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Short Words

This article introduces the short words you can use in IDL Konsis for the English language.

Short Word Description
SUBDTE Submission date
CLSDTE Closing date actual periods
PRDDEV Periods / development areas
PSNBAL Position balances ex reports
FATRN Fixed assets transactions
FAOBJ Fixed assets objects
VCH Vouchers
PERATH Period authorizations
PDATHLOG Period authorizations modifications
USRGRPATH User group authorisations
MNUATH Menu authorizations
MNUATHLOG Menu authorizations modifications
OBJATH Object authorizations
OBJATHLOG Object authorizations modifications
JOBCNT BG-Processing - job control
FRMEDT Formula lines list
VCHCLA Voucher classifications
PSTKEYCNVR Posting key conversion rules
PST Postings
VCHPSTR Voucher and Posting Rules
CHGPSTLOG Changes of postings
CNTDFN Controlling definitions
OTHOBJ Other objects
ERFASS Forms data entry
CFSMNR Company financial stmts + monitor
ICREC IC reconciliation list
FCT Facts
FCTDEV Facts / development areas
FLD Fields
CODT Company data
NEWFCT Select transition to new fact
SHRPAR Shareholding/participations
COLOG Changes of companies
COBUALC Company+business unit allocations
F-FATRN Forms fixed assets transactions
F-PST Forms postings
CFSMENT Company financial statements monitor for entry
F-ICSTCK Forms Inventories IC-stocks
F-ICACBAL Forms IC-account balances
F-CAPTRN Forms capital transactions
F-CNSPST Forms consolidation postings
F-CONBAL Forms Controlling balances
F-ACBAL Forms account balances
F-PRDMGN Forms Product margin
F-PRVTRN Forms Provision transactions
F-DEVTRN Forms development transactions
IMPDT Data import and display
ICFATRN Intercompany fixed assets transactions
ICFAOBJ Intercompany fixed assets objects
ICSTCK Inventories IC-stocks
ICPLN IC Counter-Planning
ICACBAL IC-account balances
IEFID Import/export format IDs
IEFLD Fields for import/export formats
ALLCFLD Allocations import/export fields to formats
IEJBCN IE job controls
SCNDEF Screen definitions
IMPT Import
CAPTRN Capital transactions
KYS Keys
CNSLST IC consolidation list
CNSVCH Consolidation vouchers
TRNCNSPST Transactions and consolidation postings
CNSPST Consolidation postings
CNSPSTLOG Changes of consolidation postings
GRPSUBEX Group sub-group data exchange
SHRPARCPT Shareholding/participations and progression of capital
CPTMI Capital and minority interests
ACBLCNSPST Account balances and consolidation postings
RLSUPG Release upgrade
CONBALO Controlling balances-origin list
CONBAL Controlling balances
CNSUBGRP Consolidation sub-group for creating indiv. financial statement
GRPDFN Group definition
GRPMNR Group monitor
GRPCO Group companies (Charts)
CNSPAR Consolidation parameters
COADFN Chart of account definition
ACCGRP Account categories
ACBALO Account balances-origin list
ACCLOG Changes of accounts
ACBAL Account balances
ACCNVR Account currency conversion rules
ACCNADT Account currency conversion audit trail
CNSFNC Voucher classifications / consolidation functions
GRPCNT Group processing controls
GRPCHKLOG Changes of group checkpoints
LIBR Libraries
CNTCDE Country codes
TXRT Tax rates
MDLST Media list
MSG Messages
MNUITM Menu items
MNUSTC Menu structures
MNUPAR Menu parameters
MGRFS Merger : Company financial statements
CNVFCT Conversion Factors
MTRUNT Metrics and Units
PRGMOD Program moduls
NTWCHK Network Performance Check
OBJSDFN Object sort definitions
PRFCHK Performance check
CFNP Select carry-forward into new period
GRPCF Group carry-forward
PRGFNC Program functions
PLNAPP Planning application
FCSTLG Forecast Logs
FMTR Forecast Monitor
POSDFN Chart of position definition / account allocation
POSALCLOG Changes of positions+accounts allocations before Release 2017
POSALCPLOG Changes of positions+accounts allocations -period-
CHKRDFN Check rule definition
CHKRRST Check rule results
GRPCCKRST Check rule results for group
CHKRLOG Changes of check rules
CHKRPOSLOG Changes of check rules/positions
PRDGRP Products/product groups
PRDMGN Margin of products
COREP Company reports
GRPREP Group reports
REPDIS Distribute for group/sub-group report
REPLNDFN Report line definitions
REPDFN Report definition
REPGRP Groups of reports
PRVTRN Provision transactions
SAPADM Administration of the SAP integration
REPCLCDSC Report column descriptions
REPCLDFN Report column definition
DEVTRN Individual development transactions
TRNDEVDFN Transaction development definition
LGNCDE Codes of languages
CNFGDRL Drill through configuration
TBL Tables
DSCTXT Descriptions (long and short texts + column headers)
OBJTYP Object types
BUDT Business units
TRFGRP Transformation groups
USR Users
USRLOG Changes of users
CMPCNT Company processing controls
CHKPTLOG Changes of checkpoints
STUPDT Startup data
STUPDTATH Startup data + authorisation
STUPLOG Changes of startup data
FSTCNSDF Compensation temporary difference from first consolidation
FXCDE Currency codes
CRCYCHG Change currency data group currency <=> parallel currency
FXRTE Exchange rates
FXMODLOG Exchange rates modifications
WKFLWED Workflow editor
WKFLWTSK Workflow tasks
FXCN Currency conversion parameter
GRPFXPAR Group currency conversion parameter


Short Words

This article introduces the short words you can use in IDL Konsis for the English language.

Short Word Description
SUBDTE Submission date
CLSDTE Closing date actual periods
PRDDEV Periods / development areas
PSNBAL Position balances ex reports
FATRN Fixed assets transactions
FAOBJ Fixed assets objects
VCH Vouchers
PERATH Period authorizations
PDATHLOG Period authorizations modifications
USRGRPATH User group authorisations
MNUATH Menu authorizations
MNUATHLOG Menu authorizations modifications
OBJATH Object authorizations
OBJATHLOG Object authorizations modifications
JOBCNT BG-Processing - job control
FRMEDT Formula lines list
VCHCLA Voucher classifications
PSTKEYCNVR Posting key conversion rules
PST Postings
VCHPSTR Voucher and Posting Rules
CHGPSTLOG Changes of postings
CNTDFN Controlling definitions
OTHOBJ Other objects
ERFASS Forms data entry
CFSMNR Company financial stmts + monitor
ICREC IC reconciliation list
FCT Facts
FCTDEV Facts / development areas
FLD Fields
CODT Company data
NEWFCT Select transition to new fact
SHRPAR Shareholding/participations
COLOG Changes of companies
COBUALC Company+business unit allocations
F-FATRN Forms fixed assets transactions
F-PST Forms postings
CFSMENT Company financial statements monitor for entry
F-ICSTCK Forms Inventories IC-stocks
F-ICACBAL Forms IC-account balances
F-CAPTRN Forms capital transactions
F-CNSPST Forms consolidation postings
F-CONBAL Forms Controlling balances
F-ACBAL Forms account balances
F-PRDMGN Forms Product margin
F-PRVTRN Forms Provision transactions
F-DEVTRN Forms development transactions
IMPDT Data import and display
ICFATRN Intercompany fixed assets transactions
ICFAOBJ Intercompany fixed assets objects
ICSTCK Inventories IC-stocks
ICPLN IC Counter-Planning
ICACBAL IC-account balances
IEFID Import/export format IDs
IEFLD Fields for import/export formats
ALLCFLD Allocations import/export fields to formats
IEJBCN IE job controls
SCNDEF Screen definitions
IMPT Import
CAPTRN Capital transactions
KYS Keys
CNSLST IC consolidation list
CNSVCH Consolidation vouchers
TRNCNSPST Transactions and consolidation postings
CNSPST Consolidation postings
CNSPSTLOG Changes of consolidation postings
GRPSUBEX Group sub-group data exchange
SHRPARCPT Shareholding/participations and progression of capital
CPTMI Capital and minority interests
ACBLCNSPST Account balances and consolidation postings
RLSUPG Release upgrade
CONBALO Controlling balances-origin list
CONBAL Controlling balances
CNSUBGRP Consolidation sub-group for creating indiv. financial statement
GRPDFN Group definition
GRPMNR Group monitor
GRPCO Group companies (Charts)
CNSPAR Consolidation parameters
COADFN Chart of account definition
ACCGRP Account categories
ACBALO Account balances-origin list
ACCLOG Changes of accounts
ACBAL Account balances
ACCNVR Account currency conversion rules
ACCNADT Account currency conversion audit trail
CNSFNC Voucher classifications / consolidation functions
GRPCNT Group processing controls
GRPCHKLOG Changes of group checkpoints
LIBR Libraries
CNTCDE Country codes
TXRT Tax rates
MDLST Media list
MSG Messages
MNUITM Menu items
MNUSTC Menu structures
MNUPAR Menu parameters
MGRFS Merger : Company financial statements
CNVFCT Conversion Factors
MTRUNT Metrics and Units
PRGMOD Program moduls
NTWCHK Network Performance Check
OBJSDFN Object sort definitions
PRFCHK Performance check
CFNP Select carry-forward into new period
GRPCF Group carry-forward
PRGFNC Program functions
PLNAPP Planning application
FCSTLG Forecast Logs
FMTR Forecast Monitor
POSDFN Chart of position definition / account allocation
POSALCLOG Changes of positions+accounts allocations before Release 2017
POSALCPLOG Changes of positions+accounts allocations -period-
CHKRDFN Check rule definition
CHKRRST Check rule results
GRPCCKRST Check rule results for group
CHKRLOG Changes of check rules
CHKRPOSLOG Changes of check rules/positions
PRDGRP Products/product groups
PRDMGN Margin of products
COREP Company reports
GRPREP Group reports
REPDIS Distribute for group/sub-group report
REPLNDFN Report line definitions
REPDFN Report definition
REPGRP Groups of reports
PRVTRN Provision transactions
SAPADM Administration of the SAP integration
REPCLCDSC Report column descriptions
REPCLDFN Report column definition
DEVTRN Individual development transactions
TRNDEVDFN Transaction development definition
LGNCDE Codes of languages
CNFGDRL Drill through configuration
TBL Tables
DSCTXT Descriptions (long and short texts + column headers)
OBJTYP Object types
BUDT Business units
TRFGRP Transformation groups
USR Users
USRLOG Changes of users
CMPCNT Company processing controls
CHKPTLOG Changes of checkpoints
STUPDT Startup data
STUPDTATH Startup data + authorisation
STUPLOG Changes of startup data
FSTCNSDF Compensation temporary difference from first consolidation
FXCDE Currency codes
CRCYCHG Change currency data group currency <=> parallel currency
FXRTE Exchange rates
FXMODLOG Exchange rates modifications
WKFLWED Workflow editor
WKFLWTSK Workflow tasks
FXCN Currency conversion parameter
GRPFXPAR Group currency conversion parameter

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