IDL Forecast
IDL Forecast
Table of contents
1 Introduction to IDL Forecast
2 Optional settings
2.1 Main menu
2.2 Scenario
3 Overview
3.1 General view
4 Scenarios
4.1 Converting scenarios
4.2 Managing scenarios
4.3 Master data for scenario creation
4.4 Account aggregation
4.5 Creating a new scenario
4.6 Loading a scenario
4.7 Deleting a scenario / a company
4.8 Copying a scenario
4.9 Renaming a scena...
Forecast Monitor
Forecast Monitor
Table of contents
1 Introduction
2 Forecast Monitor
2.1 Display scenario
2.2 Status display
2.3 Planning steps
2.4 Edit Forecast Monitor
2.5 Subsequent applications
3 Forecast Sequences
3.1 Create and edit Forecast Sequences
3.2 Execute Forecast Sequences
4 Forecast Sequence Parameters
4.1 Create and edit Forecast Sequence Parameters
4.2 Apply Forecast Sequence Parame...
Forecast Logs
Forecast Logs
Table of contents
1 Introduction
2 Forecast logs
2.1 Logging of user actions that have been carried out in the scenario
2.2 Logging of actions carried out via the planning monitor
1 Introduction
The forecast log application (FCSTLG) initially informs you of all of the planning
steps performed for a scenario in the planning monitor (FMTR) by providing you with
IC Counter Planning
IC Counter Planning
Table of contents
1 Introduction
2 Performing IC Counter-Planning
2.1 Create IC profile and define account assignments
2.2 Create a new scenario with IC counter-planning
2.3 Balance takeover from IC counter-planning in the reconciliation overview
2.4 Plausibility check
1 Introduction
If a company plans to generate sales with a partner company that belongs to the g...