Other Processings
Table of contents
- 1 Consolidation Currency Conversion
- 2 Currency Conversion with Sub-group
- 3 Quota Equalization Values Make a Posting / Development Reposting of Quota Changes
- 3.1 'Development Reposting of Quota Changes' (QU)
- 3.2 Installation Example "Development Reposting of Quota Changes" (QU) on the Example of the System Mirror
- 3.3 'Compensation of Rounding Differences for Quota Consolidation (QU)
- 4 Calculate Check Rule Result
- 5 Generate Group Structure Tables for All Group Companies
1 Consolidation Currency Conversion
The 'currency conversion Consolidation' action is used to use all vouchers generated by the consolidation functions for the paral currency conversion. So it's sort of a currency conversion in the group. Unlike currency conversion with sub-group, when this action is triggered, only the group that is entered in the Selection area is used for conversion.
2 Currency Conversion with Sub-group
Unlike the 'Consolidation Currency Translation' action, where only the consolidation postings of the group specified in the selection field are used for the Parallel Currency Translation, when 'currency conversion with sub-group' action is triggered, the postings of the underlying sub-groups for the Parallel Currency Translation are also used.
3 Quota Equalization Values Make a Posting / Development Reposting of Quota Changes
This campaign supports two types of circumstances arising from the management of prorated companies. It is about:
a) development repostings of prorated changes (see chapter 3.1)
b) the automatic compensation of prorated differences (see chapter 3.3)
3.1 'Development Reposting of Quota Changes' (QU)
If the percentage shares in quota companies change compared to the previous period, this quota change must be shown in the Transaction developments in such a way that the share according to the previous year's quota is reported as a carry forward and the change to the current quota in a transaction development column "change quota" (similar to a transaction development column "change group companies"). The same applies when a fully consolidated company becomes a quota company and vice versa.
The change in the ratio can only be determined from the perspective of the Group level. In this respect, the requested prorated posting cannot be done in company financial statement, but only as a consolidation posting at the respective Group level. This reposting is done automatically by performing the action 'Quotal make a posting'. Consolidation postings are generated with the consolidation function 'QU'. The implementation of the action must be renewed at each level of the Group.
Figure: Quota make a posting equalization values call
For this feature to create consolidation postings, the following requirements must be met:
- The company must have the consolidation method 'Q' in the current or previous period, and 'Q' or 'V' in the other period.
- Either the consolidation method or the prorated percentage varies between the previous period and the current period.
- There is a posting key for "change rate" for the Transaction development. It is marked by the usage tag 'Q' (for all Transaction developments) and 'SQ' (additionally for individual Transaction developments) in the BSL strain. The posting key must be added on a user-specific basis (per transaction development area, if applicable) in the BSL root. Repostings are then made for all carries forward, i.e. for both automatically generated and manually recorded carry-forward movements. It is assumed that these are summarized in a lecture column. For this purpose, the Transaction development (or transaction development area) must also contain a BSL with usage tag 'V'.
In the event that the company is only consolidated ratably in the subordinate sub-group, but in the higher-level group, the processing is also to be called for fully consolidated companies. This also applies in the event that the company is fully consolidated in the current period, but was consolidated ratably in the previous period.
3.2 Installation Example "Development Reposting of Quota Changes" (QU) on the Example of the System Mirror
The prorated change should be shown in an extra column in the system mirror delivered by IDL Konsis as standard. To do this, the following must be set up on the user side:
This transaction development column must first be defined in the Transaction development. This is done in the 'Mirror Definition' application (TRNDEVDFN).
Figure: Create new transaction development column for the fixed asset statement
According to this, the transaction development column still has to be assigned its own posting keys for the prorated change per transaction development area. For this purpose, it is important to assign the specific posting key use indicator Q to the new posting key. Without the assignment of the usage tag, no processing will take place later.
Figure: Create transaction development column and posting keys
You now need to define a new column option that contains the column Quotal Change company. This is done in the Report Column Definition (REPCLDFN) application.
To avoid having to recreate all the columns in the statement of assets, the column names stored by default can be copied from the "$AHKK" column option into the new column option.
Figure: Copy the default report column option '$AHKK' into the new report column option 'AHKK'
Then the new column 'Quotal change' is added in the column option 'AHKK'.
Figure: Added report column option 'Change Quotal company' in the column definition application (REPCLDFN)
After creating the columns and reports, the system mirror looks like this with the new column option:
Figure: Statement of fixed assets with new column "Quota change company'
After performing the "make a posting pro rata" campaign, a voucher is created which posts the share of the prorated change in all transactions that are carried out with a carry-forward key. The voucher has the document extension 'QU'.
Figure: Consolidation voucher 'QU'
The voucher shows the percentage of the value of the carry-forward movements by which the rate has changed compared to the previous period, here 1%.
In the previous period, the company was kept in group at 50%. In the current period, the figure is 51%. As the fixed asset transactions from the company financial statement are managed at 100%, 51% are now also shown on the carry-forward movements in the current period. The 'Quotal Values make a posting' application now ensures that the values by which the rate has currently changed are posted from the lecture column to the 'Ongoing Change Quotal company' column.
3.3 'Compensation of Rounding Differences for Quota Consolidation (QU)
Quota companies are generally only taken into account with their proportionate values in some consolidation functions as well as in the group report. The calculation with the percentages results in possible rounding differences between balance sheet and the P+L, so that the net profit for the year after quotation is not consistent. To resolve these differences, this action is available: Calculate Quota Compensation (QU). In order to use this function, the following requirements must be met in IDL Konsis:
In the group chart of accounts, accounts used for rounding differences adjustments for quoted companies are marked with a new account flag 1 = 'Q'.
Figure: Accounts for offsetting entries of the rounding differences of quoted companies
Different settlement accounts may have to be used at different group levels (if percentages vary). Which Q accounts are actually used at which level is to be defined in the 'QU' consolidation parameters. This includes a clearing account (and a corresponding cost center) for assets, liabilities, income and expenses.
Figure: Consolidation parameters 'QU'
The 'Calculate prorated equalization values' (QU) function determines the rounding differences (per company and per group level) due to quotation and stores these as account balances on the accounts specified in the 'QU' consolidation parameters and as cost center balances (if one cost center is specified). This action is taken from the group companies and group Monitor overview.
Figure: Calculate Quota Compensation Action Call (QU)
In the balance sheets, the balances on the Q accounts are ignored for 100% display. The balances of the accounts specified in the corresponding consolidation parameters are displayed instead when the display is displayed as a quota.
In the balancing applications, the entry or modification of the values on the Q accounts is prohibited.
The Bil/GuV report processes the balances of non-Q accounts as before with prorated values. Balances of Q accounts are only taken into account if they are stated in the 'QU' consolidation parameters of the respective Group level. These values are then no longer quoted.
Figure: Example allocation account 'Compensation rounding differences Quotengesellschaft Aktiv' in the BILGUV report
The application for calculating quantum compensatory values (QU) also compensates for rounding differences of controlling balances (requirement: Control of the controlling balances in the fact (FCT) with switch = '1'). A controlling balance is generated on the accounts and controlling objects of the consolidation parameters 'QU', which eliminates the difference between the quoted JÜ and the total of the prorated controlling balances. This controlling balance can be assigned to a position in the report, so that reports can also be prepared on the basis of the controlling balances (functions of expense method via report option 'C') without any difference for prorated companies.
4 Calculate Check Rule Result
For a detailed explanation of the application, branch to the Check Rules
5 Generate Group Structure Tables for All Group Companies
Since the IDL Konsis database table K044, in which the group structure is stored, is not suitable for transfer to an OLAP database (e.g. for IDL.DESIGNER), two additional database tables (K056 and K057) are maintained redundantly in the background, which are used by the IDL Datamart interface.
In some cases, these tables may not be updated. You can then call the "Generate Datamart Tables for All group companies" action. This ensures that the information in tables K056 and K057 for all group companies (all periods, data types and groups) is consistent with the information in K044.