Company Monitor for Entry
Company Monitor for EntryTable of Contents1 Overview2 Use3 Calling of the application1 OverviewThe application "Company financial stmts + monitor for entry" (I-EA) is a central
application for calling forms entry applications.Image 1: Company financial statements + monitor for entry
You can find this application in the menu trees (resource tree and quick starter)
below the ...
Forms Account Balances
Forms Account BalancesTable of Contents1 Overview Form Entry of Company Financial Statement Account Balances (I-KTOSAL)1.1 Overview1.2 Operation1.3 Branching Off into Details1.4 Remarks Text1.5 Sum Block1.6 Display Postings2 Selection Possibilities and Other Input Fields2.1 Sort Option2.2 Column Option2.3 Previous period2.4 Previous/comparative Type of Data [FACT]2.5 Language2.6 Display Key Col...
Forms Postings
Forms PostingsTable of Contents1 General2 Sortoption3 Additional dialog and usage4 Table columns and table rows, locked rows1 GeneralThis application enables a form-based entry of bookings. It can be called up in the
'Company financial monitor for entry' either by double-clicking in the column 'Postings'
of a company or via the context menu 'Entry company financial statements' and there
'Form p...
Forms IC-Account Balances
Forms IC-Account BalancesTable of Contents1 General Information2 Selection Possibilities3 Operation4 Actions5 Access rights1 General Information
This application allows you to enter IC subaccount balances with the help of forms.
All of the existing IC subaccount balances that may be changed will be displayed
for each account in the selected chart of accounts. In addition, an input l...
Forms Controlling Balances
Forms Controlling BalancesTable of Contents1 General2 Use3 Selection possibilities4 Action menu1 GeneralThis application makes it possible to enter in controlling balances with the help
of forms.Image 1: Overview I-CNTSAL
For each account, there is an entry line in which at least one controlling object
and the amount should be entered. Controlling objects that have additional controllin...
Forms Fixed Assets
Forms Fixed AssetsTable of Contents1 Overview Form Entry of Company Financial Statement Fixed Asset Transactions2 Selection Possibilities and Other Input Fields3 General Use and Layout Information3.1 Operation3.2 Automatic Summation3.3 SaveData3.4 Deletion of a line that has already been saved3.5 Additional Information3.6 Grey Coloration3.7 Validation Calculation3.8 Access Rights4 Action Menu1 ...
Forms Capital Transactions
Forms Capital TransactionsTable of Contents1 General2 Selection3 Usage and Additional data3.1 Usage3.2 Additional data1 GeneralThis application enables a form-based recording of capital transaction, which can
be done in rows or columns. It can be called up in the 'Individual financial statement
monitor for data entry' either by double-clicking in the column of the capital transaction
of a compa...
Forms Provision Transactions
Forms Provision TransactionsTable of Contents1 General2 Selection3 Usage and Additional data3.1 Usage3.2 Additional data1 GeneralThis application enables a form-based recording of provision transaction, which
can be done in rows or columns. It can be called up in the 'Individual financial
statement monitor for data entry' either by double-clicking in the column of the
provision transaction of a...
Forms Development Transactions
Forms Development TransactionsTable of Contents1 General2 Selection3 Usage and Additional data3.1 Usage3.2 Additional data1 GeneralThis application enables a form-based recording of transaction developments, which
can be done in rows or columns. It can be called up in the 'Individual financial
statement monitor for data entry' either by double-clicking in the column of the
individual transactio...
Forms Inventories IC-Stocks
Forms Inventories IC-StocksTable of Contents1 General2 Sortoption3 Additional dialog and usage1 GeneralThis application enables a form-based recording of inventories IC-stocks. It can
be called up in the 'Company financial statements monitor for entry' either by double-clicking
in the column 'Inventories IC-stocks' of a company or via the context menu 'Entry
company financial statements' and th...
Forms Product Margin
Forms Product MarginTable of Contents1 General information2 Selection options3 Additional dialog and handling1 General informationThis application enables a form-based recording of IC product margins and serves
as a percentage of overhead or direct rate for the interim profit in current assets
from the perspective of the supplying company. The application can be reached via
the short-word input...