Users and Authorisations
Users and AuthorisationsTable of Contents1 Introduction2 User (USE)3 User groups (BEN)4 Menu authorisations (BENMEN)5 User Group Authorisations (BENDEF)5.1 Maintenance of User Groups5.2 Maintenance of the Authorisations per User Group5.3 Export5.4 Granting Authorisations with the Wizard5.5 Assurance of the Efficiency of the Authorisation Settings6 Object and Period Authorisations (BENOBJ, BENAB...
Automate Control
Automate ControlTable of Contents1 Introduction2 Steps to Set Up an Automated Gating Machine2.1 Definition of a Menu Item for the Dispenser2.2 Definition of the Menus Contained in the Dispenser2.3 Integration of the Menu Item into the Menu Structure2.4 Granting of Authorization for the Dispenser3 Applications That Can be Called in the Dispenser3.1 Import Applications3.2 Deletion Applications3.3...
Master Data Logging
Master Data LoggingTable of Contents1 Data Change logging (LOG)2 Control of Data Change Logging (LOG)3 Example: Logging for changes of accounts4 Lock for vouchers in company and group5 Logging for changes of checkpoints in company and group1 Data Change logging (LOG)By means of the "Data change logging" changes of attributes in master data and financial
data can be followed. Not only the change...
Aggregation of a Sub-group to a Company Financial Statement
Aggregation of a Sub-group to a Company Financial StatementTable of Contents1 General Information2 Selection Area3 Table Area4 How Were the Summarized Balances Summarized?5 Special Features1 General InformationThis application can be used to transfer data from a consolidated sub-group to a fictitious company. This fictitious company can then be further processed as such in a group above it.You ...
IDL Workflow
IDL WorkflowTable of Contents1 Introduction2 Workflow Editor2.1 Rebuild Workflow2.2 Load Workflow2.3 Delete Workflow2.4 Execute Workflow2.5 Edit Workflow3 Run Workflow4 Configure Mail1 IntroductionIDLWorkflow is used to describe and run workflows within the IDL Konsis product family. A workflow is a graphic representation of several tasks that must be performed in a specific order of users as p...
IDL Xlslink - Getting Started
IDL Xlslink - Getting StartedTable of Contents1 First entry aid for IDL.XLSLINK - the first program start and the conversion of tables2 AddIn Installation in Menu 'Excel-Extras'3 Definition of basic settings in the menu 'Settings'3.1 General Settings (upper section)3.2 Preferences (left bottom section)3.3 Section to specify additional databases (right bottom section)4 Testing connection with me...
SAP Interfaces Installation Guide
SAP Interfaces Installation GuideTable of Contents1 Requirements2 Installation notes2.1 Installation notes concerning SAP2.2 Installation notes concerning IDLKONSIS1 RequirementsThe file kcusap.exe has to be copied to the LOAD-directory on the server, the file
kcusap.ini has to be copied to the SYSTEM-directory on the client. The parameters
contained in the section [CONNECTION] have to be adapt...
SAP Interfaces Application Guide
SAP Interfaces Application GuideThe mapping of transaction type groups (SAP R/3) to posting keys
is realized in the module kcusap.exe as follows:Transaction type group (SAP R/3)Posting Key10 (Acquisition)A01 (Additions at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost)11 (Aquis. negative asset /CO settlement)A01 (Additions at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost)12 (Reverse acquisition in following years)A02 ((Disposals at Acquisit...
Internal Password
Internal PasswordTable of Contents1 Functionality2 Configuration3 Password Policies4 Change Password1 Functionality
Usually the user name and its password required for authentication are stored in
the operating system (Windows, Active Directory) or in the database management system
(MS SQL Server, ORACLE). When using internal passwords user name and password are
stored in a table of...
Maintenance and Deployment of Starterkit Data
Maintenance and Deployment of Starterkit DataTable of Contents1 Introduction2 Affected Data3 Application SKVERSION4 Application SKDEPLOY5 Recommendations to PS, Support, and Customers1 IntroductionFrom engineering’s perspective the requirement was divided into theMaintenance of Starterkit Data (IDL-9643), released in 23.2
Deployment of Starterkit Data, released in 23.4