Graphic User Interface
Graphic User InterfaceTable of contents1 Start Screen and Navigation in IDL Konsis1.1 Resource List1.2 Short Word1.3 Navigation Bar2 Individual Settings2.1 View2.2 Options3 Toolbars3.1 The Global Toolbar3.2 Toolbars in Overviews and Applications4 Function Keys5 Overview Applications5.1 General5.2 Moving Table Columns / Table Selection5.3 Sorting Function5.4 Filtering Function5.5 Charts5.6 Sum F...
Colors of Status Flags
Colors of Status FlagsTable of Contents1 General2 Color Control in the Company Financial Statements + Monitor (EA)3 Color Control in the Group Financial Statement Monitor (KTKGES)4 Color Control in IC Clearing Overview1 GeneralThe respective characteristic, i.e. whether colors or icons are to be displayed, can be selected by the user in the options on the "Display" tab of the table.2 Color Cont...
Lock Functions
Lock FunctionsTable of Contents1 General1.1 Company Financial Statement1.2 Group Financial Statement1.3 Reports1 GeneralIf a database is fully processed and no further changes are to be made (e.g. following release by the auditor or following successful internal coordination), there are functions available to protect (block) these data portfolios against further changes, irrespective of the aut...
Check Sums
Check SumsTable of Contents1 Control Values1 Control ValuesWhat is a control value in IDL Konsis?A control value (sometimes called check digit) is a sequence of 32 bits, which is represented in IDL Konsis as a 10-digit numeric value. When displayed in a column for amounts, two decimal places (".00") are added.How is a control value formed?The calculation of a control value in IDL Konsis is carr...
Automatic Generation of Depreciations
Automatic Generation of DepreciationsTable of Contents1 General2 Setting up a Fixed Asset Object3 Method of Calculation for the Various Types of depreciation postings4 Generation of Postings5 Examples and Sources of Errors5.1 1st example Straight-line depreciation5.2 2nd example Straight-line depreciation in the following year5.3 3rd example historic consolidation with cumulative depreciation5....
Flags in FAC and ABR
Flags in FAC and ABRTable of Contents1 Button for Drill-Down Data2 Fact/Transaction Development Area (FACSBE)3 Period/Transaction Development Area (ABRSBE)4 Combinations of Entries in Data Types/Transaction Development Area (FACSBE) and Periods/Transaction Development Area
(ABRSBE)1 Button for Drill-Down Data
For each fact (application FAC) and settlement period (application ABR), i...