IDL Konsis

Report Definition
Report DefinitionTable of Contents1 Foreword and overview of the interrelationships2 'Report-Ident' (RID) and 'Report-Ident individual record' (RIDE)3 'Report line definition' (REPZEI)3.1 Report line definition of individual records (REPZEIE)3.2 Prefix forming (Algebraic signs)4 'Column option report' (SPO)4.1 Individual record report column option (SPOE)5 'Column description report' (SPA)5.1 I...
Report Definition REPDEF
Report Definition REPDEFTable of Contents1 Overview2 Create new report ident2.1 Report descriptions:2.2 Report attributes:2.3 Multilingual descriptions3 Editing of report ident3.1 Edit report ident using the wizard3.2 Editing of the report ident in the table4 Create a report line description4.1 Tree4.2 OLAP4.3 Preview4.4 Report lines4.5 Open tasks5 Editing of positions1 OverviewThe application ...
Report-ListsTable of Contents1 Foreword 2 Selection via the report directory header data 3 Actions in REP 4 Action selection in REPK 5 Creation of a report header (REPE) 5.1 Basis data 'Key data'5.2 General parameters 'Can-data' 5.3 Pre- or comparison parameters (compulsory for period report)5.4 Display control fields5.5 Print parameter5.6 Cost center and segment selection6 Split for group/sub-...
Report Column Definition
Report Column DefinitionTable of Contents1 Introduction2 Leading Column Options Table2.1 Column Options Overview2.2 Column Option Wizard3 Table 'Report Columns'3.1 Report Columns Overview3.2 Report Column Wizard4 Formulas1 IntroductionIDL Konsis enables you to present a unique report result in different ways. Among other things, this applies to the columns displayed in the report. The report re...
Report Result List
Report Result ListTable of Contents1 Error Messages During Reporter Creation1.1 Data f. g. xyz (Not Found) Group Companies) GES Valid? (CN 0763E)2 Missing or Incorrect Values2.1 Missing Balances and Postings2.2 Incorrect Values for Consolidation Postings2.3 Incorrect Values on Position Structure Positions (P6 Rows)1 Error Messages During Reporter Creation1.1 Data f. g. xyz (Not Found) Group Com...
Position Balances ex Reports
Position Balances ex ReportsTable of Contents1 Brief Description2 Selection Options3 Column Headers4 Actions5 Authorization1 Brief DescriptionThe POSSAL displays the current overview of the position balances of one or more companies or business units or groups for the respective selected fact and period.Position balances are generated at the level of partnership charts of accounts or the group ...
OLAP-Preparation and Application
OLAP-Preparation and ApplicationTable of Contents1 Introduction1.1 Two Steps of Transition2 IDL Konsis Adjustments2.1 Reports, Positions and Accounts2.2 Charts of Positions (POP)2.3 Positions (POS)2.4 Position and Account Allocations (POSKTO)2.5 Report Ident (REPDEF)2.6 Report Line Descriptions (REPDEF)2.7 MIS Parameter (MISPAR)3 MIS Parameter3.1 List "MIS Preparation/Parameters" (MISPAR)3.2 Wi...
Matrix Consolidation
Matrix ConsolidationContents1 Introduction / Definitions2 Implementation in IDL Konsis 2.1 Consolidation Postings2.1.1 Debt/Expense and Income Consolidation2.2 Manual Postings2.3 Aggregations in the Business Units2.4 Group Reports2.5 Details Postings3 Change Strategy for Customers3.1 New Facts3.2 New Database4 Special Features of Changes in the Consolidation Scope5 Special Features of Developme...
Derivation and presentation of HB I and postings with the aid of document classes (BKL) and BKL report
Derivation and presentation of HB I and postings with the aid of document classes (BKL) and BKL reportTable of Contents1 Introduction / disambiguation2 Formulation of the requirement3 Implementation in IDL Konsis 4 Note on the transition difference column1 Introduction / disambiguation The balances and transactions available on a fact in IDL KONSIS can be demonstrably changed via vouchers ...
Comparison report With results-based presentation The change
Comparison report With results-based presentation The changeTable of Contents1 Introduction / disambiguation2 Formulation of the requirement3 Implementation in IDL Konsis3.1 Requirements To The report Row Definition3.2 Transposition In The report Column Definitions4 Extradition1 Introduction / disambiguation Balance sheet Under Comparison report, an evaluation and profit and loss report (...
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