Short Words
This article introduces the short words you can use in IDL Konsis for the English language.
Short Word | Description |
SUBDTE | Submission date |
CLSDTE | Closing date actual periods |
PRDDEV | Periods / development areas |
PSNBAL | Position balances ex reports |
FATRN | Fixed assets transactions |
FAOBJ | Fixed assets objects |
VCH | Vouchers |
PERATH | Period authorizations |
PDATHLOG | Period authorizations modifications |
USRGRPATH | User group authorisations |
MNUATH | Menu authorizations |
MNUATHLOG | Menu authorizations modifications |
OBJATH | Object authorizations |
OBJATHLOG | Object authorizations modifications |
JOBCNT | BG-Processing - job control |
FRMEDT | Formula lines list |
VCHCLA | Voucher classifications |
PSTKEYCNVR | Posting key conversion rules |
PST | Postings |
VCHPSTR | Voucher and Posting Rules |
CHGPSTLOG | Changes of postings |
CNTDFN | Controlling definitions |
OTHOBJ | Other objects |
ERFASS | Forms data entry |
CFSMNR | Company financial stmts + monitor |
ICREC | IC reconciliation list |
FCT | Facts |
FCTDEV | Facts / development areas |
FLD | Fields |
CODT | Company data |
NEWFCT | Select transition to new fact |
SHRPAR | Shareholding/participations |
COLOG | Changes of companies |
COBUALC | Company+business unit allocations |
F-FATRN | Forms fixed assets transactions |
F-PST | Forms postings |
CFSMENT | Company financial statements monitor for entry |
F-ICSTCK | Forms Inventories IC-stocks |
F-ICACBAL | Forms IC-account balances |
F-CAPTRN | Forms capital transactions |
F-CNSPST | Forms consolidation postings |
F-CONBAL | Forms Controlling balances |
F-ACBAL | Forms account balances |
F-PRDMGN | Forms Product margin |
F-PRVTRN | Forms Provision transactions |
F-DEVTRN | Forms development transactions |
IMPDT | Data import and display |
ICFATRN | Intercompany fixed assets transactions |
ICFAOBJ | Intercompany fixed assets objects |
ICSTCK | Inventories IC-stocks |
ICPLN | IC Counter-Planning |
ICACBAL | IC-account balances |
IEFID | Import/export format IDs |
IEFLD | Fields for import/export formats |
ALLCFLD | Allocations import/export fields to formats |
IEJBCN | IE job controls |
SCNDEF | Screen definitions |
IMPT | Import |
CAPTRN | Capital transactions |
KYS | Keys |
CNSLST | IC consolidation list |
CNSVCH | Consolidation vouchers |
TRNCNSPST | Transactions and consolidation postings |
CNSPST | Consolidation postings |
CNSPSTLOG | Changes of consolidation postings |
GRPSUBEX | Group sub-group data exchange |
SHRPARCPT | Shareholding/participations and progression of capital |
CPTMI | Capital and minority interests |
ACBLCNSPST | Account balances and consolidation postings |
RLSUPG | Release upgrade |
CONBALO | Controlling balances-origin list |
CONBAL | Controlling balances |
CNSUBGRP | Consolidation sub-group for creating indiv. financial statement |
GRPDFN | Group definition |
GRPMNR | Group monitor |
GRPCO | Group companies (Charts) |
CNSPAR | Consolidation parameters |
COADFN | Chart of account definition |
ACCGRP | Account categories |
ACBALO | Account balances-origin list |
ACCLOG | Changes of accounts |
ACBAL | Account balances |
ACCNVR | Account currency conversion rules |
ACCNADT | Account currency conversion audit trail |
CNSFNC | Voucher classifications / consolidation functions |
GRPCNT | Group processing controls |
GRPCHKLOG | Changes of group checkpoints |
LIBR | Libraries |
CNTCDE | Country codes |
TXRT | Tax rates |
MDLST | Media list |
MSG | Messages |
MNUITM | Menu items |
MNUSTC | Menu structures |
MNUPAR | Menu parameters |
MGRFS | Merger : Company financial statements |
CNVFCT | Conversion Factors |
MTRUNT | Metrics and Units |
PRGMOD | Program moduls |
NTWCHK | Network Performance Check |
OBJSDFN | Object sort definitions |
PRFCHK | Performance check |
CFNP | Select carry-forward into new period |
GRPCF | Group carry-forward |
PRGFNC | Program functions |
PLNAPP | Planning application |
FCSTLG | Forecast Logs |
FMTR | Forecast Monitor |
POSDFN | Chart of position definition / account allocation |
POSALCLOG | Changes of positions+accounts allocations before Release 2017 |
POSALCPLOG | Changes of positions+accounts allocations -period- |
CHKRDFN | Check rule definition |
CHKRRST | Check rule results |
GRPCCKRST | Check rule results for group |
CHKRLOG | Changes of check rules |
CHKRPOSLOG | Changes of check rules/positions |
PRDGRP | Products/product groups |
PRDMGN | Margin of products |
COREP | Company reports |
GRPREP | Group reports |
REPDIS | Distribute for group/sub-group report |
REPLNDFN | Report line definitions |
REPDFN | Report definition |
REPGRP | Groups of reports |
PRVTRN | Provision transactions |
SAPADM | Administration of the SAP integration |
REPCLCDSC | Report column descriptions |
REPCLDFN | Report column definition |
DEVTRN | Individual development transactions |
TRNDEVDFN | Transaction development definition |
LGNCDE | Codes of languages |
CNFGDRL | Drill through configuration |
TBL | Tables |
DSCTXT | Descriptions (long and short texts + column headers) |
OBJTYP | Object types |
BUDT | Business units |
TRFGRP | Transformation groups |
USR | Users |
USRLOG | Changes of users |
CMPCNT | Company processing controls |
CHKPTLOG | Changes of checkpoints |
STUPDT | Startup data |
STUPDTATH | Startup data + authorisation |
STUPLOG | Changes of startup data |
FSTCNSDF | Compensation temporary difference from first consolidation |
FXCDE | Currency codes |
CRCYCHG | Change currency data group currency <=> parallel currency |
FXRTE | Exchange rates |
FXMODLOG | Exchange rates modifications |
WKFLWED | Workflow editor |
WKFLWTSK | Workflow tasks |
FXCN | Currency conversion parameter |
GRPFXPAR | Group currency conversion parameter |