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Group Definition

1 Foreword

The purpose of the application is to create, modify, or copy corporate master data and group structures. Only structural data is processed and no processing is performed.

2 Structure of the Application

The GRPDFN consists of a leading table (in the upper section) in which the master data are created for each group. Below are two dependent tables showing the 'Group structure', in which companies are assigned to the respective group and the 'Group companies' table, in which specific attributes relevant to the Group can be set per company and group. To the right of the group structure, two resource tables with the (partial) groups and companies are displayed next to each other. As the group structure depends on the period and the fact, on the left side is the selection area for the fact and period.

Creating or changing within the tables: The setup is done by a wizard. It opens when you collect data using the star icon on the top right-hand toolbar or on the global toolbar. You can change the data using either the 'Pen' symbol in the global toolbar or the context menu or alternatively you can change the data using the 'Tablecells editable' function in the context menu (right mouse button). The 'Tablecells editable' is valid in the table 'Group definition' and also for the dependent table 'Group companies'.

The export of the individual areas is done via the Export button in the global toolbar. The export section is determined using the Export dialog. On the right-hand side of the export dialog, you must select between the data in the main table "group/partial table" and the dependent table "Group companies". A selection in the tables is considered. If rows are only selected in a table, only these rows are exported.Tables without selection are only exported (completely) if there is no selection.

3 Group Definition

3.1 Table 'Group'

The group is set up in the leading table 'Group' or group-specific attributes can be changed. When you create or modify a group, the wizard opens with the following input options:

1. Description page:

  • Group: Key field, 6-digit alphanumeric key.
  • Validity from/until: The Validity from period is a must field, the Validity until period is an optional attribute. Both attributes define the period from or to which the group is valid. The user-specific startup data (STUPDT) can be used to control that groups with limited validity (any indication of a valid until period) are no longer displayed.
  • Description: Mandatory information with max. 70 characters.
  • Short Text: Optional entry with max. 10 characters.

2. Properties page:

  • Group currency code: Specifies the currency in which the group financial statement is performed. Enter a valid currency code according to the combo box. Since IDL Forecast supports only one group currency in the individual financial statement data, the group currencies for the global corporation and subordinate sub-groups must generally be stated the same. A different group currency in the sub-group is only possible if the sub-group is kept in a separate database or under own data types and the subgroup data is transferred to the global corporation with the help of the exchange of currencies (CRCYCHG) and the sub-group data exchange (GRPSUBEX).
  • Diverging group currency f. subgroup: In the event that sub-groups are kept in a separate database with a different group currency as explained above, this information ensures that in the case of the Group-wide data exchange (GRPSUBEX), the group currency of the sub-group in the sub-group is not overwritten by the different information in the global group.
  • Currency code parallel: This defines an alternative currency for the group financial statement, e.g. TEU (thousand euros). If no further currency is desired, the group currency is to be repeated here.
  • Diverging parallel currency f. sub-group: Similar to the deviating group currency in the sub-group.
  • Group/sub-group flag:IDL Forecast supports two types of groups: K = Real group / sub-group: This group is generally in line with the legal structure. The actual consolidation is carried out in this group. R = Report sub-group: This group type is known as an evaluation group. IDL Forecast is able to copy a subset of the posting material into such evaluation group (application 'REPDIS'). Prerequisite for this is the definition of a reporting group with the allocation of the group companies to be shown there (e.g. separate by divisions).
  • Reference group/sub-group: In the event that a top-level reportability group is to be established that contains exactly the same sub-groups as a real group, this real group should be entered here as a reference group. This avoids the duplication of group structures (for one reporttechnique and one for a real sub-group) of the subordinate sub-groups.
  • Internet address: Here a URL (internet address of the homepage) can be entered. This information is only for information purposes and will not be further evaluated.
  • Exclusion group for check rules: An exclusion group that has already been defined to exclude check rules for this group. For more information, see Check Rules.

3. Descriptions (multi language) page:

You can record appropriate descriptions for the activated languages ​​(according to the license).

3.2 Table 'Group Structure'

In the Group structure table, the groups and companies are dragged from the right-hand resource tables into the Group structure table using Drag&Drop. Only the dark gray groups or companies can be inserted. The light gray displayed companies are already in the open group. In addition, the star symbol can be used to create new companies and groups in the right-hand resource tables (for processing see Chapter 3.1). When inserting a company into a subgroup branch, this company is also included in the parent group structures in the background so that the structure remains automatically consistent. Drag&Drop of items and nodes (including the branch below) is possible within the group structure. So is the delete of individual companies and sub-groups with companies hanging under them.

With the context menu item 'Copy consolidated' previously selected companies and/or groups can be copied into other periods, data types, or groups. The consistency of the structure is maintained when copying Group data. For example, copying a subordinate sub-group ensures that the companies are also inserted at all levels of the target group above it. Selecting an account row (group/sub-group) causes the entire underlying structure to be copied as well.

In the 'Group structure' table, you can use the context menu to determine whether the company is the parent company or an equal company. Only one company of a group/sub-group may receive this attribute. The first inserted company automatically receives the indicator 'Company parent'. The 'Company parent' indicator can subsequently be transferred to any other company. On entry of the indicator with another company, the existing indicator number of the first company is automatically removed. Gender equality groups ('G'), groups with several parent companies on an equal footing, may also be defined. 'G' may be entered for several companies. When calculating the ownership relationships, the participations are determined on the basis of all companies marked 'G'. A mixture of the indicators 'X' and 'G' is not permitted. If only one company is marked 'G', it looks just like an 'X'.

3.3 Table 'Group Companies'

The respective partnership attributes were initially used with default values when inserting them into the group structure, which can be changed in the table 'Group companies' via the wizard. You can change the attributes for each company by using the 'Pen' symbol in the context menu or in the global toolbar or by using the edit mode enabled. The modifiable attributes have the following meanings:

  • Addition of consolidation scope: The company must enter an acquisition date for the group here. The date to be entered here must match the access date in the SHRPAR application (shareholding transactions). Otherwise, no Capital consolidation can be performed. The date of access is also necessary for non-consolidated companies. The date must be changed if the consolidation method is changed.
  • Disposal of consolidation scope: If a company leaves the group companies, the date of departure must be entered here. The date must be the same as the movement date in the SHRPAR application (shareholding transactions) if a posting key with usage tag B03 has been maintained there an output movement. If the date is not the same, an error message appears during the final consolidation and the process is canceled. After completing the deconsolidation for this company and switching to the subsequent period, this retirement date causes the consolidation method to change to 'K' for 'no inclusion' in the subsequent period.
  • Consolidation method: The consolidation method shown here affects the allowed consolidation functions. In IDL Forecast, 4 different consolidation methods can be selected.
  • Change of consolidation: This field is used to designate a non-cash addition or disposal. The non-cash addition to the group companies is defined as a company that is already owned from previous periods and in whose value and percentage holding relationship has not changed within the group companies, but which, on the basis of other criteria, is from an insignificant to a significant company and is therefore included in the group financial statement for the first time. A non-liquidity disposal is the reversal of this process. The processing of these operations is carried out independently of shareholding transactions. The corresponding entry must be made in the entry field. The information 'NLA' (Non-cash disposal) and 'NLZ' (Non-cash addition) is possible here. In addition, an entry has been made to "disposal consolidation group" and / or "addition consolidation group" in order to be able to date the process. This attribute is not taken over into the next financial year at the carry forward, as it loses its effect there.
  • Without indirect minority interests: If this field is activated, this means that there should be no indirect debt/equity calculation for this company. You can find detailed information on this in the Additional Options for Calculating Minority Interests.
  • Net inclusion of fixed assets: If this field is activated and the Capital consolidation is subsequently performed or the calculation 'KK mirror posting' is reinitiated, the DPN carries forward are shown as AHK.
  • Quotal participation processes (additive) - manual: The possible entry of a prorated percentage is only possible for prorated companies (consolidation method = Q). If a parent company is a prorated company, the subsidiary companies should also be included in the financial statements in a proportionate manner. For these cases, a different quota percentage can be entered here, which is used to calculate quoted values instead of the additive percentage in other applications.
  • Participation processes (multiple) - manual: Calculation: ((GES1 participation % rate * GES2 participation % rate)/100) A manual entry of the percentage is possible for this field. This overwrites the calculated value.


Group Definition

1 Foreword

The purpose of the application is to create, modify, or copy corporate master data and group structures. Only structural data is processed and no processing is performed.

2 Structure of the Application

The GRPDFN consists of a leading table (in the upper section) in which the master data are created for each group. Below are two dependent tables showing the 'Group structure', in which companies are assigned to the respective group and the 'Group companies' table, in which specific attributes relevant to the Group can be set per company and group. To the right of the group structure, two resource tables with the (partial) groups and companies are displayed next to each other. As the group structure depends on the period and the fact, on the left side is the selection area for the fact and period.

Creating or changing within the tables: The setup is done by a wizard. It opens when you collect data using the star icon on the top right-hand toolbar or on the global toolbar. You can change the data using either the 'Pen' symbol in the global toolbar or the context menu or alternatively you can change the data using the 'Tablecells editable' function in the context menu (right mouse button). The 'Tablecells editable' is valid in the table 'Group definition' and also for the dependent table 'Group companies'.

The export of the individual areas is done via the Export button in the global toolbar. The export section is determined using the Export dialog. On the right-hand side of the export dialog, you must select between the data in the main table "group/partial table" and the dependent table "Group companies". A selection in the tables is considered. If rows are only selected in a table, only these rows are exported.Tables without selection are only exported (completely) if there is no selection.

3 Group Definition

3.1 Table 'Group'

The group is set up in the leading table 'Group' or group-specific attributes can be changed. When you create or modify a group, the wizard opens with the following input options:

1. Description page:

  • Group: Key field, 6-digit alphanumeric key.
  • Validity from/until: The Validity from period is a must field, the Validity until period is an optional attribute. Both attributes define the period from or to which the group is valid. The user-specific startup data (STUPDT) can be used to control that groups with limited validity (any indication of a valid until period) are no longer displayed.
  • Description: Mandatory information with max. 70 characters.
  • Short Text: Optional entry with max. 10 characters.

2. Properties page:

  • Group currency code: Specifies the currency in which the group financial statement is performed. Enter a valid currency code according to the combo box. Since IDL Forecast supports only one group currency in the individual financial statement data, the group currencies for the global corporation and subordinate sub-groups must generally be stated the same. A different group currency in the sub-group is only possible if the sub-group is kept in a separate database or under own data types and the subgroup data is transferred to the global corporation with the help of the exchange of currencies (CRCYCHG) and the sub-group data exchange (GRPSUBEX).
  • Diverging group currency f. subgroup: In the event that sub-groups are kept in a separate database with a different group currency as explained above, this information ensures that in the case of the Group-wide data exchange (GRPSUBEX), the group currency of the sub-group in the sub-group is not overwritten by the different information in the global group.
  • Currency code parallel: This defines an alternative currency for the group financial statement, e.g. TEU (thousand euros). If no further currency is desired, the group currency is to be repeated here.
  • Diverging parallel currency f. sub-group: Similar to the deviating group currency in the sub-group.
  • Group/sub-group flag:IDL Forecast supports two types of groups: K = Real group / sub-group: This group is generally in line with the legal structure. The actual consolidation is carried out in this group. R = Report sub-group: This group type is known as an evaluation group. IDL Forecast is able to copy a subset of the posting material into such evaluation group (application 'REPDIS'). Prerequisite for this is the definition of a reporting group with the allocation of the group companies to be shown there (e.g. separate by divisions).
  • Reference group/sub-group: In the event that a top-level reportability group is to be established that contains exactly the same sub-groups as a real group, this real group should be entered here as a reference group. This avoids the duplication of group structures (for one reporttechnique and one for a real sub-group) of the subordinate sub-groups.
  • Internet address: Here a URL (internet address of the homepage) can be entered. This information is only for information purposes and will not be further evaluated.
  • Exclusion group for check rules: An exclusion group that has already been defined to exclude check rules for this group. For more information, see Check Rules.

3. Descriptions (multi language) page:

You can record appropriate descriptions for the activated languages ​​(according to the license).

3.2 Table 'Group Structure'

In the Group structure table, the groups and companies are dragged from the right-hand resource tables into the Group structure table using Drag&Drop. Only the dark gray groups or companies can be inserted. The light gray displayed companies are already in the open group. In addition, the star symbol can be used to create new companies and groups in the right-hand resource tables (for processing see Chapter 3.1). When inserting a company into a subgroup branch, this company is also included in the parent group structures in the background so that the structure remains automatically consistent. Drag&Drop of items and nodes (including the branch below) is possible within the group structure. So is the delete of individual companies and sub-groups with companies hanging under them.

With the context menu item 'Copy consolidated' previously selected companies and/or groups can be copied into other periods, data types, or groups. The consistency of the structure is maintained when copying Group data. For example, copying a subordinate sub-group ensures that the companies are also inserted at all levels of the target group above it. Selecting an account row (group/sub-group) causes the entire underlying structure to be copied as well.

In the 'Group structure' table, you can use the context menu to determine whether the company is the parent company or an equal company. Only one company of a group/sub-group may receive this attribute. The first inserted company automatically receives the indicator 'Company parent'. The 'Company parent' indicator can subsequently be transferred to any other company. On entry of the indicator with another company, the existing indicator number of the first company is automatically removed. Gender equality groups ('G'), groups with several parent companies on an equal footing, may also be defined. 'G' may be entered for several companies. When calculating the ownership relationships, the participations are determined on the basis of all companies marked 'G'. A mixture of the indicators 'X' and 'G' is not permitted. If only one company is marked 'G', it looks just like an 'X'.

3.3 Table 'Group Companies'

The respective partnership attributes were initially used with default values when inserting them into the group structure, which can be changed in the table 'Group companies' via the wizard. You can change the attributes for each company by using the 'Pen' symbol in the context menu or in the global toolbar or by using the edit mode enabled. The modifiable attributes have the following meanings:

  • Addition of consolidation scope: The company must enter an acquisition date for the group here. The date to be entered here must match the access date in the SHRPAR application (shareholding transactions). Otherwise, no Capital consolidation can be performed. The date of access is also necessary for non-consolidated companies. The date must be changed if the consolidation method is changed.
  • Disposal of consolidation scope: If a company leaves the group companies, the date of departure must be entered here. The date must be the same as the movement date in the SHRPAR application (shareholding transactions) if a posting key with usage tag B03 has been maintained there an output movement. If the date is not the same, an error message appears during the final consolidation and the process is canceled. After completing the deconsolidation for this company and switching to the subsequent period, this retirement date causes the consolidation method to change to 'K' for 'no inclusion' in the subsequent period.
  • Consolidation method: The consolidation method shown here affects the allowed consolidation functions. In IDL Forecast, 4 different consolidation methods can be selected.
  • Change of consolidation: This field is used to designate a non-cash addition or disposal. The non-cash addition to the group companies is defined as a company that is already owned from previous periods and in whose value and percentage holding relationship has not changed within the group companies, but which, on the basis of other criteria, is from an insignificant to a significant company and is therefore included in the group financial statement for the first time. A non-liquidity disposal is the reversal of this process. The processing of these operations is carried out independently of shareholding transactions. The corresponding entry must be made in the entry field. The information 'NLA' (Non-cash disposal) and 'NLZ' (Non-cash addition) is possible here. In addition, an entry has been made to "disposal consolidation group" and / or "addition consolidation group" in order to be able to date the process. This attribute is not taken over into the next financial year at the carry forward, as it loses its effect there.
  • Without indirect minority interests: If this field is activated, this means that there should be no indirect debt/equity calculation for this company. You can find detailed information on this in the Additional Options for Calculating Minority Interests.
  • Net inclusion of fixed assets: If this field is activated and the Capital consolidation is subsequently performed or the calculation 'KK mirror posting' is reinitiated, the DPN carries forward are shown as AHK.
  • Quotal participation processes (additive) - manual: The possible entry of a prorated percentage is only possible for prorated companies (consolidation method = Q). If a parent company is a prorated company, the subsidiary companies should also be included in the financial statements in a proportionate manner. For these cases, a different quota percentage can be entered here, which is used to calculate quoted values instead of the additive percentage in other applications.
  • Participation processes (multiple) - manual: Calculation: ((GES1 participation % rate * GES2 participation % rate)/100) A manual entry of the percentage is possible for this field. This overwrites the calculated value.

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