeholders for the value columns (number and description in square brackets) must be entered exactly, so that this is only useful in exceptional cases.

If the formula generated is not syntactically correct, an error symbol is displayed above the formula window and the formula cannot be saved (<Done> button is disabled). The <Format> button provides an optimal readable display of the formula.


Direct display of a value column:

[01 balance act. Period / actual. Fact]

Multiple value column totals:

[01 balance act. Period / actual. Fact] + [02 book. act. Period / actual. Fact]

Difference between two columns:

[04 postings Period 2] - [02 postings Period 1]

Percentage deviation:

( [01 balance act. Period / actual. Fact] + [02 book. act. Period / actual. Fact] - [05 balance Cf. Period /Vgl.Datenart] - [06 Book. Cf. Period / Cf. Fact] ) * 100 / ( [05 balance Cf. Period /Vgl.Datenart] + [06 Book. Cf. Period / Cf. Fact]

Conditional issue:

  WHEN( [BED column condition from REPLNDFN] <> 2; 1; 0) ) * [01 balance act. Period / actual. Fact]
  WHEN( [BED column condition from REPLNDFN] = 2; 1; 0) ) * [01 balance act. Period / actual. Fact]

By evaluating the column condition specified in the report line definition, a value can be controlled in one or the other column, depending on the type of row.

Relative share of the value of a particular position:

[07 Change in current period] / [06 carry forward{HGBBIL.B COMMERCIAL BALANCE SHEET}]
* 100

4. "Multilingual descriptions" page:

  • This allows you to enter descriptions in all activated languages.

4 Formulas

The formulae are displayed in the second table (next to "Report Columns") after opening a column option. This view provides a tabular view of all the formulae of a column option, so that it is possible to check, for example, whether all the columns of a Transaction development are evaluated in a mirror report. It is only a display and the formulae in the table cannot be adjusted.

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