Startup Data
Startup DataTable of Contents1 Startup Data (VOR)1 Startup Data (VOR)
Via the application 'Startup data' (VOR) certain parameters can be defined by the
user, which are automatically set as the standard pre-assignment in other applications.
At least the mandatory fields 'Company', 'Fact' 'Period' and 'Language' must be assigned.
Each user may only change his own default infor...
Basic Masterfiles
Basic MasterfilesTable of Contents1 General2 Country Code (LKZ)3 Currency Code (WKZ)4 Facts (FAC)4.1 Wizard4.2 Example: Concept of Facts in IDL Konsis Demo System4.3 Fact Sequences5 Facts / Transaction Development Areas (FACSBE)6 ClosingDateActual Periods (ABR)6.1 Action menu of ABR6.2 Wizard7 Periods / Transaction Development Areas (ABRSBE)8 Combinations of Allocation Flags in FACSBE and ABRSB...
Transaction Development Definitions
Transaction Development DefinitionsTable of contents1 Transaction Development (SPIDEF)1.1 Setting Up Transaction Developments1.2 Opening Subsequent Applications2 Maintain Subsequent Applications2.1 Transaction Development Area tab2.2 Transaction Development Columns tab2.3 Accounting Key Groupings tab2.4 Posting Key tab1 Transaction Development (SPIDEF)The application is used for the creation an...
Posting Dey Usage Tag
Posting Dey Usage TagTable of Contents1 Introduction2 Explanations about the Usage tags3 Summaries for certain transaction development types3.1 Transaction development without carry-forward3.2 Simple transaction developments with carry-forward3.3 Automatic transaction development3.4 Transaction development with sample accounting3.5 Transaction development for the conversion with monthly assesse...
Account Defintion
Account DefintionTable of contents1 Structure and Application2 Table for Charts of Accounts2.1 Description page:2.2 Properties page:2.3 Multilingual Descriptions page:3 Table for Accounts4 Wizard Page - Description5 Wizard Page - Required Information5.1 Billing/P Mark5.2 Account Identification5.3 IC Tear-off Type5.4 IC Tear Test5.5 Transaction Development of the Account5.6 Transaction Developme...
Chart of Positions and Positions
Chart of Positions and PositionsTable of Contents1 Charts of Positions (POSDEF)1.1 Structure and Application1.2 Table Charts of Positions1.3 Positions1.4 Position-Account Assignments1.5 Account Position Assignments1 Charts of Positions (POSDEF)1.1 Structure and ApplicationIn IDL Konsis, a chart of positions (POSDEF) is a general key under which a group, i.e. any number of logically connected po...
Controlling Definition
Controlling DefinitionTable of Contents1 Foreword2 Structure of the Application3 Controlling Dimension, Chart of Controlling Objects and Controlling Flag3.1 Controlling Dimension3.2 Chart of Controlling Objects3.3 Controlling Flag 14 Controlling Objects, Aggregates, and Schemes4.1 Controlling Objects4.2 Aggregate and Schema Tab4.3 'Open Tasks' and 'Show Hierarchy'4.4 Delete of Data Within Appli...
Company and Business Units
Company and Business UnitsTable of Contents1 Companies (GES)1.1 Overview of Company Master1.2 Creating a Master Record1.3 Wizard for the Social Master1.4 Change / Edit in the table / Quantity Change2 Business Unit (UBR) - (optional)2.1 Activating Business Units2.2 Creating Business Units and Designing the Levels Using Drag&Drop2.3 Delete of Data in Individual Areas2.4 Export3 Company + Business...
Group Definition
Group DefinitionTable of Contents1 Foreword2 Structure of the Application3 Group Definition3.1 Table 'Group'3.2 Table 'Group Structure'3.3 Table 'Group Companies'1 ForewordThe purpose of the application is to create, modify or copy corporate master data and group structures. Only structural data is processed and no processing is performed.2 Structure of the ApplicationThe KTKDEF consists of a l...
Check Rules Definition
Check Rules DefinitionTable of contents1 Check Rule (PRFDEF)1.1 Application Interface2 Check Rules Table2.1 Description page:2.2 Properties page:2.3 Additional information page:3 Operator Explanations3.1 Comparison of two values3.2 Checking one page3.3 Test against a constant value3.4 Examination of both sides3.5 Percentage deviation test3.6 Existence test3.7 Mandatory comments on certain accou...
Exchange Rates
Exchange RatesTable of Contents1 Exchange Rates in IDL Konsis2 "Exchange Rates" Overview (WKZWKA)2.1 Selection Options2.2 Column Headers2.3 Actions3 Individual Application "Exchange Rate" (WKZWKAE)3.1 Key Fields3.2 Attributes4 Exchange Rate Types4.1 Exchange Rate Type 'E' (EMS Central Rate)4.2 Exchange Rate Type 'M' (Average Rate)4.3 Exchange Rate Type 'R' (Reversed Mean Exchange Rate) 1 Exchan...
Reading of the Exchange Rates Published by the ECB
Reading of the Exchange Rates Published by the ECBTable of contents1 Transfer of exchange rates from the ECB1 Transfer of exchange rates from the ECBThe exchange rates published by the ECB per working day can be transferred directly from the network via the action "Transfer exchange rates from the ECB" or by transfer from the previously saved XML file. The ECB table shall contain closing rates ...
Submission Dates
Submission DatesTable of Contents1 General2 Set up or Process Submission Date2.1 Period and Facts2.2 Company2.3 Checkpoint2.4 Deadline2.5 Warning Period and Type of Warning Period3 EA Supply Monitor1 GeneralThe application Deadlines (abbreviation ABG) can be used to manage deadlines for the submission of individual financial statements. Deadlines for submission can be assigned separately for ea...